
Open, single dispatch functions.


#+STARTUP: hidestars showall

  • polyfn Open, single dispatch polymorphism. ** Usage Leiningen dependency information:

    : [name.stadig/polyfn "2.0.0"]

    Maven dependency information:

    : : name.stadig : polyfn : 2.0.0 :

    Define a polyfn. : (require '[name.stadig.polyfn :refer [defpolyfn extend-polyfn]]) : (defpolyfn foo [exp])

    Define some implementations for specific types. : (extend-polyfn foo Long [exp] (inc exp)) : (extend-polyfn foo String [exp] "Hello, World!")

    Use it. : (foo 1) => 2 : (foo "string") => "Hello, World!" : (foo 1.0) => #<IllegalArgumentException java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No implementation of polyfn: #'user/foo found for class: java.lang.Double>

    Oops, there is no implementation for Double, let's define one for java.lang.Number. : (extend-polyfn foo Number [exp] Number) : (foo 1.0) => java.lang.Number

    The rest of the implementations remain the same : (foo 1) => 2 : (foo "string") => "Hello, World!"

    Open, single dispatch polymorphism. Enjoy! ** License : Copyright (c) Paul Stadig. All rights reserved. : Portions Copyright (c) Paul Stadig and Rich Hickey. All rights reserved. : : The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the Eclipse : Public License 1.0 (http://opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php) which can : be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution. By using : this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by the terms of : this license. You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this : software.