
Run multiple test suites in one karma process.

MIT License



Run multiple test suites in one karma process. Watch multiple suites and execute only relevant ones on changes.

Designed for big projects with more than one JavaScripts App and/or multiple testing frameworks in use. (For example a backend JS App and some independent frontend snippets tested in qUnit and Jasmine).

Tested with karma#0.12.31


npm install karma-environments --save-dev


// karma.conf.js
module.exports = function(config) {

  	/* Files are now managed by environment definitions.
  	 * It's recommended to leave this empty. */
  	files: [],

  	/* Global frameworks here.
  	 * It's recommended to add further frameworks inside environments */
    frameworks: ['environments'],

    environments: {
      /* Matcher for "Environment Definition Files" */
      definitions: ['**/.karma.env.+(js|coffee)'],
      /* Matcher for test Files relative to definition files. */
      tests: ['*Spec.+(coffee|js)', 'test.*.+(js|coffee)'],
      /* Matcher for template files relative to definition files. */
      templates: ['*Fixture.html', 'template*.html']
      /* Templates are wrapped with a div. Its class and id will use this prefix. */
      templateNamespace: 'ke'
      /* Timeout for asynchronous tasks. */
      asyncTimeout: 5000,
      /* Set true if environments should also be definable inside header comments of test files. */
      headerEnvironments: false,
      /* If you feel better with a delay between single environment runs, increase this value. */
      pauseBetweenRuns: 0,
      /* Extend the environment object used in definition files. */
      customMethods: {
        myLib: function(environment, args) {
          environment.add('my' + args[0] + 'Lib.js')
      customPath: {
        myPath: '/home/hannes/my-custom-things'


Further configuration is done in Environment Definition Files

Dependency Injection

We're using node di for angular-style dependency injection into following functions:

Provided variables:

  • environment (Object) - required! - The main environment DSL.
  • path (Object) A helper Object for easy prefixing of files and paths. See path helper
  • done (Function) Callback to determine when asynchronous tasks are done.
    If it is required, it needs do be called within config.environments.asyncTimeout milliseconds.
  • error (Function) If something went wrong, calling this fails the entire environment.
  • args (Array) Only for custom methods, The arguments passed in method call.

Environment Definition Files

  • A New environment is created by creating a file (somewhere inside config.basePath) that matches with config.environments.definitions .

  • An environment inherits frameworks and dependencies from its parents. (unless you .clean())

  • It searches for test files matching config.environments.tests in its directory and sub directories (unless they define a new environment).

Example Definition

// .karma.env.js
 * Define a new environment.
 * All parameters are dependency injected (Order does not matter, but the name).
 * @see https://github.com/Xiphe/karma-environments#dependency-injection
module.exports = function(environment) {
  /* The environment is chainable and has no properties */
    .name('My Environment')
    /* Disable this environment. */
    // .disable()
    /* Disable all other environments. */
    // .focus()
    /* Add one or multiple frameworks */

    /* Add a library or something we want to test */
    /* Add multiple things at once, and prefix all with a path. */
    .add(['lorem.js', 'ipsum.js'], 'blind/stuff')
    /* Add a temporary JS snippet.
       This is converted into a temp file and loaded with your tests
       IMPORTANT: you have no access to closured variables here */
    .add(function() { lorem.setupTests(); })

    /* Make a subcall for whatever asynchronous stuff you want to do :) */
    .call(function(environment, done) {
      .then(function(content) {

    /* Call custom methods defined in karma.conf.js */

Further Examples

See example tests.

Environment Definition Inside Test Files

If your environment has just one single test file, it feels a little much to add another file just to declare the dependencies of the test. CANT WE JUST ADD LIBRARIES IN THE TESTFILE ITSELF? - yup! As long as you have at least one Environment Definition File to declare the root of your testing folder

/* global foo */
 * This is an example of an environment defined inside
 * a comment inside a test file. (yo dawg)
 * Karma Environment
 *   # This line is ignored
 *   #active: false
 *   # Basically everything is a string
 *   add: myAwesomeLib.js
 *   # Pass multiple arguments to a method
 *   add: myOtherLib.js | the/folder/of/the/other/lib
 *   # false and true are converted to booleans
 *   focus: true
 *   # strings are split by comma so you can use arrays
 *   use: jasmine, chai
 * As soon as you break the indention level, the definition is done and
 * you can write some additional comments.
describe('myAwesomeLib', function() {
  it('should exist', function() {

You may already have noticed, this is not suitable for the more complex environment definition methods, such as call or add with a closure. If you need them you should stick to Environment Definition Files.

Environment DSL

This is the environment object which is injected into the functions of Environment Definition Files.

Methods are executed one after another. This means libraries are always loaded into tests in the correct order. Even if an asynchronous .call() is made.

.name(String name)

Overwrite the default name of the environment (which is generated from it's path).


Activate the environment (It's active by default).


Disable the environment

.active([Boolean onOff])

Set the activity to passed state (true by default).


Disable all other environments, multiple environments can be focused at the same time.


Forget everything added by add() and use() including inherited libraries and frameworks.


Do not search for or execute test files. Meaning this environment is just defining basics for it's children.

.use(String|Array frameworks)

Add one or multiple frameworks. See Compatible Frameworks

.add(String|Array|Function libraries[, String prefix][, Object replaces])

Add one or more libraries to the tests, optionally prefix them. Environment Functions are wrapped into a closure and written into a temporary file witch is then served in tests.

Add File example

// one file
// Imports from: /{environmentBaseDir}/myLib.js, /myLib.js
environment.add(['myOtherLib.js', 'somethingElse.js'])
// Imports from: /{environmentBaseDir}/myOtherLib.js, /myOtherLib.js
//               /{environmentBaseDir}/somethingElse.js, /somethingElse.js

Prefix Files

environment.add(['myOtherLib.js', 'somethingElse.js'], '/home/me/foo')
// Imports from: /{environmentBaseDir}/home/me/foo/myOtherLib.js,
//               /{environmentBaseDir}/myOtherLib.js,
//               /home/me/foo/myOtherLib.js, /myOtherLib.js,
//               (...same for somethingElse.js)

Add Function example

environment.add(function() {

Leads to:

// /tmp/sometempfile.js
(function() {

Add Function with str replace example

var foo = 'bar';
environment.add(function() {
}, {myReplaceKey: foo});

Leads to:

// /tmp/sometempfile.js
(function() {

.remove(String|Array libraries[, String prefix])

Remove on or multiple previously added files.

.call(Function function)

Execute a sub-call. Witch behaves exactly like the function that is exported by definition files.

Call example

environment.call(function(environment, done) {
  // Do something asynchronous here...
  require('httpFoo').get('http://example.org/someExternalScript.js').then(function(content) {
// someExternalScript.js will be loaded prior to internalLib.js since .add() will not be executed
// before done() is called

Custom Methods

You can add your own custom methods to the environment DSL.

See configuration, example definition and dependency injection.

Path Helper

By using dependency injection, we can use the path object for prefixing files we want to .add()

// some/.karma.env.js
module.exports = function(environment, path) {
  /* Explicitly get a file from root */
  /* Prefix multiple files */
  .add(['a.js', 'b.js'], path.home);
  /* Use custom path helpers defined in configuration */
  .add(path.myPath + '/yes/it/uses/toString.js');

Shout Out

Compatible Frameworks

Since this is a really deep intervention into how karma works by default. It's very much likely that this framework wont work along with some others or destroy the functionality of them. See Known Incompatibilities

This frameworks have been tested and are working very well.

  • karma-jasmine#0.1.5
  • karma-qunit#0.1.1

Known Incompatibilities

  • karma-coverage Will only generate coverage reports for the first environment being executed.

  • karma-osx-reporter Will some times display this error in console: ERROR [reporter.osx]: error: connect ECONNREFUSED need to investigate that.

I think the main problem is, that some frameworks don't expect the run_complete event to be emitted multiple times for the same browser.

A possible solution might be to prevent bubbling of the event and emit a single event with the data of all environments in when we finished, but that might cause other troubles

Issues, Discussion and PR are welcome.



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