
Track and log workouts, PRs, cycles, and follow progressions all in the same place



Install Clojure

Instructions here.

TLRD (install java and clj tools)

brew tap homebrew/cask-versions
brew install --cask temurin17
java --version # check that java is installed
# might need to add java to your path explicitly
echo 'export PATH="/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/temurin-17.jdk/Contents/Home/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc

brew install clojure/tools/clojure

Install babashka

brew install borkdude/brew/babashka

Copy config-template.edn to config.edn

cp config-template.edn config.edn

Start the app

Run bb dev to get started. See bb tasks for other commands.

Install Calva

Add the Calva extention to vscode (assuming you don't want to code in Emacs).

Once the app is started, hit CMD+SHIFT+P then type "Calva: Connect" (or CTRL+OPTION+C CTRL+OPTION+C) then select deps.edn from the dropdown menu.

Now the repl is connected and you cant hit OPTION+ENTER to evaluate s-expressions.

Add default data to DB

Connect to the repl.

Then head to src/com/spicy/repl.clj and evaluate the file (CTRL+OPTION+C ENTER)

Move your cursor to line 28 and evaluate the form OPTION+ENTER.

Now you will have 3 users, some workouts, and 2 workout results for each user in your database.

Logging in

Type an email into the sign up or sign in form then take the URL that's printed out in your terminal and paste it into the browser.