
🐳 PHP Docker Image for CodeIgniter4 development

MIT License


Docker Image for CodeIgniter4 development

This repository provides you a development environment without requiring you to install PHP, a web server, and any other server software on your local machine. For this, it requires Docker and Docker Compose.

Basic example to create your container (tested on Ubuntu 20.04 - Docker version 20.10.11, build dea9396 - docker-compose version 1.25.0 ):

NOTE: This package is under early development and is not ready for prime-time.

The old version is still available in the branch called "old"

Build Image

Clone thi repository and run:


start the container with php 7.4:

docker container run -it --publish 80:80 --name ci4 -v /localfolder:/var/www/html codeigniter4.2.3:7.4.30-apache

start the container with php 8.0:

docker container run -it --publish 80:80 --name ci4 -v /localfolder:/var/www/html codeigniter4.2.3:8.0.20-apache

start the container with php 8.1:

docker container run -it --publish 80:80 --name ci4 -v /localfolder:/var/www/html codeigniter4.2.3:8.1.9-apache


  1. Install docker and docker-compose ;

  2. Copy docker-compose.yml file to your project root path, and edit it according to your needs ;

  3. Uncomment, in the docker-compose.yml file, the image you want to use it ;

  4. From your project directory, start up your application by running:

docker-compose up -d
  1. From your project directory, stop your application by running:
docker-compose down --volumes

Environment variables summary:

Environment file

allowed values are: [0, 1]

  • REGEN_ENV_FILE - if 1, the .env file will be created and overwritten when the container starts

App Configuration

  • CI_ENVIRONMENT - ENVIRONMENT [production, develompent, tests]
  • APP_BASE_URL - URL to your CodeIgniter root. Typically this will be your base URL, WITH a trailing slash [http://localhost/]
  • APP_FORCE_GLOBAl_SECURE_REQUESTS - If true, this will force every request made to this application to be made via a secure connection (HTTPS) [true, false]

App Session

  • APP_SESSION_DRIVER - [CodeIgniter\Session\Handlers\FileHandler]
  • APP_SESSION_COOCKIE_NAME - [ci_session]
  • APP_SESSION_MATCH_CHIP - [true, false]
  • APP_CSP_ENABLED - [true, false]

Default Database Configuration

  • DB_DEFAULT_HOSTNAME - default hostname []
  • DB_DEFAULT_DATABASE - default database name
  • DB_DEFAULT_USERNAME - default database username
  • DB_DEFAULT_PASSWORD - default database password
  • DB_DEFAULT_DRIVER - default database driver [MySQLi, SQLSRV, Postgre, OCI8, SQLite3]
  • DB_DEFAULT_PORT - default database port [3306, 1443, 5432, 1521]
  • DB_DEFAULT_PREFIX - default database prefix

Tests Database Configuration

  • DB_TESTS_HOSTNAME - tests hostname []

  • DB_TESTS_DATABASE - tests database name

  • DB_TESTS_USERNAME - tests database username

  • DB_TESTS_PASSWORD - tests database password

  • DB_TESTS_DRIVER - tests database driver [MySQLi, SQLSRV, Postgre, OCI8, SQLite3]

  • DB_TESTS_PORT - tests database port [3306, 1443, 5432, 1521]

  • DB_TESTS_PREFIX - tests database prefix

  • DB_DEFAULT_PREFIX - default database prefix

Content Secure Policy Configuration

  • CONTENT_SECURE_POLICY_REPORT_ONLY - Default CSP report context [true, false]
  • CONTENT_SECURE_POLICY_DEFAULT_SRC - Will default to self if not overridden [none]
  • CONTENT_SECURE_POLICY_SCRIPT_SRC - Lists allowed scripts' URLs [self]
  • CONTENT_SECURE_POLICY_STYLE_SRC - Lists allowed stylesheets' URLs [self]
  • CONTENT_SECURE_POLICY_IMAGE_SRC - Defines the origins from which images can be loaded [self]
  • CONTENT_SECURE_POLICY_BASE_URI - Restricts the URLs that can appear in a page's <base> element [null]
  • CONTENT_SECURE_POLICY_CHILD_SRC - Lists the URLs for workers and embedded frame contents [null]
  • CONTENT_SECURE_POLICY_CONNECT_SRC - Limits the origins that you can connect to (via XHR, WebSockets, and EventSource)[self]
  • CONTENT_SECURE_POLICY_FONT_SRC - Specifies the origins that can serve web fonts [null]
  • CONTENT_SECURE_POLICY_FORM_ACTION - Lists valid endpoints for submission from <form> tags [null]
  • CONTENT_SECURE_POLICY_FRAME_ANCESTORS - Specifies the sources that can embed the current page [null]
  • CONTENT_SECURE_POLICY_RFAME_SRC - The frame-src directive restricts the URLs which may be loaded into nested browsing contexts [null]
  • CONTENT_SECURE_POLICY_MEDIA_SRC - Restricts the origins allowed to deliver video and audio [null]
  • CONTENT_SECURE_POLICY_OBJECT_SRC - Allows control over Flash and other plugins [null]
  • CONTENT_SECURE_POLICY_PLUGIN_TYPES - Limits the kinds of plugins a page may invoke [null]
  • CONTENT_SECURE_POLICY_REPORT_URI - Specifies a URL where a browser will send reports when a content security policy is violated [null]
  • CONTENT_SECURE_POLICY_SANDBOX - List of actions allowed [true, false]
  • CONTENT_SECURE_POLICY_UPGRADE_INSECURE_REQUESTS - Instructs user agents to rewrite URL schemes, changing HTTP to HTTPS. This directive is for websites with large numbers of old URLs that need to be rewritten[true, false]

Cookie Configuration

  • COOKIE_PREFIX - Set a cookie name prefix if you need to avoid collisions [``]
  • COOKIE_EXPIRES - Default expires timestamp for cookies [0]
  • COOKIE_PATH - Typically will be a forward slash [/]
  • COOKIE_DOMAIN - Set to for site-wide cookies [``]
  • COOKIE_SECURE - Cookie will only be set if a secure HTTPS connection exists [true, false]
  • COOKIE_HTTP_ONLY - Cookie will only be accessible via HTTP(S) (no JavaScript) [true, false]
  • COOKIE_SAME_SITE - Configure cookie SameSite setting [None, Lax, Strict, '']
  • COOKIE_RAW - This flag allows setting a "raw" cookie [true, false]

Encryption Configuration

  • ENCRYPTION_KEY - If you use the Encryption class you must set an encryption key (seed) [``]
  • ENCRYPTION_DRIVER - One of the supported encryption drivers [OpenSSL, Sodium]
  • ENCRYPTION_BLOCK_SIZE - This is the number of bytes that will be padded to the plaintext message before it is encrypted [16]
  • ENCRYPTION_DIGEST - HMAC digest to use [SHA256, SHA512]

Honeypot Configuration

  • HONEYPOT_HIDDEN - Makes Honeypot visible or not to human [true, false]
  • HONEYPOT_LABEL - Honeypot Label Content [Fill This Field]
  • HONEYPOT_NAME - Honeypot Field Name [honeypot]
  • HONEYPOT_TEMPLATE - Honeypot HTML Template [<label>{label}</label><input type="text" name="{name}" value=""/>]
  • HONEYPOT_CONTAINER - Honeypot container [<div style="display:none">{template}</div>]

Security Configuration

  • SECURITY_CSRF_PROTECTION - Protection Method for Cross Site Request Forgery protection [cookie, session]
  • SECURITY_TOKEN_RANDOMIZE - Randomize the CSRF Token for added security [true, false]
  • SECURITY_TOKEN_NAME - Token name for Cross Site Request Forgery protection [csrf_token_name]
  • SECURITY_HEADER_NAME - Header name for Cross Site Request Forgery protection [X-CSRF-TOKE]
  • SECURITY_COOKIE_NAME - Cookie name for Cross Site Request Forgery protection [csrf_cookie_name]
  • SECURITY_EXPIRES - Expiration time for Cross Site Request Forgery protection cookie [7200]
  • SECURITY_REGENERATE - Regenerate CSRF Token on every submission [true, false]
  • SECURITY_REDIRECT - Redirect to previous page with error on failure [true, false]
  • SECURITY_SAME_SITE - Setting for CSRF SameSite cookie token [None, Lax, Strict, '']

Logger Configuration

  • LOGGER_THRESHOLD - You can enable error logging by setting a threshold over zero [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
    • Threshold options are:
      • 0 = Disables logging, Error logging TURNED OFF
      • 1 = Emergency Messages - System is unusable
      • 2 = Alert Messages - Action Must Be Taken Immediately
      • 3 = Critical Messages - Application component unavailable, unexpected exception.
      • 4 = Runtime Errors - Don't need immediate action, but should be monitored.
      • 5 = Warnings - Exceptional occurrences that are not errors.
      • 6 = Notices - Normal but significant events.
      • 7 = Info - Interesting events, like user logging in, etc.
      • 8 = Debug - Detailed debug information.
      • 9 = All Messages

Curl Request Configuration

  • CURL_REQUEST_SHARE_OPTIONS - Whether share options between requests or not [true, false]

Sendmail Configuration

  • ROOT_EMAIL - The user that gets all mail for userids less than 1000. Ifblank, address rewriting is disabled.
  • MAIL_SERVER - The host to send mail to, in the form host.
  • MAIL_SERVER_PORT - The port to send mail to, in the form host.
  • MAIL_SERVER_USER - The user name to use for SMTP AUTH.
  • MAIL_SERVER_PASSWORD - The password to use for SMTP AUTH.
  • MAIL_SERVER_TLS - Specifies whether ssmtp uses TLS to talk to the SMTP server.
  • MAIL_SERVER_STARTTLS - Specifies whether ssmtp does a EHLO/STARTTLS before starting SSL negotiation.

List of Apache Modules pre-installed on these Docker images (apachectl -M)

  • core_module (static)
  • so_module (static)
  • watchdog_module (static)
  • http_module (static)
  • log_config_module (static)
  • logio_module (static)
  • version_module (static)
  • unixd_module (static)
  • access_compat_module (shared)
  • alias_module (shared)
  • auth_basic_module (shared)
  • authn_core_module (shared)
  • authn_file_module (shared)
  • authz_core_module (shared)
  • authz_host_module (shared)
  • authz_user_module (shared)
  • autoindex_module (shared)
  • cgi_module (shared)
  • deflate_module (shared)
  • dir_module (shared)
  • env_module (shared)
  • expires_module (shared)
  • fcgid_module (shared)
  • filter_module (shared)
  • headers_module (shared)
  • mime_module (shared)
  • mpm_prefork_module (shared)
  • negotiation_module (shared)
  • php_module (shared)
  • proxy_module (shared)
  • proxy_http_module (shared)
  • reqtimeout_module (shared)
  • rwrite_module (shared)
  • setenvif_module (shared)
  • socache_shmcb_module (shared)
  • ssl_module (shared)
  • status_module (shared)

List of PHP Modules pre-installed on these Docker images (php -m)

[PHP Modules]

  • amqp
  • ast
  • bcmath
  • bz2
  • calendar
  • Core
  • csv
  • ctype
  • curl
  • date
  • dba
  • decimal
  • dom
  • ds
  • enchant
  • ev
  • event
  • excimer
  • exif
  • FFI
  • fileinfo
  • filter
  • ftp
  • gd
  • geospatial
  • gettext
  • gmp
  • gnupg
  • grpc
  • hash
  • http
  • iconv
  • igbinary
  • imagick
  • imap
  • inotify
  • intl
  • json
  • json_post
  • ldap
  • libsmbclient
  • libxml
  • lzf
  • mailparse
  • maxminddb
  • mbstring
  • mcrypt
  • memcache
  • memcached
  • mongodb
  • msgpack
  • mysqli
  • mysqlnd
  • OAuth
  • oci8
  • odbc
  • opencensus
  • openssl
  • openswoole
  • pcntl
  • pcov
  • pcre
  • PDO
  • pdo_dblib
  • PDO_Firebird
  • pdo_mysql
  • pdo_pgsql
  • pdo_sqlite
  • pdo_sqlsrv
  • pgsql
  • Phar
  • posix
  • pspell
  • raphf
  • readline
  • redis
  • Reflection
  • SeasLog
  • session
  • shmop
  • SimpleXML
  • smbclient
  • snmp
  • soap
  • sockets
  • sodium
  • SPL
  • sqlite3
  • sqlsrv
  • ssh2
  • standard
  • tokenizer
  • uuid
  • xdebug
  • xml
  • xmldiff
  • xmlreader
  • xmlrpc
  • xmlwriter
  • xsl
  • yac
  • yaml
  • yar
  • Zend OPcache
  • zend_test
  • zephir_parser
  • zip
  • zlib
  • zstd

[Zend Modules]

  • Xdebug
  • Zend OPcache


You can find the changes made in the changelog file


Contributions are welcome! Leave an issue on Github, or create a Pull Request.


This work is under MIT licence.

Extracted from project README's
Docker Build Status Docker Stars Docker Image Version (tag latest semver) Docker Pulls Docker Image Size
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