
Verified hash-based AMQ structures in Coq

GPL-3.0 License


Ceramist - Verified Hash-based Approximate Membership Structures

Installation (using Opam)

Create a new switch

opam switch create ceramist 4.09.0
eval $(opam env)

Add coq-released repository to opam:

opam repo add coq-released https://coq.inria.fr/opam/released

Install ceramist:

opam install coq-ceramist.1.0.1

Installation (from Sources)

Use opam to install dependencies

opam install ./opam

Then build the project:

make clean && make

Takes around an hour to build.

Project Structure

The structure of the overall development is as follows:

├── Computation
│   ├── Comp.v
│   └── Notationv1.v
├── Structures
│   ├── BlockedAMQ
│   │   └── BlockedAMQ.v
│   ├── BloomFilter
│   │   ├── BloomFilter_Definitions.v
│   │   └── BloomFilter_Probability.v
│   ├── Core
│   │   ├── AMQHash.v
│   │   ├── AMQReduction.v
│   │   ├── AMQ.v
│   │   ├── FixedList.v
│   │   ├── FixedMap.v
│   │   ├── Hash.v
│   │   └── HashVec.v
│   ├── CountingBloomFilter
│   │   ├── CountingBloomFilter_Definitions.v
│   │   └── CountingBloomFilter_Probability.v
│   └── QuotientFilter
│       ├── QuotientFilter_Definitions.v
│       └── QuotientFilter_Probability.v
└── Utils
    ├── InvMisc.v
    ├── rsum_ext.v
    ├── seq_ext.v
    ├── seq_subset.v
    ├── stirling.v
    └── tactics.v

8 directories, 22 files

The library is split into separate logical components by directory:

  • Computation - defines a probability monad and associated notation for it on top of the 'coq-infotheo' probability library.
  • Utils - collection of utility lemmas and tactics used throughout the development
  • Structures/Core - contains definitions and properties about the core probabilistic primitives exported by the library, and defines the abstract AMQ interface satisfied by all instantiations.
  • Structures/BloomFilter - example use of the exported library to prove various probabilistic properties on bloom filters.
  • Structures/CountingBloomFilter - another exemplar use of the library to prove probabilistic properties on counting bloom filters.
  • Structures/QuotientBloomFilter - exemplar use of library to prove probabilistic properties of quotient filters
  • Structures/BlockedAMQ - exemplar use of library to prove probabilistic properties of a higher order AMQ - the blockedAMQ

Check out Structures/Demo.v for an example instantiation of the BlockedAMQ to derive Blocked Bloom filters, Counting Blocked bloom filters and Blocked Quotient filters.


To simplify reasoning about probabilistic computations, we provide a few helper tactics under ProbHash.Utils:

  • comp_normalize - is a tactic which normalizes probabilistic computations in the goal to a standard form consisting of a nested summation with a summand which is the product of each individual statement: For example, if our goal contains a term of the form:

    d[ res <-$ hash n v hsh;
    x <- fst res;
    ret x ] value

    applying comp_normalize normalizes it to:

    \sum_(i in HashState n) 
    \sum_(i0 in 'I_Hash_size.+1) 
    ((d[ hash n v hsh]) (i, i0) *R* 
    ((value == i0) %R))

    This tactic works by simply recursively descending the computation and expanding the definition of the distribution.

  • comp_simplify - is a tactic which effectively applies beta reduction to the normalized form, substituting any ret x (which have been normalized to a factor of the form (x == ...) by the previous tactic) statements into the rest of the computation - applying it to the previous example would result in:

    \sum_(i in HashState n) 
    (d[ hash n v hsh]) (i, value)
  • comp_simplify_n n - is a variant of the previous one which applies the reduction a fixed number n of times as sometimes the previous tactic may loop.

  • comp_possible_decompose - is a tactic which converts a fact (must be first element of goal) about a possible computation ( d[ c1; c2; ....; cn] v != 0) into a fact about the possibility of the individual statements of the computation forall v1,v2, ..., vn, d[ c1 ] v1 != 0 -> d[ c2] v2 -> .... d[ cn] vn != 0

  • comp_possible_exists is a tactic which converts a goal about a computation being possible ( d[ c1; c2; ....; cn] v != 0) into a corresponding proof of existance, where one must provide possible outcomes for each statement outcome exists v1,v2, ..., vn, d[ c1 ] v1 != 0 /\ d[ c2] v2 /\ .... /\ d[ cn] vn != 0

  • comp_impossible_decompose - is a tactic which automatically decomposes an impossibility statement \sum_{v1} ... \sum_{vn} P[c1 = v1] * ... * P[ cn = vn ] = 0 into properties about its component parts forall v1,..,vn, P[c1 = v1] * ... * P[cn = vn] = 0

  • exchange_big_inwards f - is a tactic which moves the outermost summation in a series of nested summations to the innermost position, then applies the supplied tactic f in this context.

  • exchange_big_outwards n - is a tactic which moves the nth summation in a series of nested summations to the outermost position.


Given its dependencies:

  • Coq (distributed under the LGPLv2.1 license)
  • MathComp (distributed under the CeCILL-B license)
  • Infotheo (distributed under the GPLv3 license)

ProbHash is distributed under the GPLv3 license.

Extracted from project README
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