
Webpack + Coffeescript + Stylus + React boilerplate.

MIT License



Minimal, opinionated, from-scratch webpack boilerplate with:

  • Express
  • Coffeescript + Coffeelint
  • React + react-router + react-helmet
  • Redux + redux-act + reselect
  • GraphQL + Apollo
  • Mocha + Chai
  • Stylus + Nib + Stylint
  • Skeleton CSS
  • Pug
  • React Hot Loader
  • Webpack:
    • Source maps
    • Deduplication
    • Minification
    • Tree-shaking
    • Vendor code splitting
    • Dynamic import code splitting
    • webpack-bundle-analyzer
  • Probably some other goodies I forgot

Example adapted from


  • To install dependencies: yarn
  • To start serving for production: yarn start (be sure to build first!)
  • To run the dev servers: yarn dev
    • The main server is at localhost:3000, which proxies everything but
      /api to webpack-dev-server at localhost:8080
  • To analyze the bundle: yarn analyze
    • The production bundle is analyzed with webpack-bundle-analyzer.
  • To test: yarn test, yarn test:watch, or yarn test:browser
    • Note: yarn test:browser will only pick up tests in app/.
  • To build deduplicated, minified html/scripts into dist/: yarn build

The webpack configuration is generated based on npm_lifecycle_event, so running the scripts from package.json directly will not yield the correct results.

App conventions

All files are in app/ unless otherwise noted.

  • Only use ES6 import/export, not require, to allow tree-shaking.
    • The exception is require.context for dynamic utils.
  • All React components are pure functional components with Redux and Apollo.
  • Components should be created with the $ helper from myutil.
  • The entry point is, which also sets up hot reloading.
  • The root component used for routing, etc. can be found at
  • Each subcomponent gets a folder in components/ with the following
    • Exports a Redux-connected component.
    • style.l.styl: Locally scoped styles for the component.
  • The store can be found at, and the root reducer at
    reducers/ The actions are bound to this store.
  • Each reducer gets a file in reducers/, and is automatically imported.
    It manages the state sub-tree matching its filename, sans extension.
  • Actions are created and handled using redux-act.
    • Simple actions can be found at actions/
    • Apollo should be used to handle GraphQL queries.
    • Asynchronous actions may go in actions/
  • Selectors are created automatically based on the reducers in reducers/.
    • Complex selectors should be created with reselect, using the sqgl
      GraphQL-selector-factory when GraphQL data is needed.
  • Tests are considered any file within the app tree ending with .spec.*,
    where * is any extension (e.g. coffee). These are all automatically
    picked up by yarn test, yarn test:watch, and yarn test:browser.

Server conventions

  • Only use require, not ES6 import/export, since node doesn't support it
  • GraphQL things go in graphql/.
    • Schemas go in schema/.
    • Queries go in query/.
  • Main server code goes in server/.
    • The entry point is, and it hooks up the API and the app.
    • The API can be found under API/.
      • here automatically creates an API based on the
        definitions in the schema folder. It requires the corresponding
        .coffee file in the API folder.
  • Tests are considered any file within the server tree ending with .spec.*,
    where * is any extension (e.g. coffee). These are all automatically
    picked up by yarn test and yarn test:watch, but not yarn test:browser.