
Browser extension for GitHub that lets an issue owner add TODO checklist items to the summary

GPL-3.0 License



.. image:: https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/11417/4160143/1f08edcc-34b3-11e4-8aec-c997ac5cd5cd.png

OctoAudit is a browser extension that allows you to add TODO items from a GitHub issue/pull request's comments into its summary.

I'm a fan of Review Board_ and was disappointed that GitHub didn't have the equivalent of code review issue tracking, so I decided to make a simple version of it.

.. _Review Board: https://www.reviewboard.org/

.. image:: https://travis-ci.org/malept/octoaudit.svg?branch=master :target: https://travis-ci.org/malept/octoaudit

Supported Browsers

  • Firefox
  • Chrome/Chromium


There are two methods of installation:

  1. Install from your browser's extension website:

    • Firefox_
    • Chrome_ (there are two extensions to choose from, one for GitHub and the other for
      GitHub Enterprise_)
  2. Build from source_

.. _Firefox: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/octoaudit .. _Chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/octoaudit/mhjlfnkgphdkfkejplmjlofdhgpeenfg .. _GitHub Enterprise: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/octoaudit-enterprise/deaeojdfmbcohmdjkfiokldjopfbcnpc .. _Build from source: #building-the-extensions


  1. Go to an issue or pull request where you can edit the summary.
  2. To add one of the comments to the summary, click the "add as task" in the
    top right part of the comment box. It will switch the summary text into edit
    mode, add a TODO header if one does not exist, then append a checklist item
    with the text of the comment in it.

.. figure:: https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/142/142712.png?modified=1409890908 :alt: [Screenshot]

The screenshot shows the "add as task" button (depressed), and the newly created TODO header plus checklist item generated from the comment plaintext (not its source markdown).

Building the extensions


* Node.js (tested with Node 4 & 5. Does not work with Node 6)
* Grunt_

.. _Grunt: http://gruntjs.com/

  1. Check out the git repository:

.. code-block:: shell-session

user@host:~$ git clone https://github.com/malept/octoaudit.git
  1. Install Gruntfile dependencies:

.. code-block:: shell-session

user@host:~$ cd octoaudit
user@host:octoaudit$ npm install
  1. Create a private key for the Chrome extensions:

.. code-block:: shell-session

user@host:octoaudit$ $(npm bin)/crx keygen .
user@host:octoaudit$ mv key.pem ~/.ssh/chrome-apps.pem
  1. Build the extensions:

.. code-block:: shell-session

user@host:octoaudit$ grunt

The Firefox extension will be located at dist/xpi. The Chrome extensions (one for GitHub, one for GitHub Enterprise) will be located at dist/crx.


OctoAudit is licensed under the GNU GPL version 3.0 (or later)_.

The logo is licensed under the GNU GPL version 2.0_ (due to the fact that it uses evolution-tasks.svg from gnome-colors_).

.. _GNU GPL version 3.0 (or later): https://gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt .. _GNU GPL version 2.0: https://gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt .. _gnome-colors: https://code.google.com/p/gnome-colors/