
Chrome extension to add per-repo alert filtering to GitHub's news feed

MIT License


This is a Chrome extension to add per-repo alert filtering to GitHub. It supplements the existing Watch button by adding an Alerts drop-down, allowing you to uncheck alerts to filter them (on the client-side) from your news feed. It looks something like:

![Screenshots of the GitHub News Feed Filters] screenshots


Just click to [download the extension] download in Chrome. It's not on the [Chrome Web Store] webstore yet.


If you want to hack on this thing, you'll have to build it locally, and add the ext directory as an "unpacked extension" in Chrome. You'll need [coffeescript] coffee and scss scss.

$ git clone git://
$ cd gh-news-feed-filters
$ script/build

To build an actual .crx extension:

$ script/chrome


[GitHub News Feed Filters] repo is free software, available under [the MIT license] license.