
Contentful Gazette: bidirectional real-time content management and delivery


Contentful Gazette

bidirectional real-time content management and delivery


This application was produced during a hackathon. It's a quick Proof of Concept created in 8h. It's not ready to be used in production.

Known shortcomings

  • there's no server side rendering. It won't work without JavaScript enabled and load times will most likely suffer
  • entry changes are populated with the real-time sync faster than they end up in the CDA. A page refreshed right after syncing may still show the previous version. To mitigate this problem we could use localStorage to cache versions received with the sync channel
  • failed update are not reverted from the state of the app. You can provide a value that won't pass validations and will be rejected by the CMA, but it'll stay as is in the front-end


Never ever give your CMA token away to applications you don't trust. Contentful Gazette will store your CMA token in-memory only until the browser tab is closed. You can verify what we do with your token by studying the code of src/contentful.js.

Setting up your own Gazette

Prepare content

  1. create a new space in Contentful
  2. create a content type with ID article consisting of 3 fields: title, lead, content (see below)
  3. create a Content Delivery API key (or use the default one)
  4. write some articles :)

Run it locally and on GitHub Pages

  1. update src/config.json with your space ID and the CDA key
  2. install dependencies with npm install
  3. start dev server by running npm run build-dev
  4. push it to GitHub Pages using npm run deploy-gh

Get live updates

  1. create a PubNub application with a key set
  2. for your space create a webhook for entry publication events calling PubNub (see below)
  3. update src/config.json with your PubNub subscribe key

Write changes from Gazette back to Contentful

  1. click on the edit this website ribbon on the top left corner of gazette and paste your Content Management API token
  2. click in any of the textfields and change a value
  3. open gazette in a different tab or look at the entries in the Contentful web app to see you changes get synchronized

Appendix: content type

  "name": "article",
  "description": "Contentful Gazette article",
  "displayField": "title",
  "fields": [
      "name": "title",
      "id": "title",
      "type": "Symbol",
      "localized": false,
      "required": false,
      "disabled": false,
      "omitted": false,
      "validations": []
      "name": "lead",
      "id": "lead",
      "type": "Symbol",
      "localized": false,
      "required": false,
      "disabled": false,
      "omitted": false,
      "validations": []
      "name": "content",
      "id": "content",
      "type": "Text",
      "localized": false,
      "required": false,
      "disabled": false,
      "omitted": false,
      "validations": []
  "sys": {/* redacted */}

Appendix: webhook

First you have to compose your publish URL. Refer the PubNub documentation:{pub_key}/{sub_key}/0/articles/0?store=1

Then this URL should be used for as a Contentful webhook. Please note it should be triggerd only on entry publication.


This project won the 2017 Winter Hackathon at Contentful.


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