
Riemann plugin for collecting JMX statistics from the running JVM

OTHER License



A riemann plugin for periodically collecting JMX stats from the JVM it is running in.


After cloning the repo, you can build the plugin using leiningen

lein uberjar

This will create a plugin jar named riemann-mbeans-x.y.z-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar which you can include into your java classpath, e.g.:

java -cp /usr/lib/riemann/riemann.jar:/usr/lib/riemann/riemann-mbeans-0.2.1-SNAPSHOT-standalone-up.jar riemann.bin start /etc/riemann/riemann.config

On Debian or Red Hat you could also add the classpath using the EXTRA_CLASSPATH variable available in /etc/default/riemann or /etc/sysconfig/riemann respectively.





This will collect the default stats every 10 seconds.

Custom beans

(let [beans [{:mbean "java.lang:type=Memory" :property :HeapMemoryUsage :attribute :used}
             {:mbean "java.lang:type=Runtime" :property :Uptime}]]
	(mbeans/instrumentation {:interval 10 :mbeans beans}))

This will collect two beans every 10 seconds.

Custom beans with custom service name

(mbeans/instrumentation {:interval 10 :mbeans [{:mbean "java.lang:type=Runtime" :property :Uptime :service "the jvm's uptime"}]})

This will collect one bean and override its service name.

Custom beans with deep nesting

  {:interval 60
   :mbeans [{:mbean "java.lang:type=GarbageCollector,name=ParNew"
             :traverse (list :LastGcInfo :memoryUsageAfterGc (keyword "Code Cache") :value :used)}]})

This will collect one bean every 60 seconds using the :traverse option to get values like:

(-> (jmx/read mbean :LastGcInfo) :memoryUsageAfterGc (keyword "Code Cache") :value :used)


This function will add a service to the riemann core that will periodically retrieve JMX mbeans. You can run the function standalone.


Or you can call it with options.

(mbeans/instrumentation opts)

The map opts should contain two keys:

  • :interval - collection interval in seconds (defaults to 10).
  • :mbeans - sequence of hash maps describing the beans to collect (See clojure/java.jmx). Every element of mbeans should contain the following keys:
    • :mbean - the name of the bean.
    • :property - the bean's property to collect.
    • :attribute - the property's attribute to collect (optional if the property is scalar).
    • :traverse list of nested attributes to collect, first item being the property
      (if used then do not use :property or :attribute)
    • :service - the name of the riemann event's service.
      This defaults to the concatenation of either the property and attribute or the traversal values
      to the mbean name.

The service should behave as expected with respect to a configuration reload!


  • If one bean fails, nothing will be reported