
A simple, partly typesafe query-library for Cloudflares D1 database


D1 Query

A simple, partly typesafe library for flexible queries against a Cloudflare D1 database


  • Stay as true to SQL as possible, don't invent new lingo
  • Automatic generation of types from your d1 database-schema
  • Typesafe as far as possible without complicating the syntax too much
  • Flexible, chain statements in any order, one big query or branching from a base-query


This project is in early days. The aim is to help out with simpler, basic SQL-queries. Not all methods have detailed types. Used in prod @ Shadr.net


yarn add d1-query
# or
npm install d1-query

Generate types (depends on bun and wrangler binaries)

# Execute this in the same directory as wrangler.toml
# Writes to file "d1-query-types.ts"
bun ./node_modules/d1-query/typegen.ts


Simple query

// The following 2 lines can with advantages be put in a standalone "db.ts" exporting d1
import {Database} from "d1-query-types"; // auto-generated with d1-queries typegen.ts
const d1 = new D1Query<Database["blog"]>(); // create a typed startingpoint for the query

// without explicit select("something") d1-query assumes select("*")
const posts = await d1
  .where("public", "=", 1)
  .orderBy("created_at DESC")

Flexible branching queries

const users = d1
  .where("deleted", "=", 0)
  .orderBy("created_at DESC");

const admins = await users.where("role", "=", "admin").all();
const moderators = await users.where("role", "=", "moderator").all();
const developers = await users.where("role", "=", "developer").all();


Coming from Rails / Active Record this pattern can look familiar:

class PostTable extends D1Query<Database["blog"], "posts"> {
  async latestPosts(limit = 10) {
    return this.select("*, users.name as user_name")
      .on("posts.user_id", "=", "users.id")
      .orderBy("created_at DESC")
export const postTable = new PostTable({table: "posts"});
import {postTable} from "./PostTable";
const top5 = await postTable.latestPost(5);

With Remix

export async function loader({context}: LoaderFunctionArgs) {
  // "DB" is the binding from wrangler.toml, "Database" is a (by d1-query:s typegen.ts) generated interface
  const d1 = new D1Query<Database["blog"]>({db: context.cloudflare.env.DB});
  const latestPosts = await d1.from("posts").orderBy("created_at DESC").limit(10).all();
  return json({latestPosts});

Fallback to SQL

// returns an array of User
const list = await d1.sql<User>("SELECT * FROM users WHERE age >= ? AND age <= ?", minAge, maxAge);
// returns an User
const row = await d1.sqlFirst<User>("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ?", id);