
Haruka, a useless Discord bot.

MIT License


API Docs | GitHub | npm | Teardown


Haruka, your useless Discord bot. Add Haruka.


Haruka has 25 functions:

  • -h 8ball: Answers any yes or no question.
  • -h about: General stuff about Haruka.
  • -h aesthetic: Makes your text more aesthetic.
  • -h anime: Looks up information for an anime, you weeb.
  • -h emote: Manages server emotes
  • -h github: Retrieve information about a GitHub repository.
  • -h health: Tips to improve your bodily health.
  • -h help: Returns a list of all the commands, much like this one.
  • -h invite: Replies with a URL to invite Haruka to other servers.
  • -h kanji: Retrieve information about a Kanji character.
  • -h kick: Kicks all of the mentioned users.
  • -h manga: Looks up information for a manga, you weeb.
  • -h now: Returns the current time in UTC
  • -h pfp: Return a user’s profile image as a URL.
  • -h ping: Replies “Pong!”
  • -h pkmn: Gets information about a Pokémon.
  • -h purge: Deletes messages in bulk.
  • -h restart: Restarts Haruka.
  • -h reverse: Reverses some text.
  • -h say: Replies with whatever you tell it to.
  • -h smash: Looks up information on any Smash Ultimate fighter.
  • -h someone: Mentions a user chosen at random.
  • -h version: Prints out technical information about Haruka.
  • -h wa: Compute anything with WolframAlpha.
  • -h xkcd: Fetches xkcd comics.


Although Haruka can be installed via npm i discord-haruka, it’s not recommended, as Haruka isn’t a module. Instead, go to the GitHub repo and get a copy of Haruka’s latest release. In the root directory, open the file called .env.ex, and place your keys in there.


Place your super sensitive keys in here. Be mindful as to not add spaces around the equal sign. DISCORD_TOKEN is your bot’s login token which can be found in the Discord Developer portal. The second key, KANJI_ALIVE_KEY, is your X-Mashape-Key used for KanjiAlive, the API used to retrieve Kanji data. If you don't wish to use the Kanji function, rename src/functions/kanji.coffee to src/functions/_kanji.coffee and rerun the build command. In a similar fashion, the WA_APPID key is Haruka's WolframAlpha AppID, which can be found here. You can disable this function similarly to disabling the Kanji function.

The HARUKA_OPS key is a comma-separated list of IDs of users who can run the -h halt command. Add your User ID to the list. If adding multiple people, please separate them with commas WITHOUT any surrounding spaces. The HARUKA_LOG_GUILD_ID and HARUKA_LOG_CHANNEL_ID are for collecting function usage statistics. Haruka will send basic information about the command called in this guild and channel. If you do not wish to gather usage statistics, you may omit these fields.

Finally, rename .env.ex to simply .env. Run npm install to install Haruka’s dependencies, and run her locally by using npm start.


First of all, get to know how Haruka works. Haruka is made of several component parts, and understanding how they work will ease development. Install Haruka as mentioned above, create a fork with your changes, and issue a Pull Request. Haruka’s written in CoffeeScript, you can build her by running npm build or npm watch in the root directory with CoffeeScript installed (devDependency). It’s also recommended you have a CoffeeScript linter installed.


MIT License