
AI Discord Bot (GEMM-X) is an intelligent assistant for Discord, leveraging AI technologies from multiple providers to generate images, create music, produce speech, and more. It supports custom personality settings and advanced user/server configurations.

MIT License


AI Discord Bot (GEMM-X)

GEMM-X Discord Bot is a versatile and intelligent Discord assistant leveraging cutting-edge AI technologies from multiple providers. This bot can engage in natural language conversation, generate images, create music, produce speech, and much more, making it an all-in-one solution for your server.


  • Image Generation: Generates images based on user prompts using various models.
  • Speech Generation: Converts text to speech in multiple languages.
  • Music Generation: Creates music based on textual prompts.
  • Custom Personalities: Allows users and servers to define custom personality settings.
  • Advanced Interaction: Offers comprehensive user and server settings, including chat history management and response formatting.

Getting Started



  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd AI-Discord-Bot
  2. Install dependencies:

    npm install openai @google/generative-ai url cohere-ai axios cheerio discord.js dotenv eventsource fs node-fetch sharp pdf-parse youtube-transcript node-os-utils ws
  3. Set up environment variables:

    Create a .env file in the root directory and add your Discord bot token and API keys for the various providers:

    # for prompt enhancer..
    # for groq ⤴️
  4. Configure the bot:

    Edit the config.json file to modify settings as per your preferences.

  5. Start the bot:

    npm start


Image Generation

  • /imagine [prompt] [model] [resolution]: Generate an image using a selected model and resolution.

Chat Management

  • /respond_to_all: Enable the bot to respond to all messages in the current channel.
  • /clear_memory: Clear the conversation history.
  • /settings: Open user settings.
  • /server_settings: Open server settings.

Speech & Music Generation

  • /speech [language] [prompt]: Generate speech from text in the specified language.
  • /music [prompt]: Generate music based on a prompt.

Admin Commands

  • /blacklist [user]: Blacklist a user from using interactions.
  • /whitelist [user]: Remove a user from the blacklist.
  • /status: Display bot's CPU and RAM usage in detail.



Contains various settings for the bot:

  • defaultResponseFormat: The default response format (embedded or normal).
  • hexColour: The default hex color for embeds.
  • defaultPromptEnhancerPreference: Whether prompt enhancement is enabled by default.
  • defaultImgModel: The default model for image generation.
  • defaultTextModel: The default model for text generation.
  • defaultUrlReading: Default URL reading preference (ON or OFF).
  • workInDMs: Whether the bot should respond in DMs (true or false).
  • shouldDisplayPersonalityButtons: Whether to display personality buttons (true or false).
  • shouldDisplayTextModelButton: Whether to display text model selection button (true or false).
  • SEND_RETRY_ERRORS_TO_DISCORD: Whether to send retry errors to Discord channel (true or false).
  • activities: An array of activities for the bot to display.

NSFW Word Filtering (nsfwWords.json)

Contains an array of words that should be filtered from prompts.

Community & Support

API Key Providers


  1. Cohere Command R Plus (Web)
  2. Groq Llama 3 70B
  3. Groq Llama 3 8B
  4. Groq Gemma 2 9B
  5. Together Qwen 2 72B
  6. Together Llama 3 70B
  7. Together DBRX
  8. OpenRouter Phi-3 Medium 128K
  9. OpenRouter Gemma 2 9B
  10. OpenRouter Llama 3 8B
  11. KrakenAI Gemini 1.5 Flash
  12. KrakenAI Claude 3.5 Sonnet
  13. Google Gemini 1.5 Flash
  14. Google Gemini 1.5 Pro

NOTE: All of them have a free plan and work without a credit card. They don't have a lifetime usage limit, except for Together AI, but it provides $25 in credits, which will probably last a long time because they are cheap. All of them, except for Kraken AI, appear to have good rate limits. For Kraken AI, we get 500 credits per day, which equates to about 25 Claude 3.5 Sonnet messages per day.


We welcome contributions! Feel free to fork the repository, create a new branch, make your changes, and submit a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.

Happy Discording with GEMM-X!

If you find this bot useful, don't forget to ⭐star the repository!

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