
An iA Writer-inspired writing app.



An iA Writer-inspired writing app. http://nshki.github.io/writer/


This project was a personal programming challenge -- after realizing there is no streamlined way of styling a caret (or I-beam) in an input area, I wanted to try implementing a textarea from scratch.


The approach that this project is based on is that every typed character is its own DOM element. This means that every keystroke is wrapped in either a <div> or <span>. Inherently, this approach has negative impacts on performance, however, it opens many interesting doors by having granular control over a document.

This approach also means that common, taken-for-granted functionality has to be reprogrammed. This includes features such as moving a cursor around using arrow keys, keyboard shortcuts for navigation, copy/cut/paste, word wrap, and etc.


Writer is built on Middleman and the Sauce Middleman template. All of the functionality is written in CoffeeScript.