
The react tutorial rewritten in Om



The React tutorial rewritten in Om. Here's a version of the tutorial that provides a guided, step-by-step tutorial.


Like many, swannodette's post about the release of Om got me really excited. Check out the post if you haven't.

I worked through the React tutorial yesterday in JS(X), and did it today in Om. I would definitely recommend doing it in that order.

I've tried to stay really close in concept to the original tutorial, but made the following substitutions to be as idiomatic as possible:

The original react tutorial repo includes a nodejs server; therefore, this one has a Clojure one. run lein ring server to fire it up.



For getting the latest version of CLJS and Om, follow swannodette's instructions here.

  • Client: lein cljsbuild once dev
  • Server: lein ring server