
🚌 • community maintained APIs for Poland's public transport


🌐 Sources

Status Version City Notes
v1 Zielona Góra Scrapes directly from mzk.zgora.pl
v1 Gorzów Wielkopolski Scrapes directly from mzk-gorzow.com.pl
🔁 - Wrocław Issue and other one
🔁 - Bieława Issue
🔁 - Kalisz Issue

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✨ Features

  • 🔌 CORS: fetch data in your cool webapp
  • 🥰 Fully Free: no keys and ratelimits, open-source - you can deploy your own instance
  • 💨 Fast: headers-based caching
  • 🔒 Safe: validates data to check external servers

💖 Instances

This project is proudly powered by Cloudflare Workers. You can deploy your own instance for free, 100k requests/day.

You can also use these public instances:

🔌 Routes

Zielona Góra

Gorzów Wielkopolski

🌌 Used by

Does your project use this API? Feel free to add it there!

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🕶 Related

📜 License

Extracted from project README
Deploy to Cloudflare Workers