
A Neovim client for VsCoq 2 vscoqtop.

MIT License



A Neovim client for VsCoq 2 vscoqtop.



Plug 'neovim/nvim-lspconfig'
Plug 'whonore/Coqtail' " for ftdetect, syntax, basic ftplugin, etc
Plug 'tomtomjhj/vscoq.nvim'


" Don't load Coqtail
let g:loaded_coqtail = 1
let g:coqtail#supported = 0

" Setup vscoq.nvim
lua require'vscoq'.setup()


  • vscoq.nvim uses Neovim's built-in LSP client and nvim-lspconfig.
    See kickstart.nvim
    for basic example configurations for working with LSP.
  • :VsCoq command
    • :VsCoq continuous: Use the "Continuous" proof mode. It shows goals for the cursor position.
    • :VsCoq manual: Use the "Manual" proof mode (default), where the following four commands are used for navigation.
      • :VsCoq stepForward
      • :VsCoq stepBackward
      • :VsCoq interpretToEnd
      • :VsCoq interpretToPoint
    • :VsCoq panels: Open the proofview panel and query panel.
    • Queries
      • :VsCoq search {pattern}
      • :VsCoq about {pattern}
      • :VsCoq check {pattern}
      • :VsCoq print {pattern}
      • :VsCoq locate {pattern}
    • Proofview
      • :VsCoq admitted: Show the admitted goals.
      • :VsCoq shelved: Show the shelved goals.
      • :VsCoq goals: Show the normal goals and messages (default).
    • etc
      • :VsCoq jumpToEnd: Jump to the end of the checked region.
  • Commands from nvim-lspconfig
    work as expected.
    For example, run :LspRestart to restart vscoqtop.


The setup() function takes a table with the followings keys:

  • vscoq: Settings specific to VsCoq.
    This is used in both the client and the server.
    See the "configuration" key in https://github.com/coq-community/vscoq/blob/main/client/package.json.
    • NOTE: "vscoq.path", "vscoq.args", and "vscoq.trace.server" should be configured in the lsp table below.
  • lsp: The settings forwarded to :help lspconfig-setup.


require'vscoq'.setup {
  vscoq = {
    proof = {
      -- In manual mode, don't move the cursor when stepping forward/backward a command
      cursor = { sticky = false },
  lsp = {
    on_attach = function(client, bufnr)
      -- your mappings, etc

      -- In manual mode, use ctrl-alt-{j,k,l} to step.
      vim.keymap.set({'n', 'i'}, '<C-M-j>', '<Cmd>VsCoq stepForward<CR>', { buffer = bufnr })
      vim.keymap.set({'n', 'i'}, '<C-M-k>', '<Cmd>VsCoq stepBackward<CR>', { buffer = bufnr })
      vim.keymap.set({'n', 'i'}, '<C-M-l>', '<Cmd>VsCoq interpretToPoint<CR>', { buffer = bufnr })
    -- autostart = false, -- use this if you want to manually `:LspStart vscoqtop`.
    -- cmd = { 'vscoqtop', '-bt', '-vscoq-d', 'all' }, -- for debugging the server

NOTE: Do not call lspconfig.vscoqtop.setup() yourself. require'vscoq'.setup does it for you.

Features not implemented yet

  • Fancy proofview rendering
    • proof diff highlights
  • Make lspconfig optional

See also