
A CRUD table template for displaying collection items in Meteor.

MIT License


Meteor Collection Table

A CRUD table template for displaying collection items in Meteor. Extends aslagle:reactive-table and uses iron:router.

Demo App.


  • CRUD buttons (Create, Edit, Delete) with custom behaviour.
  • Selection
  • Checkboxes


meteor add aramk:collection-table


Use in a template:

{{> collectionTable collection='Products' settings=tableSettings}}
  • collection - the name of a global variable referencing a collection, or a helper name returning a collection.
  • settings - an object passed to aslagle:reactive-table and accepts the same arguments with a few additions detailed below. Return this from a template helper.



  • items - a collection, cursor or array. collection and/or items must be provided.
  • fields - an array of column definitions identical to reactive-table.
  • multiSelect - a boolean for whether to allow multiple selections. True by default.
  • checkbox - a boolean for whether to show checkboxes as the first column in a field called "checked".
  • showFilter - a boolean for whether to show the filter text box in the toolbar.


  • onCreate - called when clicking the create button. By default it will re-route to <collectionName>/create.
  • onEdit - called when clicking the edit button. By default it will re-route to <collectionName>/:_id/edit and pass _id as the document ID.
  • onDelete - called when clicking the delete button. By default it will show an alert remove the selected document from the collection on a positive response and otherwise cancel the request.

All callbacks are passed the following object as the only argument:

  • ids - the selected row IDs corresponding to the document IDs in the given collection.
  • selectedRows- an array of jQuery objects for each row in the table.
  • collection - the collection used in the table.
  • createRoute - the name of the route to redirect to when invoking the create action.
  • editRoute - the name of the route to redirect to when invoking the edit action.