
Find places and Draw on Map using Google Maps API

MIT License


Search Map

Find places, Draw on Map, and Show Current Location using Google Maps API

What's New?

  1. Get place/area in real time
  2. Login before saving a place
  3. New navigation menu display


  1. PHP - CodeIgniter 3.1.9
  2. CSS - Bulma and Animate.css
  3. JavaScript - Pusher.js, Vue.js 2.5.17, Lodash 4.17.10, Validate.js 0.12.0, Moment.js 2.22.2, Particles.js 2.0.0, Wow.js, and Axios
  4. Google Maps API Places API For Web and Maps Javascript API


  1. Clone or Download this Project
  2. If Download, rename this Project to searchmap and move it to xampp/htdocs or var/www/html or like
  3. Type the composer update in the Project folder
  4. Open file application/views/core/layouts/app.php
  5. Change API_KEY with Your API_KEY
  6. Open file application/controllers/Pusher.php
  7. Change KEY_1, KEY_2, and KEY_3 with Your KEY
  8. Create Database with name searchmap and import file searchmap.sql

How To Get API_KEY?

Plase visit Google Developers

How To Get KEY_1, KEY_2, or KEY_3?

Please visit Pusher

How To Run?

Plase visit http://localhost/searchmap


  1. Google Maps API - Link
  2. Pusher - Link
  3. Vue.js - Link
  4. Lodash - Link
  5. Validate.js - Link
  6. Particles.js - Link
  7. Moment.js - Link
  8. Wow.js - Link
  9. Bulma - Link
  10. Animate.css - Link
