
Automate DNS updates and rollbacks across multiple providers using DNSControl and GitHub Actions.


DNSControl Actions

Easily update, push, and rollback your DNS configuration using DNSControl and GitHub Actions


  • DNS configuration CD/CI using DNSControl and GitHub Actions.
  • Preview DNS changes upon each update to dnsconfig.js.
  • Manual push configuration for safer DNS updates.
  • Option to rollback to a previous DNS configuration in case of errors.
  • Support for multiple DNS providers for enhanced redundancy.
  • Optional: send notification via Apprise on rollback

How to Use


  • Clone or fork this repository
  • If You forked it set repository visibility to private

Setup Credentials:

  • Refer to creds.json for example configurations of popular DNS providers.
  • Populate the appropriate fields with your credentials.
  • For security, use repository action secrets for sensitive information (e.g., CLOUDFLARE_API_USER and CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN).
  • Remember to give workflows read/write permissions (https://github.com/user/repo/settings/actions)

Configure DNS:

  • Edit and save your DNS settings in dnsconfig.js.
  • This will automatically trigger the "Update DNS" action.

Push Configuration:

  • After the update action has successfully executed, you can manually trigger the "Push Configuration" action to propagate DNS updates.

Rollback (if needed):

  • If there are issues with the DNS update, manually trigger the "Rollback" action to restore the previous configuration.

Advanced Configuration

  • Multi-provider Redundancy: Define multiple DNS providers in dnsconfig.js to achieve redundancy across providers. Example: Using both Cloudflare and AWS.
  • Note: When using Cloudflare's proxying feature in combination with another DNS provider, ensure you handle the logic behind these proxies.
Extracted from project README
Update DNS Configuration Rollback DNS Configuration