
Project Laporan Keuangan Masjid Berbasis Web dengan Framework Codeigniter 4 akan menampilkan laporan keuangan masjid dengan detail dan dapat mengelola data keuangan masjid

MIT License


ranMa - Laporan Masjid

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This Website Development Requirements

Here is what you need to download for the first time if you want to develop this web site with my latest source code :

Tutorial that I have used as a reference :

Thx to : Bootstrap v4.5, MDBootsrap, WebProgrammingUNPAS by Sandika Galih for helping me to build my very first website !!


  • Login and Register for admin and superadmin
  • Visitors can view the mosque's financial statements
  • Superadmin account for managing admins
  • Superadmin can manage admin accounts and financial report data
  • Admin can only manage financial report data
  • Update Password features for superadmin account and admin account


  • Make sure that you have already installed all the website development requirements above.
  • Download this project file and unzip it wherever you want.
  • Or you can use git bash with git bash here to the specified folder and start cloning this repository with this command git clone https://github.com/ImperFecti/ranMa.git.
  • Copy and paste env file and rename it to .env and then paste this code to set the database.

CI_ENVIRONMENT = development


app.baseURL = 'http://localhost:8080'
# If you have trouble with `.`, you could also use `_`.
# app_baseURL = ''
# app.forceGlobalSecureRequests = false
# app.CSPEnabled = false


database.default.hostname = localhost
database.default.database = masjid
database.default.username = root
database.default.password =
database.default.DBDriver = MySQLi
database.default.DBPrefix =
database.default.port = 3306
  • To import the database, go to phpmyadmin and create a new database named masjid.
  • In phpmyadmin, select the masjid database you created and then select import.
  • Import the database named masjid.sql inside directory file APPPATH\app\Database.
  • This website is currently using http://localhost:8080/ from spark. To start the localhost with spark, run this command php spark serve from your terminal to turn on the localhost.
  • If you want to develop this website using XAMPP you can change the baseURL in App.php and make sure the project file is saved in htdocs.

Superadmin and Admin Account

If you use the database that I have provided, you can use the admin account that has been registered below:

  • Username superadmin password letslogintosuperadminaccount
  • Username admin password letslogintoadminaccount
  • Username admin2 password letslogintoadminaccount

Myth\Auth Library Setup

  • Run composer update from the terminal to update the dependencies with composer.
  • After the update is complete, you can find folder named myth\auth inside APPPATH\app\Vendor and start setting up this library.
  • If you cant find the library inside Vendor, try to run this command inside terminal
composer require myth/auth
  • Find Auth.php inside Vendor\myth\auth\Config\ and change the variable below

Default User Group

Change value $defaultUserGroup variable to:

public $defaultUserGroup = 'pelanggan';


Change value $views variable to:

public $views = [
    'login'       => 'Myth\Auth\Views\login',
    'register'    => 'Myth\Auth\Views\register',
    'forgot'      => 'Myth\Auth\Views\forgot',
    'reset'       => 'Myth\Auth\Views\reset',
    'emailForgot' => 'Myth\Auth\Views\emails\forgot',

Allow Password Reset via Email

Change value $activeResetter variable to:

public $activeResetter = null;

Allow Persistent Login Cookies (Remember me)

Change value $allowRemembering variable to:

public $allowRemembering = true;

Remember Length

Change the value variable '$rememberLength' to whatever you want:

public $rememberLength = 30 * DAY;


  • Landing Page

  • Contact

  • Financial Report Page

  • Admin Dashboard

  • Admin Account Management (superadmin permission)

  • Financial Report Data Management

Found a problem when developing this application ?

Create new issue for this repository or you can try to contact my email / instagram / twitter

Want to contribute to this repository ?

I realized that this repository is still not perfect and not finished yet. If u have an idea to improve this repository, Fork this repository page to create your own copy of the repository under your GitHub account.

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