
Library of the helpfull functions for MODX as composer package


MODX Helpers

Functions-helpers for MODX. It's made as composer package. Depricated. See modHelpers.


  • Create a plugin which loads composer files.
switch ($modx->event->name) {
    case 'OnMODXInit':
        $file = MODX_CORE_PATH . 'vendor/autoload.php';

        if (file_exists($file)) {
            require_once $file;
  • Put the composer.json to the core folder
  "repositories": [
      "type": "vcs",
      "url": ""
  "minimum-stability": "dev",
  "require": {
    "sergant210/modxhelpers": "1.*"
  • Use a terminal tool and run composer install or php composer.phar install within the folder core.

That's all. Now you can use the functions.


Check the user exists

if (user_exists(['email'=>'[email protected]']) {
    // Exists

Get the data from the cache

$value = cache('key', 'my_data');
// Or 
$value = cache()->get('key', 'my_data');

Send an email

email('[email protected]', 'Subject','Email content');
// To the user
email_user('admin', $subject, $content);


//To the resource with the id = 5

The latest resource

$resourceObject = resource()->last(); // Resource object
$resourceArray = resource()->last()->toArray(); // Resource data as array

The last 10 resources

$resObjects = resources()->last(10); 

Array of the resource pagetitles of the parent with the id = 20.

$titles= resources()->where(['parent'=>20])->get('pagetitle'); // array('pagetitle 1', 'pagetitle 2', 'pagetitle 3')

Set a value to the session

session('key1.key2', 'value'); // => $_SESSION['key1']['key2'] = $value;

Get the value from session

$value = session('key1.key2');  // $value = $_SESSION['key1']['key2']

Validates the email

if (is_email($_POST['email'])) {
   // Valid

Remove child resources of the one with the id = 10


Count blocked users

$count = users()->profile()->where(['Profile.blocked'=>1])->count();

Load script with the async attribute

script('/path/to/script.js', 'async'); // <script async type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/script.js"></script>

Get an array of users

// Can use the prepared query
$userArray = query('select * from ' . table_name('modUser'). ' WHERE id < ?')->execute(( (int) $_POST['user_id']);

Log error to the error log

log_error($array); // Convert the array to string using print_r().
log_error($message, 'HTML'); // Show message on the page.

Get the list of the pagetitles

return resources()->where(['id:IN'=>children(5)])->each(function($resource, $idx){ return "<li>{$idx}. ".$resource['pagetitle']."</li>";});

Get all users which are members of the "Manager" group

$usersArray = users()->members('Managers')->toArray();
# Get all users from "ContentManagers" and "SaleManagers" groups 
$users = users()->members('%Managers')->get();
foreach($users as $user) {
  echo $user->username;

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