
Spotify API for your playback powered by Cloudflare Workers

MIT License


Spotify API for your playback

  • /now-playing returns current state of playback in your Spotify
  • /top-tracks - return your top-10 tracks

Requirements: node >= v14.16.0 yarn >= 1.22.10

Deploy Clouduflare Worker

  • Run yarn in folder with the project to get dependencies installed
  • Run yarn auth and authorize on Cloudflare
  • Run yarn deploy for deploying the worker
  • Open Cloudflare Workers page in the browser
  • Create a new application at Spotify Developers interface or use an existing
  • Open settings and add address to auth endpoint to Redirect URIs. The URL should be looks like %domain/auth. Example
  • Add your Spotify Client ID to environment variables for the deployed worker as SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID
  • Add your Spotify Client Secret to environment variables for the deployed worker as SPOTIFY_CLIENT_SECRET with encryption
  • Edit ENV variable and set it to production
  • Find domain of your worker (it'll be shown with message Deployed to %domain on the worker page)
  • Go by your worker address in the browser. Example:
  • Go through the authorization process. After authorization you'll be redirected to page with JSON
  • Copy refresh_token and it to environment variables as SPOTIFY_REFRESH_TOKEN with encryption

Finally you can open %domain/now-playing or %domain/top-tracks. For example or

Run Development

Install Dependencies

  • Run yarn in folder with the project to get dependencies installed
  • You can create a new application at Spotify Developers interface or use an existing
  • In settings of your Spotify App add http://localhost:8787/auth to Redirect URIs
  • Add your Spotify Client ID to wrangler.toml
  • Add Spotify Client Secret to secrets with:
    wrangler secrets set SPOTIFY_CLIENT_SECRET
  • Open http://localhost:8787/auth
  • Go through the authorization process. After authorization you'll be redirected to page with JSON
  • Copy refresh_token and set it as a secret wrangler secrets set SPOTIFY_REFRESH_TOKEN
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