
Report management framework for CodeIgniter 4

MIT License



Report management framework for CodeIgniter 4

Quick Start

  1. Install with Composer: > composer require tatter/reports
  2. Create your reports in App/Reports/
  3. Generate contents from CLI: > php spark reports:generate
  4. Access report content: $reports = new \App\Reports\MyReport(); $results = $reports->get();


Provides a concise, non-intrusive framework for writing database reports for CodeIgniter 4


Install easily via Composer to take advantage of CodeIgniter 4's autoloading capabilities and always be up-to-date:

  • > composer require tatter/reports

Or, install manually by downloading the source files and adding the directory to app/Config/Autoload.php.

Create reports

Once the library is included all the resources are ready to go and you are ready to start making your report classes. Reports are detected across any namespace so can come from your App\Reports namespace or any module under Reports. See ReportInterface for requirements when writing a report class.

Generate results

Once all the report classes are written, use the command-line interface to generate report results:

> php spark reports:generate

Each report class handles checking for missing report values so this command can be run routinely (e.g. by a daily cron).

Access results

Load the report class of choice and then pull whatever contents you need using its get() method. Called without parameters get() will return all contents straight from the database. Optionally you may specify criteria to the database query, e.g.:

$results = $reports->get([
	'user_id'       => 56,
	'created_at >=' => '2019-03-01',

Other parameters to get() allow recursive result grouping (e.g. $results[user_id][date] => contents) and ordering of returned content.