
A working example of packaging pre-built binaries (libs + header files) and uploading them to a Conan remote for consumption



Packaging Existing Artifacts

This repository is an example of integrating Conan into your existing build process where the artifacts already exist.

The structure of the example project is as follows -

  • code
    • inc -> contains public APIs (header files) of modules
    • ModuleA -> contains source files for ModuleA
    • ModuleB -> contains source files for ModuleB
  • obj
    • libs -> pre-built static libraries of ModuleA and ModuleB
    • ModuleA -> corresponding object files for source files of ModuleA
    • ModuleB -> corresponding object files for source files of ModuleB

The idea is to create a package that has the public header files and the pre-compiled static libraries from this project.

Conan in its current form is heavily geared towards building from source and publishing the artifacts as a result of that build. However, in our case we want Conan to simply slot in to an existing build process and only be responsible for creating a package from existing artifacts and publishing it to a remote for consumption by other projects.

The main scripts of interest are and Below are the list of steps they run -

  • Create a temporary directory called 'mypkg' and change to that directory
  • Execute command conan package .. --build_folder.., where the arguments .. points to where the is located and the --build_folder=.. also points to where the build artifacts are located (both are in the same location). This copies the public header files and static libraries into the include and lib directories respectively.
  • Execute command cd .. && conan export myuser/testing which copies the package recipe into the local Conan cache for the user myuser and the testing channel
  • Execute command cd mypkg && conan package_files Test/0.1@myuser/testing -f packages everything under the mypkg directory and copies it to the local Conan cache
  • Execute command conan upload Test/0.1@myuser/testing --all -r=artifactory uploads the package recipe and its artifacts to the remote named artifactory

Changing Configuration of Package

If you are packaging binaries outside a build process it is likely that the binaries will have been built using different settings than the default profile which is used when running conan package_files Test/0.1@myuser/testing -f. To change the settings you have two options:

  • Use the -s flag to override specific default settings: conan package_files Test/0.1@myuser/testing -f -s arch=x86 (if the binaries were built for 32 bit architecture)
  • Use the -pr flag to specify a different conan profile created to match the settings that the binaries were build under conan package_files Test/0.1@myuser/testing -f -pr profileName

Consumption of Uploaded Package

See conan-package-binary-consume-example to understand how to extract the contents of the uploaded package to a client project for consumption by the client project's build process.


A big thanks to @memsharded and @drodri for their help.