
Efficient vector DB on large datasets from disk, using minimal memory.

APACHE-2.0 License


DiskVectorIndex - Ultra-Low Memory Vector Search on Large Dataset

Indexing large datasets (100M+ embeddings) requires a lot of memory in most vector databases: For 100M documents/embeddings, most vector databases require about 500GB of memory, driving the cost for your servers accordingly high.

This repository offers methods to be able to search on very large datasets (100M+) with just 300MB of memory, making semantic search on such large datasets suitable for the Memory-Poor developers.

We provide various pre-build indices, that can be used to semantic search and powering your RAG applications.

Pre-Build Indices

Below you find different pre-build indices. The embeddings are downloaded at the first call, the size is specified under Index Size. Most of the embeddings are memory mapped from disk, e.g. for the Cohere/trec-rag-2024-index corpus you need 15 GB of disk, but just 380 MB of memory to load the index.

Name Description #Docs Index Size (GB) Memory Needed
Cohere/trec-rag-2024-index Segmented corpus for TREC RAG 2024 113,520,750 15GB 380MB
fineweb-edu-10B-index (soon) 10B token sample from fineweb-edu embedded and indexed on document level. 9,267,429 1.4GB 230MB
fineweb-edu-100B-index (soon) 100B token sample from fineweb-edu embedded and indexed on document level. 69,672,066 9.2GB 380MB
fineweb-edu-350B-index (soon) 350B token sample from fineweb-edu embedded and indexed on document level. 160,198,578 21GB 380MB
fineweb-edu-index (soon) Full 1.3T token dataset fineweb-edu embedded and indexed on document level. 324,322,256 42GB 285MB

Each index comes with the respective corpus, that is chunked into smaller parts. These chunks are downloaded on-demand and reused for further queries.

Getting Started

Get your free Cohere API key from cohere.com. You must set this API key as an environment variable:

export COHERE_API_KEY=your_api_key

Install the package:

pip install DiskVectorIndex

You can then search via:

from DiskVectorIndex import DiskVectorIndex

index = DiskVectorIndex("Cohere/trec-rag-2024-index")

while True:
    query = input("\n\nEnter a question: ")
    docs = index.search(query, top_k=3)
    for doc in docs:

You can also load a fully downloaded index from disk via:

from DiskVectorIndex import DiskVectorIndex

index = DiskVectorIndex("path/to/index")

End2End RAG Example

We can use the excellent RAG capabilities of the Cohere Command R+ model to build an end2end RAG pipeline:

import cohere
from DiskVectorIndex import DiskVectorIndex
import os 
import sys 

co = cohere.Client(api_key=os.environ["COHERE_API_KEY"])
index = DiskVectorIndex("Cohere/trec-rag-2024-index")

question = "Which popular deep learning frameworks were developed by Facebook and Google? What are their differences?"
prompt = f"Answer the following question with a detailed answer: {question}"

print("Question:", question)

# Step 1 - Decompose the question into sub-questions
res = co.chat(

sub_queries = [r.text for r in res.search_queries]
print("Generated sub queries:", sub_queries)

# Step 2 - Search for relevant documents for each sub 
print("Start searching")
docs = []
doc_id = 1
for query in sub_queries:
    hits = index.search(query, top_k=3)
    for hit in hits:
        docs.append({"id": str(doc_id), 'title': hit['doc']['title'], 'snippet': hit['doc']['segment']})
        doc_id += 1

print(f"Documents found: {len(docs)}")

# Step 3 - Generate the response
print("Start generating response")

for event in co.chat_stream(model="command-r-plus", message=prompt, documents=docs, citation_quality="fast"):
    if event.event_type == "text-generation":
        #Print a text chunk
        print(event.text, end="")
    elif event.event_type == "citation-generation":
        #Print the citations as inline citations
        print("["+", ".join(event.citations[0].document_ids)+"]", end="")

How does the DiskVectorIndex work?

The Cohere embeddings have been optimized to work well in compressed vector space, as detailed in our Cohere int8 & binary Embeddings blog post. The embeddings have not only been trained to work in float32, which requires a lot of memory, but to also operate well with int8, binary and Product Quantization (PQ) compression.

The above indices uses Product Quantization (PQ) to go from originally 1024*4=4096 bytes per embedding to just 128 bytes per embedding, reducing your memory requirement 32x.

Further, we use faiss with a memory mapped IVF: In this case, only a small fraction (between 32,768 and 131,072) embeddings must be loaded in memory.

Need Semantic Search at Scale?

At Cohere we helped customers to run Semantic Search on tens of billions of embeddings, at a fraction of the cost. Feel free to reach out for Nils Reimers if you need a solution that scales.

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