
A Clojure wrapper over Resilience4j

MIT License


Resilience for Clojure

A Clojure wrapper over the great library Resilience4j to provide fault tolerance to your service. Picked a lot of ideas from another great library diehard. Many thanks to both of them.

Usage Examples

As you may expected, it has Circuit Breaker, Retry, Bulkhead, Rate Limiter.

And there's also an example to show how to use them all together here and how to handle exceptions here.

Further more, it has examples to create a Registry to collect Circuit Breaker, Retry, Rate Limiter and Bulkhead that scattered everywhere and manage them together. And examples to set listeners to consume events from your Circuit Breaker, Retry, Rate Litmiter to monitor their state or metrics in real time.

Circuit Breaker

(require '[resilience.breaker :as breaker]
         '[resilience.core :as resilience])

;; define a breaker
;; when over 80% of the last 30 requests failed, the breaker will open for one second
(breaker/defbreaker my-breaker 
  {:failure-rate-threshold 80.0
   :ring-buffer-size-in-closed-state 30
   :wait-millis-in-open-state 1000})

;; do something with the protection of the breaker
(resilience/execute-with-breaker my-breaker


(require '[resilience.retry :as retry]
         '[resilience.core :as resilience])

;; define a retry
;; retry the request at most 3 times with a one second interval when any exception occurs
(retry/defretry my-retry
  {:max-attempts 3
   :wait-millis 1000})

;; do something with the protection of the retry
(resilience/execute-with-retry my-retry


(require '[resilience.bulkhead :as bulkhead]
         '[resilience.core :as resilience])

;; define a bulkhead
;; allow at most 3 parallel executions 
(bulkhead/defbulkhead my-bulkhead
  {:max-concurrent-calls 3
   :max-wait-millis 1000})

;; do something with the protection of the bulkhead
(resilience/execute-with-bulkhead my-bulkhead

And there's a thread pool version bulkhead. Please refer to doc to know how to use it. In terms of use, it's similar to the normal version bulkhead showed above.

Rate Limiter

(require '[resilience.ratelimiter :as ratelimiter]
         '[resilience.core :as resilience])

;; define a ratelimiter
;; allow at most 10 requests per second
(ratelimiter/defratelimiter my-ratelimiter
  {:limit-for-period 10
   :limit-refresh-period-nanos 1000
   :timeout-millis 1000})

;; do something with the protection of the ratelimiter
(resilience/execute-with-ratelimiter my-ratelimiter

Use the resilience family all together

(require '[resilience.breaker :as breaker]
         '[resilience.bulkhead :as bulkhead]
         '[resilience.retry :as retry]
         '[resilience.ratelimiter :as ratelimiter]
         '[resilience.core :as resilience])

;; define a breaker
(breaker/defbreaker my-breaker 
  {:failure-rate-threshold 80.0
   :ring-buffer-size-in-closed-state 30
   :wait-millis-in-open-state 1000})

;; define a retry
(retry/defretry my-retry
  {:max-attempts 3
   :wait-millis 1000})

;; define a bulkhead
(bulkhead/defbulkhead my-bulkhead
  {:max-concurrent-calls 3
   :max-wait-millis 1000})

;; define a ratelimiter
(ratelimiter/defratelimiter my-ratelimiter
  {:limit-for-period 10
   :limit-refresh-period-nanos 5000
   :timeout-millis 1000})

;; use them all together
  [:retry my-retry :breaker my-breaker :bulkhead my-bulkhead :rate-limiter my-ratelimiter]

;; an alternative way
  (do (do-something)
  (resilience/with-retry my-retry)
  (resilience/with-breaker my-breaker)
  (resilience/with-bulkhead my-bulkhead)
  (resilience/with-rate-limiter my-ratelimiter))

Please note that the second parameter passed to with-resilience-family is a list. It means the order of the family members is matters. Such as usually you need to put retry policy before circuit breaker to insure that when the circuit breaker is open you do not retry further in vain. And the same is for using execute in which you need to mind the order of those with-* forms.

Exception Handling

What we missing until now is how to handle exceptions thrown by resilience family members. Most of resilience family members have their corresponding exceptions which will be thrown when certain conditions match. Such as when circuit breaker is open, the subsequent requests will trigger CallNotPermittedException in circuit breaker. And for bulkhead, when bulkhead is full, the subsequent parallel requests will trigger BulkheadFullException in bulkhead. What is matters here is that sometimes you need to handle these exceptions respectively which force you to add try block with many catch to protect your codes and react to different exceptions with different behavior. Finally, they will make your codes not as concise as above examples. After adding exceptions handling stuff, the example before may looks like this:

    [:retry my-retry :breaker my-breaker :bulkhead my-bulkhead :rate-limiter my-ratelimiter]
  (catch CallNotPermittedException ex
    (log-circuit-breaker-open-and-return-a-fallback-value ex))
  (catch BulkheadFullException ex
    (log-bulkhead-full-and-return-a-fallback-value ex))
  (catch RequestNotPermitted ex
    (log-request-not-permitted-and-return-a-fallback-value ex))
  (catch Exception ex
    (log-unexpected-exception-and-return-a-fallback-value ex)))

We provide another way to handle exceptions which may a little more concise in certain circumstances. Using execute with recover form like this:

  (do (do-something)
  (resilience/with-retry my-retry)
  (resilience/with-breaker my-breaker)
  (resilience/with-bulkhead my-bulkhead)
  (resilience/with-rate-limiter my-ratelimiter)
  (resilience/recover-from CallNotPermittedException log-circuit-breaker-open-and-return-a-fallback-value)
  (resilience/recover-from BulkheadFullException log-bulkhead-full-and-return-a-fallback-value)
  (resilience/recover-from RequestNotPermitted log-request-not-permitted-and-return-a-fallback-value)
  (resilience/recover log-unexpected-exception-and-return-a-fallback-value))

;; or if you wish to handle several exceptions in the same way like what catching multiple 
;; exception types in Java did, you can list all exceptions you want to catch in `recover-from` 
;; and provide a single handling function
  (do (do-something)
  (resilience/with-retry my-retry)
  (resilience/with-breaker my-breaker)
  (resilience/with-bulkhead my-bulkhead)
  (resilience/with-rate-limiter my-ratelimiter)
  (resilience/recover-from [CallNotPermittedException BulkheadFullException RequestNotPermitted]
  (resilience/recover log-unexpected-exception-and-return-a-fallback-value))

But we did admit that there's not much difference between this two ways. Usually you can just choose any one style of them and stick on it.

Also, an optional finally is supported in recover. For example we have codes like the previous one but want a finaly block like:

  (catch Exception ex
    (log-unexpected-exception-and-return-a-fallback-value ex))
  (finally (do-some-clean-up)))

We could use execute with recover form like this:

  (do ...some-thing)
  (resilience/recover-from ...)
  (resilience/recover log-unexpected-exception-and-return-a-fallback-value


All of Circuit Breaker, Retry, Rate Limiter can register to their corresponding Registry and use Registry as a management tool. Take Circuit Breaker as an example. You can use Circuit Breaker Registry to create, retrieve and monitor all your Circuit Breaker instances registered to it. Like:

(require '[resilience.breaker :as breaker]
         '[resilience.core :as resilience])

;; define a Circuit Breaker Registry
(breaker/defregistry my-breaker-registry
  {:failure-rate-threshold           80.0
   :wait-millis-in-open-state        1000
   :ring-buffer-size-in-closed-state 30})

;; define a breaker and register it to the Circuit Breaker Registry 
;; the new breaker will inherit configuration from the Registry
(breaker/defbreaker my-registered-breaker {:registry my-breaker-registry})

;; then we can use the circuit breaker as usual
(resilience/execute-with-breaker my-breaker

;; and from the Registry we can get all circuit breakers registered to it
(doseq [cb (breaker/get-all-breakers my-breaker-registry)]
  (let [state (breaker/state cb)
        metrics (breaker/metrics cb)]
    (do-some-monitoring-stuff cb state metrics)))

Consume emitted events

CircuitBreaker, RateLimiter, and Retry components emit a stream of events which can be consumed.

Still take CircuitBreaker as an example.

(require '[resilience.breaker :as breaker]
         '[resilience.core :as resilience])
(import '(resilience.breaker CircuitBreakerEventListener))

;; define a breaker like before
(breaker/defbreaker my-breaker 
  {:failure-rate-threshold 80.0
   :ring-buffer-size-in-closed-state 30
   :wait-millis-in-open-state 1000})

;; set consumer for on-success event
(set-on-success-event-consumer! my-breaker (fn [elapsed-millis] (log/info ...)))

;; set consumer for on-error-event
(set-on-error-event-consumer! my-breaker (fn [throwable elapsed-millis] (log/info ...)))

;; set consumer for on-state-transition-event
(set-on-state-transition-event-consumer! my-breaker (fn [from-state to-state] (log/info ...)))

;; omit other available events you can consume to
;; please refer to the doc or the codes to get more details

;; and you can set all consumer functions for events in one call
(let [consumer-fn-map {:on-success          (fn [elapsed-millis]
                                              (log/info ...))
                       :on-error            (fn [throwable elapsed-millis]
                                              (log/info ...))
                       :on-state-transition (fn [from-state to-state]
                                              (log/info ...))
  (set-on-all-event-consumer! my-breaker consumer-fn-map))


For more details you can refer to documentation in here


Copyright 2020 Rui Guo. Released under the MIT License.