
gulpfiles for gulp.js



This is the repo for tracking my gulpfiles. Use this repo with gulp-straw which help managing and updating gulpfiles.

taskfile defined tasks
gulpfile default clean watch
task/bower bower bower-install bower-update bower-copy
task/browserify browserify
task/coffee coffee
task/css css css-lint
task/icon icon
task/parse parse
task/meta meta meta-file meta-dotfile

Getting Started

gulp.js and gulp-straw is required.

$ npm install -g gulp
$ npm install -g gulp-straw

You need to setup to work with your own (cloned) repo. See also Installation section of gulp-straw.

$ straw setup

Then, get gulpfiles from your repo:

$ straw install gulpfile
$ straw install task/css

Or, get gulpfiles from other's:

$ straw install cognitom:gulpfile
$ straw install cognitom:task/css

See also Getting Started section of gulp-straw.