
Visual components library (jQuery, Bootstrap, Semantic-UI) for php & php MVC Frameworks

APACHE-2.0 License


Visual components library (JQuery UI, Twitter Bootstrap, Semantic-UI) for php and php MVC frameworks

phpMv-UI website

What's phpMv-UI ?

phpMv-UI is a visual components library for php : a php wrapper for jQuery and UI components (jQuery, Twitter Bootstrap, Semantic-UI).

Using the dependency injection, the jQuery object can be injected into php framework container, allowing for the generation of jQuery scripts in controllers, respecting the MVC design pattern.


  • PHP >= 7.0
  • JQuery >= 2.0.3
  • JQuery UI >= 1.10 [optional]
  • Twitter Bootstrap >= 3.3.2 [optional]
  • Semantic-UI >= 2.2 or Fomantic-UI >= 2.7 [optional]


I - Installation

Installing via Composer

Install Composer in a common location or in your project:

curl -s | php

Create the composer.json file in the app directory as follows:

    "require": {
        "phpmv/php-mv-ui": "^2.3"

In the app directory, run the composer installer :

php composer.phar install

Installing via Github

Just clone the repository in a common location or inside your project:

git clone

II PHP frameworks configuration

Library loading

phpMv-UI complies with PSR-4 recommendations for auto-loading classes. Whatever the php framework used, with "composer", it is enough to integrate the Composer autoload file.


Ubiquity configuration

Library loading

The library is already loaded by default in the config file app/config/config.php :

			"@exec"=>array("jquery"=>function ($controller){
						return \Ajax\php\ubiquity\JsUtils::diSemantic($controller);

Use in controllers

Example of creating a Semantic-UI button

 * @property \Ajax\php\ubiquity\JsUtils $jquery
class ExempleController extends Controller{
	public function index(){
		$button=$semantic->htmlButton("btTest","Test Button");
		echo $button;

Phalcon configuration

Library loading

Without Composer, It is possible to load the library with the app/config/loader.php file :

$loader = new \Phalcon\Loader();
		'Ajax' => __DIR__ . '/../vendor/phpmv/php-mv-ui/Ajax/'

Injection of the service

It is necessary to inject the JQuery service at application startup, in the service file app/config/services.php, and if necessary instantiate Semantic, Bootstrap or Jquery-ui :

    $jquery= new Ajax\php\phalcon\JsUtils();
    $jquery->semantic(new Ajax\Semantic());//for Semantic UI
    return $jquery;

Use in controllers

Example of creating a Semantic-UI button

use Phalcon\Mvc\Controller;
use Ajax\php\phalcon\JsUtils;
 * @property JsUtils $jquery
class ExempleController extends Controller{
	public function indexAction(){
		$button=$semantic->htmlButton("btTest","Test Button");
		echo $button;

CodeIgniter configuration

Library loading

If you want CodeIgniter to use a Composer auto-loader, just set $config['composer_autoload'] to TRUE or a custom path in application/config/config.php.

Then, it's necessary to create a library for the JsUtils class

Library creation

Create the library XsUtils (the name is free) in the folder application/libraries

use Ajax\php\ci\JsUtils;
class XsUtils extends Ajax\php\ci\JsUtils{
	public function __construct(){

Injection of the service

Add the loading of the XsUtils library in the file application/config/autoload.php

The jquery member will be accessible in the controllers

$autoload['libraries'] = array('XsUtils' => 'jquery');

Once loaded you can access your class in controllers using the $jquery member:


Laravel configuration

Library loading

If you do not use the Composer autoloader file, you can also load phpMv-UI with composer.json :

"autoload": {
    "classmap": [
    "psr-4": {
        "Ajax\\": "vendor/phpmv/php-mv-ui/Ajax"

Injection of the service

Register a Singleton in bootstrap/app.php file :

$app->singleton(Ajax\php\laravel\JsUtils::class, function($app){
	$result= new Ajax\php\laravel\JsUtils();
	$result->semantic(new Ajax\Semantic());
	return $result;

Then it is possible to inject the JsUtils class in the base class controllers constructor :

use Ajax\php\laravel\JsUtils;
class Controller extends BaseController{
    use AuthorizesRequests, AuthorizesResources, DispatchesJobs, ValidatesRequests;
    protected $jquery;

    public function __construct(JsUtils $js){
    	$this->jquery = $js;

    public function getJquery() {
    	return $this->jquery;

Yii configuration

Library loading

The classes in the installed Composer packages can be autoloaded using the Composer autoloader. Make sure the entry script of your application contains the following lines to install the Composer autoloader:

require(__DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php');
require(__DIR__ . '/../vendor/yiisoft/yii2/Yii.php');

In the same file, register a new dependency :

\Yii::$container->setSingleton("Ajax\php\yii\JsUtils",["bootstrap"=>new Ajax\Semantic()]);

Injection of the service

The JsUtils singleton can then be injected into controllers

namespace app\controllers;

use yii\web\Controller;
use Ajax\php\yii\JsUtils;

class SiteController extends Controller{
	protected $jquery;

	public function __construct($id, $module,JsUtils $js){
		parent::__construct($id, $module);

Symfony configuration

Library loading

If you do not use the Composer autoloader file, you can also load phpMv-UI with Ps4ClassLoader :

use Symfony\Component\ClassLoader\Psr4ClassLoader;

require __DIR__.'/lib/ClassLoader/Psr4ClassLoader.php';

$loader = new Psr4ClassLoader();
$loader->addPrefix('Ajax\\', __DIR__.'/lib/phpmv/php-mv-ui/Ajax');

Symfony 4

Create a service inheriting from JquerySemantic

namespace App\Services\semantic;

use Ajax\php\symfony\JquerySemantic;

class SemanticGui extends JquerySemantic{

Check that autowiring is activated in config/services.yml:

    # default configuration for services in *this* file
        autowire: true      # Automatically injects dependencies in your services.

You can then use dependency injection on properties, constructors or setters:

namespace App\Controller;

use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController;
use App\Services\semantic\SemanticGui;

BarController extends AbstractController{
	 * @var SemanticGui
	protected $gui;

    public function loadViewWithAjaxButtonAction(){
    	$bt=$this->gui->semantic()->htmlButton('button1','a button');
    	return $this->gui->renderView("barView.html.twig");

Symfony 3

Injection of the service

Create 2 services in the app/config/services.yml file :

  • The first for the JsUtils instance
  • The second for the controller
        semantic: true
        class: Ajax\php\symfony\JsUtils 
        arguments: [%jquery.params%,'@router']
        scope: request
        class: AppBundle\Controller\DefaultController 
        arguments: ['@service_container','@jquery']

It is then possible to inject the Symfony container and the JsUtils service in the controller constructor :

namespace AppBundle\Controller;

use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Route;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerInterface;
use Ajax\php\symfony\JsUtils;
use AppBundle\AppBundle;

 * @Route(service="app.default_controller")
class DefaultController extends Controller{
	 * @var Ajax\php\symfony\JsUtils
	protected $jquery;

	public function __construct(ContainerInterface $container,JsUtils $js){
		$this->jquery= $js;

CakePhp configuration

Component creation

Copy the file JsUtilsComponent.php located in vendor/phpmv/php-mv-ui/Ajax/php/cakephp to the src/controller/component folder of your project

Component loading in controllers

Add the JsUtils component loading in the initialize method of the base controller AppController, located in src/controller/appController.php

    public function initialize(){



the jquery object in controller will be accessible on $this->JsUtils->jquery

Code completion in IDE

With most IDEs (such as Eclipse or phpStorm), to get code completion on the $jquery instance, you must add the following property in the controller documentation:

  * @property Ajax\JsUtils $jquery
class MyController{
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