
Flexible, Safe and Simple Multi-Consumer/Producer Clojure Pipelines



Flexible, Safe, and Simple Multi-Consumer/Producer Clojure Pipelines


  • Configure number of producers and consumers independently for each queue in
    the pipeline.
  • Supports any DAG-esque topology
  • Native support for queue partitioning (i.e. consumers will be fed batches)
  • "Done" trickles through the pipeline; easily determine when the entire computation
    is done
  • Any part of the pipeline can be prematurely shutdown before producers are done
  • Safe, caters to handling failing consumers and producers
  • Exposes queues to your application for simple monitoring etc.
  • Fast

Why pipejine?

For more information on what inspired pipejine and its potential uses in your application, see the blog post. If you'd just like to see a sample usage, check out this example: example.


pipejine is released on Clojars, and a history of releases may be found there, in addition to the tags in the repository.

The Most Recent Release

With Leiningen, add it to your dependencies in project.clj:

[pipejine "0.1.3"]


The main namespace for pipejine is pipejine.core.

Creating a Queue

A pipeline is composed of work queues, which apply a consuming function to items placed into them, and produce the result into one or more other queues further downstream.

A queue is created by passing a configuration map to the new-queue function. The configuration keys and their effects are:

:name : The name of the queue; used by logging functions.

:queue-size : The maximum size of the underlying LinkedBlockingQueue. Defaults to 1 if not set. When the queue is filled, any processes attempting to place items into it with offer will block until a spot is available.

:number-of-consumer-threads : Number of consumers threads operating upon the queue to create. Defaults to 1.

:number-of-producers : Number of producer queues placing items into this queue. Defaults to 1.

:partition : pipejine supports automatic batching of items before producing them into the next queue.

This key controls the size of those batches. This comes with the caveat that
only a single consumer thread can be operating in partition queues. If
anything other than 0 or an integer is passed the accumulator will continue
to gather items until all producers register they are finished sending items
into the queue. The default behaviour is **not** to partition.

:time-out : How long a consumer thread should wait for an item from the queue to become available before aborting. Time specified in milliseconds.

;; Trivial Example
(new-queue {:name "q1"
             :queue-size 5
             :number-of-consumer-threads 5
             :number-of-producers 1})

Chaining Queues, Producing & Consuming Items

Processing Queue Items (Consumer Functions)

Once you have a queue created, you need to provide it with a consuming function to apply against items placed into it.

This is done with the spawn-consumers function, which takes a queue and a function as arguments. The function should have an arity of one. For example, assuming you have a queue named q1 in scope, a function that:

  1. Took an item and logged it
  2. Incremented the value and logged this new value
  3. Produced it into another queue, q2

Could be written like this:

(spawn-consumers q1 (fn [x]
                      (log/debug (str "Value before computation " x))
                      (let [x-computation (inc x)]
                        (log/debug (str "Value after computation " x-computation))
                        (produce q2 x-computation))))

Any item placed into q1 will be taken off the top of the queue, have this function called with it as the argument, i.e. (f item), and the resulting value placed into q2.

Producing Items (Filling Queues)

As briefly mentioned in the previous example, you can place an item into a queue with the produce function.

It takes a queue as its first argument, and a value as the second. If the queue is aborted, it will return immediately. If the queue is full, it will attempt to offer the item for the time-out specified when the queue was created.

(produce q1 1)

When no more items will be placed into a queue, call produce-done with the queue as the argument to register that it may be shutdown when all items are finished processing:

(dotimes [i 20]
    (produce q1 i))
(produce-done q1)

Chaining Queues (Registering Producers)

The final step in configuring a chain is registering the producers for each queue.

This is done using the producer-of function. It takes the Queue to be registered as a producer of subsequent queues as the first argument. For example, say you had a q1 that places items into queues q2 and q3 downstream, in a forked configuration:

  /  \
q2    q3

You would register q1 as producer for these two like so:

(producer-of q1 q2 q3)

Using the thrush macro makes it slightly easier for humans to parse this: (->> q1 (producer-of q2 q3)) can be read as "Queue 1 is a producer of items for Queue 2 and Queue 3".