


[WIP] 50 Years of Ray Tracing


Ray Casting 1968.Appel Arthur Appel Some techniques for shading machine renderings of solids
Recursive Ray Tracing 1979.Whitted Turner Whitted An improved illumination model for shaded display
Distributed Ray Tracing 1984.Cook Robert Cook et al. Distributed ray tracing
Path Tracing 1986.Kajiya James Kajiya The rendering equation
Bidirectional Light Transport 1994.Veach.BDPT Eric Veach Bidirectional Estimators for Light Transport
Analytic Direct Lighting 1995.Arvo James Richard Arvo Analytic Methods for Simulated Light Transport
Multiple Importance Sampling 1995.Veach.MIS Eric Veach et al. Optimally Combining Sampling Techniques for Monte Carlo Rendering
Photon Mapping 1996.Henrik Henrik Wann Jensen Global Illumination using Photon Maps
Monte Carlo Direct Lighting 1996.Shirley Peter Shirley et al. Monte Carlo Techniques for Direct Lighting Calculations
Metropolis Light Transport 1997.Vaech.MLT Eric Veach & Leonidas Guibas Metropolis Light Transport

  • vcpkg
  • VSCode

Ray Casting - Arthur Appel, 1968

  • Resolve visibility & depth
  • Lambertian shading
  • Sharp shadow

Recursive Ray Tracing - Turner Whitted, 1980

  • BlinnPhong shading
  • Reflection
  • Refraction

Distributed Ray Tracing - Robert Cook et al., 1984

  • Soft shadow
  • Depth of field
  • Glossy reflection
  • Motion blur

Path Tracing - James Kajiya, 1986

  • Monte Carlo Direct lighting
  • Indirect lighting with Russian Roulette termination
  • Next Event Estimation

Analytic Direct Lighting - Arvo 1995

Multiple Importance Sampling - Eric Veach et al., 1995

  • TODO
  • Phong Importance Sampling
  • Distant Environment Lighting
  • Importance Sampling GGX

My Ray Tracing Kit

  • Cross platform: MacOS, Windows 10
  • Multi-threaded rendering


  • Scene object instancing
  • Triangle mesh with BVH


  • Towards Physically-based Rendering
  • Embree for intersection