
Date and time classes for Arduino supporting the IANA TZ Database time zones to convert epoch seconds to date and time components in different time zones.

MIT License



The AceTime library provides Date, Time, and TimeZone classes which can convert "epoch seconds" from the AceTime Epoch (default 2050-01-01 UTC) to human-readable local date and time fields. Those classes can also convert local date and time between different time zones defined by the IANA TZ database while accurately accounting for DST transitions.

The default AceTime epoch is 2050-01-01, but it can be adjusted by the client application at runtime. The epoch second has the type acetime_t which is a 32-bit signed integer, instead of a 64-bit signed integer. Using the smaller 32-bit integer allows the library to use less CPU and memory resources on 8-bit and 32-bit microcontrollers without native 64-bit integer instructions. The range of a 32-bit integer is about 136 years. To be safe, AceTime timezone functions should be kept well within the bounds of this interval, for example, straddling roughly +/- 60 years of the Epoch::currentEpochYear().

The library provides 3 pre-generated ZoneInfo Databases which are programmatically extracted from the IANA TZ database:

  • zonedb ("basic", not usually recommended)
    • accurate over the years [2000,10000)
    • contains a subset of zones (~450) compatible with BasicZoneProcessor
      and BasicZoneManager
  • zonedbx ("extended", recommended for most situations)
    • accurate over the years [2000,10000)
    • contains all zones and links (~600) in the IANA TZ database
    • compatible with ExtendedZoneProcessor and ExtendedZoneManager
  • zonedbc ("complete", mostly intended for validation testing,
    new in v2.3)
    • accurate over the years [0001,10000)
    • contains all zones and links (~600) the IANA TZ database
    • compatible with CompleteZoneProcessor and CompleteZoneManager

Client applications can choose to incorporate a subset of the zones provided by the above databases to save flash memory size of the application.

Support for Unix time using the Unix epoch of 1970-01-01 is provided through conversion functions of the time_t type. Only the 64-bit version of the time_t type is supported to avoid the Year 2038 Problem.

The companion library AceTimeClock provides Clock classes to retrieve the time from more accurate sources, such as an NTP server, or a DS3231 RTC chip. A special version of the Clock class called the SystemClock provides a fast and accurate "epoch seconds" across all Arduino compatible systems. This "epoch seconds" can be given to the classes in this library to convert it into human readable components in different timezones. On the ESP8266 and ESP32, the AceTime library can be used with the SNTP client and the C-library time() function through the 64-bit time_t value. See ESP8266 and ESP32 TimeZones below.

The primordial motivation for creating the AceTime library was to build a digital clock with an OLED or LED display, that would show the date and time of multiple timezones at the same time, while adjusting for any DST changes in the selected timezones automatically. Another major goal of the library is to keep the resource (flash and RAM) consumption as small as practical, to allow substantial portion of this library to run inside the 32kB of flash and 2kB of RAM limits of an Arduino Nano or a SparkFun Pro Micro dev board. To meet that goal, this library does not perform any dynamic allocation of memory. Everything it needs is allocated statically.

This library can be an alternative to the Arduino Time ( and Arduino Timezone ( libraries.

Major Changes in v2.3: Add CompleteZoneProcessor, CompleteZoneManager, and the zonedbc database to support all timezones, for all transitions defined in the IANA TZ database ([1844,2087]), and extending the validity of timezone calculations from [2000,10000) to [0001,10000).

Version: 2.3.2 (2024-07-25, TZDB version 2024a)



User Guide:

See Also:

Table of Contents


The latest stable release is available in the Arduino Library Manager in the IDE. Search for "AceTime". Click install. The Library Manager should automatically install AceTime and its dependent libraries:

The development version can be installed by cloning the above repos manually. You can copy over the contents to the ./libraries directory used by the Arduino IDE. (The result is a set of directories named ./libraries/AceTime, ./libraries/AceCommon, ./libraries/AceSorting). Or you can create symlinks from ./libraries to these directories. Or you can git clone directly into the ./libraries directory.

The develop branch contains the latest development. The master branch contains the stable releases.

Source Code

The source files are organized as follows:

  • src/AceTime.h - main header file
  • main library code
    • src/ace_time/ - date and time classes (ace_time:: namespace)
    • src/ace_time/common/ - shared classes and utilities
    • src/ace_time/testing/ - files used in unit tests (ace_time::testing
    • src/zoneinfo - reading the zone databases, and normalizing the
      interface for accessing the data records
  • zone databases
    • src/zonedb/ - files generated from TZ Database for
      BasicZoneProcessor (ace_time::zonedb namespace)
    • src/zonedbtesting/ - limited subset of zonedb for unit tests
    • src/zonedbx/ - files generated from TZ Database for
      ExtendedZoneProcessor (ace_time::zonedbx namespace)
    • src/zonedbxtesting/ - limited subset of zonedbx for unit tests
    • src/zonedbc/ - files generated from TZ Database for
      CompleteZoneProcessor (ace_time::zonedbc namespace)
    • src/zonedbctesting/ - limited subset of zonedbc for unit tests
  • `tests/
  • examples/ - example programs and benchmarks
    • Simple
    • Intermediate
      • CustomZoneRegistry
        • Same as HelloZoneManager, but using a custom zone registry
          with only 7-8 timezones instead of the ~600 timezones in the
          full zonedbx registry.
    • Advanced
      • EspTime
        • Use AceTime with the built-in SNTP client of ESP8266 and ESP32.
    • Benchmarks
      • These are internal applications to benchmark various parts of this
        library. They are not meant to be examples for how to use the library.
      • MemoryBenchmark
        • determine flash and static memory consumption of various classes
      • AutoBenchmark
        • determine CPU usage of various features
      • ComparisonBenchmark
      • CompareAceTimeToHinnantDate
        • compare the performance of AceTime to Hinnant date library
        • AceTime seems to be about 90X faster
    • Debugging
      • DebugZoneProcessor
        • Command-line debugging tool for ExtenedZoneProcessor using the
          EpoxyDuino environment
      • ListZones
        • List the zones managed by the ExtendedZoneManager, sorted
          by name, or by UTC offset and name.
        • Used to debug the ZoneSorter classes.


The AceTime library depends on the following libraries:

Various programs in the examples/ directory have one or more of the following external dependencies. The comment section near the top of the *.ino file will usually have more precise dependency information:

If you want to run the unit tests or validation tests using a Linux or MacOS machine, you need:



Here is a simple program (see examples/HelloDateTime) which demonstrates how to create and manipulate date and times in different time zones:

#include <Arduino.h>
#include <AceTime.h>

using namespace ace_time;

// ZoneProcessor instances should be created statically at initialization time.
static ExtendedZoneProcessor losAngelesProcessor;
static ExtendedZoneProcessor londonProcessor;

void setup() {
  while (!Serial); // Wait until Serial is ready - Leonardo/Micro

  // TimeZone objects are light-weight and can be created on the fly.
  TimeZone losAngelesTz = TimeZone::forZoneInfo(
  TimeZone londonTz = TimeZone::forZoneInfo(

  // Create from components. 2019-03-10T03:00:00 is just after DST change in
  // Los Angeles (2am goes to 3am).
  ZonedDateTime startTime = ZonedDateTime::forComponents(
      2019, 3, 10, 3, 0, 0, losAngelesTz);

  Serial.print(F("Epoch Seconds: "));
  acetime_t epochSeconds = startTime.toEpochSeconds();

  Serial.print(F("Unix Seconds: "));
  int64_t unixSeconds = startTime.toUnixSeconds64();
  Serial.println((int32_t) unixSeconds);

  Serial.println(F("=== Los_Angeles"));
  ZonedDateTime losAngelesTime = ZonedDateTime::forEpochSeconds(
      epochSeconds, losAngelesTz);
  Serial.print(F("Time: "));

  Serial.print(F("Day of Week: "));

  // Print info about UTC offset
  TimeOffset offset = losAngelesTime.timeOffset();
  Serial.print(F("Total UTC Offset: "));

  // Print info about the current time zone
  Serial.print(F("Zone: "));

  // Print the current time zone abbreviation, e.g. "PST" or "PDT"
  ZonedExtra ze = losAngelesTz.getZonedExtra(epochSeconds);
  Serial.print(F("Abbreviation: "));

  // Create from epoch seconds. London is still on standard time.
  ZonedDateTime londonTime = ZonedDateTime::forEpochSeconds(
      epochSeconds, londonTz);

  Serial.println(F("=== London"));
  Serial.print(F("Time: "));

  // Print info about the current time zone
  Serial.print(F("Zone: "));

  // Print the current time zone abbreviation, e.g. "GMT" or "BST"
  ze = londonTz.getZonedExtra(epochSeconds);
  Serial.print(F("Abbreviation: "));

  Serial.println(F("=== Compare ZonedDateTime"));
  Serial.print(F("losAngelesTime.compareTo(londonTime): "));
  Serial.print(F("losAngelesTime == londonTime: "));
  Serial.println((losAngelesTime == londonTime) ? "true" : "false");

void loop() {

Running this should produce the following on the Serial port:

Epoch Seconds: -972396000
Unix Seconds: 1552212000
=== Los Angeles
Time: 2019-03-10T03:00:00-07:00[America/Los_Angeles]
Day of Week: Sunday
Total UTC Offset: -07:00
Zone: America/Los_Angeles
Abbreviation: PDT
=== London
Time: 2019-03-10T10:00:00+00:00[Europe/London]
Zone: Europe/London
Abbreviation: GMT
=== Compare ZonedDateTime
losAngelesTime.compareTo(londonTime): 0
losAngelesTime == londonTime: false

(The default epoch for AceTime is 2050-01-01, so a date in 2019 will return a negative epoch seconds.)


The examples/HelloZoneManager example shows how to load the entire zonedbx ZoneInfo Database into an ExtendedZoneManager, then create 3 time zones using 3 different ways: createForZoneInfo(), createForZoneName(), and createForZoneId(). This program requires a 32-bit microcontroller environment because the ExtendedZoneManager with the zonedbx::kZoneAndLinkRegistry consumes ~44 kB of flash which does not fit in the 32 kB flash memory capacity of an Arduino Nano. If the ExtendedZoneManager is replaced with the BasicZoneManager and the smaller kZoneRegistry is used instead, the flash size goes down to about ~24 kB. Depending on the code size of the rest of the application, this may fit inside an Arduino Nano.

#include <Arduino.h>
#include <AceTime.h>

using namespace ace_time;

// Create an ExtendedZoneManager with the entire TZ Database of Zone and Link
// entries. Cache size of 3 means that it can support 3 concurrent timezones
// without performance penalties.
static const int CACHE_SIZE = 3;
static ExtendedZoneProcessorCache<CACHE_SIZE> zoneProcessorCache;
static ExtendedZoneManager manager(

void setup() {
  while (!Serial); // Wait until ready - Leonardo/Micro

  // Create America/Los_Angeles timezone by ZoneInfo.
  TimeZone losAngelesTz = manager.createForZoneInfo(
  ZonedDateTime losAngelesTime = ZonedDateTime::forComponents(
      2019, 3, 10, 3, 0, 0, losAngelesTz);

  // Create Europe/London timezone by ZoneName.
  TimeZone londonTz = manager.createForZoneName("Europe/London");
  ZonedDateTime londonTime = losAngelesTime.convertToTimeZone(londonTz);

  // Create Australia/Sydney timezone by ZoneId.
  TimeZone sydneyTz = manager.createForZoneId(zonedbx::kZoneIdAustralia_Sydney);
  ZonedDateTime sydneyTime = losAngelesTime.convertToTimeZone(sydneyTz);

void loop() {

It produces the following output:



Here is a photo of the WorldClock ( that supports 3 OLED displays with 3 timezones, and automatically adjusts the DST transitions for all 3 zones:

User Guide

The full documentation of the following classes are given in the

  • date and time classes and types
    • ace_time::acetime_t
    • ace_time::DateStrings
    • ace_time::LocalTime
    • ace_time::LocalDate
    • ace_time::LocalDateTime
    • ace_time::TimeOffset
    • ace_time::OffsetDateTime
    • ace_time::TimePeriod
    • mutation helpers
      • ace_time::local_date_mutation::
      • ace_time::time_offset_mutation::
      • ace_time::time_period_mutation::
      • ace_time::offset_date_time_mutation::
      • ace_time::zoned_date_time_mutation::
  • timezone classes
    • ace_time::ZoneProcessor
      • ace_time::BasicZoneProcessor
      • ace_time::ExtendedZoneProcessor
      • ace_time::CompleteZoneProcessor
    • ace_time::TimeZone
    • ace_time::ZonedDateTime
    • ace_time::ZoneManager
      • ace_time::BasicZoneManager
      • ace_time::ExtendedZoneManager
      • ace_time::CompleteZoneManager
      • ace_time::ManualZoneManager
  • ZoneInfo Database
    • 3 sets of timezone data are provided (Basic, Extended, Complete) which
      support slightly different sets of zones and years
    • programmatically generated from the IANA TZ Database files
    • each timezone is identified in multiple ways
      • ZoneInfo: (opaque) pointer to a ZoneInfo data structure
      • ZoneId: unique and stable uint32_t identifier (e.g. 0xb7f7e8f2)
      • ZoneName: unique human-readable string (e.g. "America/Los_Angeles")
    • Basic (not usually recommended)
      • 448 zones and links as of 2023c
      • ZoneInfo (const ace_time::basic::ZoneInfo*)
        • ace_time::zonedb::kZoneAfrica_Abidjan
        • ...
        • ace_time::zonedb::kZonePacific_Wallis
      • ZoneId (uint32_t)
        • ace_time::zonedb::kZoneIdAfrica_Abidjan
        • ...
        • ace_time::zonedb::kZoneIdPacific_Wallis
      • ZoneName (const char*)
        • "Africa/Abidjan"
        • ...
        • "Pacific/Wallis"
    • Extended (recommended for most cases)
      • 596 zones and links as of 2023c
      • ZoneInfo (const ace_time::extended::ZoneInfo*)
        • ace_time::zonedbx::kZoneAfrica_Abidjan
        • ...
        • ace_time::zonedbx::kZonePacific_Wallis
      • ZoneIds (uint32_t)
        • ace_time::zonedbx::kZoneIdAfrica_Abidjan
        • ...
        • ace_time::zonedbx::kZoneIdPacific_Wallis
      • ZoneName (const char*)
        • "Africa/Abidjan"
        • ...
        • "Pacific/Wallis"
    • Complete (useful when full range of years is necessary)
      • 596 zones and links as of 2023c
      • ZoneInfo (const ace_time::complete::ZoneInfo*)
        • ace_time::zonedbc::kZoneAfrica_Abidjan
        • ...
        • ace_time::zonedbc::kZonePacific_Wallis
      • ZoneId (uint32_t)
        • ace_time::zonedbc::kZoneIdAfrica_Abidjan
        • ...
        • ace_time::zonedbc::kZoneIdPacific_Wallis
      • ZoneName (const char*)
        • "Africa/Abidjan"
        • ...
        • "Pacific/Wallis"


The details of how the Date, Time and TimeZone classes are validated are given in AceTimeValidation.

The ZoneInfo Database and the algorithms in this library were tested against other date/time libraries written in different programming languages. The CompleteZoneProcessor configured with the zonedbc database was used for most of the validation testing, because this combination covers all zones and links valid over a 400-year interval [1800,2200). Some of these third party libraries match AceTime exactly over the 400 year interval. Other libraries contained bugs which prevented exact conformance with AceTime.


These libraries match the AceTime library (using the CompleteZoneProcessor/CompleteZoneManager with the zonedbc database) exactly: every DST transition, DST offset, STD offset, the epochsecond of the transition, the converted data-time components, and the abbreviation. The match was verified for all time zones and links, from 1800 until 2200.

Non Conformant

These third party libraries match AceTime for the most part, but seem to contain bugs in some parts of their code. I have not had the time to look into the cause of these bugs in these third party libraries.

  • Python pytz library from the year 2000
    until 2038
    • pytz cannot handle years after 2038
  • Python dateutil library from
    the year 2000 until 2037
    • dateutil cannot handle years after 2038
  • Python 3.9 zoneinfo
    library from the year 1800 until 2200
    • 31 zones produce incorrect DST offsets
  • Java JDK 11
    library from year 1800 until 2200
    • 3 IANA timezones are missing from java.time
    • ~100 zones seem to produce incorrect DST offsets
    • ~7 zones seem to produce incorrect epochSeconds
  • Go lang time package from 1800 to 2200
    • 23 zones produce incorrect results

Resource Consumption

SizeOf Classes

8-bit processors

Sizes of Objects:
sizeof(LocalDate): 4
sizeof(LocalTime): 4
sizeof(LocalDateTime): 8
sizeof(TimeOffset): 4
sizeof(OffsetDateTime): 12
sizeof(TimeZone): 5
sizeof(TimeZoneData): 5
sizeof(ZonedDateTime): 17
sizeof(ZonedExtra): 24
sizeof(TimePeriod): 4
  sizeof(basic::ZoneContext): 20
  sizeof(basic::ZoneEra): 11
  sizeof(basic::ZoneInfo): 13
  sizeof(basic::ZoneRule): 9
  sizeof(basic::ZonePolicy): 3
  sizeof(basic::ZoneRegistrar): 5
  sizeof(BasicZoneProcessor): 143
  sizeof(BasicZoneProcessorCache<1>): 147
  sizeof(BasicZoneManager): 7
  sizeof(BasicZoneProcessor::Transition): 26
  sizeof(extended::ZoneContext): 20
  sizeof(extended::ZoneEra): 11
  sizeof(extended::ZoneInfo): 13
  sizeof(extended::ZoneRule): 9
  sizeof(extended::ZonePolicy): 3
  sizeof(extended::ZoneRegistrar): 5
  sizeof(ExtendedZoneProcessor): 553
  sizeof(ExtendedZoneProcessorCache<1>): 557
  sizeof(ExtendedZoneManager): 7
  sizeof(ExtendedZoneProcessor::Transition): 49
  sizeof(ExtendedZoneProcessor::TransitionStorage): 412
  sizeof(ExtendedZoneProcessor::MatchingEra): 32
  sizeof(complete::ZoneContext): 20
  sizeof(complete::ZoneEra): 15
  sizeof(complete::ZoneInfo): 13
  sizeof(complete::ZoneRule): 12
  sizeof(complete::ZonePolicy): 3
  sizeof(complete::ZoneRegistrar): 5
  sizeof(CompleteZoneProcessor): 553
  sizeof(CompleteZoneProcessorCache<1>): 557
  sizeof(CompleteZoneManager): 7
  sizeof(CompleteZoneProcessor::Transition): 49
  sizeof(CompleteZoneProcessor::TransitionStorage): 412
  sizeof(CompleteZoneProcessor::MatchingEra): 32

32-bit processors

Sizes of Objects:
sizeof(LocalDate): 4
sizeof(LocalTime): 4
sizeof(LocalDateTime): 8
sizeof(TimeOffset): 4
sizeof(OffsetDateTime): 12
sizeof(TimeZone): 12
sizeof(TimeZoneData): 8
sizeof(ZonedDateTime): 24
sizeof(ZonedExtra): 24
sizeof(TimePeriod): 4
  sizeof(basic::ZoneContext): 28
  sizeof(basic::ZoneEra): 16
  sizeof(basic::ZoneInfo): 24
  sizeof(basic::ZoneRule): 9
  sizeof(basic::ZonePolicy): 8
  sizeof(basic::ZoneRegistrar): 8
  sizeof(BasicZoneProcessor): 208
  sizeof(BasicZoneProcessorCache<1>): 216
  sizeof(BasicZoneManager): 12
  sizeof(BasicZoneProcessor::Transition): 36
  sizeof(extended::ZoneContext): 28
  sizeof(extended::ZoneEra): 16
  sizeof(extended::ZoneInfo): 24
  sizeof(extended::ZoneRule): 9
  sizeof(extended::ZonePolicy): 8
  sizeof(extended::ZoneRegistrar): 8
  sizeof(ExtendedZoneProcessor): 720
  sizeof(ExtendedZoneProcessorCache<1>): 728
  sizeof(ExtendedZoneManager): 12
  sizeof(ExtendedZoneProcessor::Transition): 60
  sizeof(ExtendedZoneProcessor::TransitionStorage): 516
  sizeof(ExtendedZoneProcessor::MatchingEra): 44
  sizeof(complete::ZoneContext): 28
  sizeof(complete::ZoneEra): 20
  sizeof(complete::ZoneInfo): 24
  sizeof(complete::ZoneRule): 12
  sizeof(complete::ZonePolicy): 8
  sizeof(complete::ZoneRegistrar): 8
  sizeof(CompleteZoneProcessor): 720
  sizeof(CompleteZoneProcessorCache<1>): 728
  sizeof(CompleteZoneManager): 12
  sizeof(CompleteZoneProcessor::Transition): 60
  sizeof(CompleteZoneProcessor::TransitionStorage): 516
  sizeof(CompleteZoneProcessor::MatchingEra): 44

Zone DB Size

The ZoneInfo Database entries are stored in flash memory (using the PROGMEM compiler directive) if the microcontroller allows it (e.g. AVR, ESP8266) so that they do not consume static RAM. The examples/MemoryBenchmark program shows the flash memory consumption for the ZoneInfo data files are:

  • BasicZoneProcessor (all zones and links)
    • 25 kB (8-bit processor)
    • 32 kB (32-bit processor)
  • ExtendedZoneProcessor (all zones and links)
    • 40 kB (8-bit processor)
    • 51 kB (32-bit processor)
  • CompleteZoneProcessor (all zones and links)
    • too large (8-bit processor)
    • 100 kB (32-bit processor)

An example of more complex application is the WorldClock ( which has 3 OLED displays over SPI, 3 timezones using BasicZoneProcessor, a SystemClock synchronized to a DS3231 chip on I2C, and 2 buttons with debouncing and event dispatching provided by the AceButton ( library. This application consumes about 24 kB, well inside the 28 kB flash limit of a SparkFun Pro Micro controller.

This library does not perform dynamic allocation of memory so that it can be used in small microcontroller environments. In other words, it does not call the new operator nor the malloc() function, and it does not use the Arduino String class. Everything it needs is allocated statically at initialization time.

Flash And Static Memory

MemoryBenchmark was used to determine the size of the library for various microcontrollers (Arduino Nano to ESP32). Here are 2 samples:

Arduino Nano:

| Functionality                          |  flash/  ram |        delta |
| baseline                               |    474/   11 |      0/    0 |
| LocalDateTime                          |   1108/   21 |    634/   10 |
| ZonedDateTime                          |   1444/   30 |    970/   19 |
| Manual ZoneManager                     |   1406/   13 |    932/    2 |
| Basic TimeZone (1 zone)                |   7624/  208 |   7150/  197 |
| Basic TimeZone (2 zones)               |   8170/  357 |   7696/  346 |
| BasicZoneManager (1 zone)              |   7834/  219 |   7360/  208 |
| BasicZoneManager (all zones)           |  19686/  599 |  19212/  588 |
| BasicZoneManager (all zones+links)     |  25066/  599 |  24592/  588 |
| Basic ZoneSorterByName [1]             |   8608/  221 |    774/    2 |
| Basic ZoneSorterByOffsetAndName [1]    |   8740/  221 |    906/    2 |
| Extended TimeZone (1 zone)             |  11326/  623 |  10852/  612 |
| Extended TimeZone (2 zones)            |  11924/ 1187 |  11450/ 1176 |
| ExtendedZoneManager (1 zone)           |  11506/  629 |  11032/  618 |
| ExtendedZoneManager (all zones)        |  34508/ 1111 |  34034/ 1100 |
| ExtendedZoneManager (all zones+links)  |  40540/ 1111 |  40066/ 1100 |
| Extended ZoneSorterByName [2]          |  12276/  631 |    770/    2 |
| Extended ZoneSorterByOffsetAndName [2] |  12360/  631 |    854/    2 |
| Complete TimeZone (1 zone)             |     -1/   -1 |     -1/   -1 |
| Complete TimeZone (2 zones)            |     -1/   -1 |     -1/   -1 |
| CompleteZoneManager (1 zone)           |     -1/   -1 |     -1/   -1 |
| CompleteZoneManager (all zones)        |     -1/   -1 |     -1/   -1 |
| CompleteZoneManager (all zones+links)  |     -1/   -1 |     -1/   -1 |
| Complete ZoneSorterByName [3]          |     -1/   -1 |      0/    0 |
| Complete ZoneSorterByOffsetAndName [3] |     -1/   -1 |      0/    0 |


| Functionality                          |  flash/  ram |        delta |
| baseline                               | 260089/27892 |      0/    0 |
| LocalDateTime                          | 260613/27912 |    524/   20 |
| ZonedDateTime                          | 261573/27928 |   1484/   36 |
| Manual ZoneManager                     | 261553/27900 |   1464/    8 |
| Basic TimeZone (1 zone)                | 267117/28528 |   7028/  636 |
| Basic TimeZone (2 zones)               | 267533/28736 |   7444/  844 |
| BasicZoneManager (1 zone)              | 267277/28552 |   7188/  660 |
| BasicZoneManager (all zones)           | 283613/28552 |  23524/  660 |
| BasicZoneManager (all zones+links)     | 292141/28552 |  32052/  660 |
| Basic ZoneSorterByName [1]             | 268029/28552 |    752/    0 |
| Basic ZoneSorterByOffsetAndName [1]    | 268157/28552 |    880/    0 |
| Extended TimeZone (1 zone)             | 269653/29152 |   9564/ 1260 |
| Extended TimeZone (2 zones)            | 270069/29880 |   9980/ 1988 |
| ExtendedZoneManager (1 zone)           | 269813/29160 |   9724/ 1268 |
| ExtendedZoneManager (all zones)        | 301077/29160 |  40988/ 1268 |
| ExtendedZoneManager (all zones+links)  | 310645/29160 |  50556/ 1268 |
| Extended ZoneSorterByName [2]          | 270549/29160 |    736/    0 |
| Extended ZoneSorterByOffsetAndName [2] | 270613/29160 |    800/    0 |
| Complete TimeZone (1 zone)             | 270145/29508 |  10056/ 1616 |
| Complete TimeZone (2 zones)            | 271425/30236 |  11336/ 2344 |
| CompleteZoneManager (1 zone)           | 270289/29516 |  10200/ 1624 |
| CompleteZoneManager (all zones)        | 350449/29516 |  90360/ 1624 |
| CompleteZoneManager (all zones+links)  | 360017/29516 |  99928/ 1624 |
| Complete ZoneSorterByName [3]          | 271041/29516 |    752/    0 |
| Complete ZoneSorterByOffsetAndName [3] | 271089/29516 |    800/    0 |

CPU Usage

AutoBenchmark was used to determine the CPU time consume by various features of the classes in this library. Two samples are shown below:

Arduino Nano:

| Method                                           |   micros |
| EmptyLoop                                        |    5.000 |
| LocalDate::forEpochDays()                        |  241.000 |
| LocalDate::toEpochDays()                         |   52.000 |
| LocalDate::dayOfWeek()                           |   49.000 |
| OffsetDateTime::forEpochSeconds()                |  361.000 |
| OffsetDateTime::toEpochSeconds()                 |   78.000 |
| ZonedDateTime::toEpochSeconds()                  |   75.000 |
| ZonedDateTime::toEpochDays()                     |   63.000 |
| ZonedDateTime::forEpochSeconds(UTC)              |  391.000 |
| ZonedDateTime::forEpochSeconds(Basic_nocache)    | 1710.000 |
| ZonedDateTime::forEpochSeconds(Basic_cached)     |  707.000 |
| ZonedDateTime::forEpochSeconds(Extended_nocache) |   -1.000 |
| ZonedDateTime::forEpochSeconds(Extended_cached)  |   -1.000 |
| ZonedDateTime::forEpochSeconds(Complete_nocache) |   -1.000 |
| ZonedDateTime::forEpochSeconds(Complete_cached)  |   -1.000 |
| ZonedDateTime::forComponents(Basic_nocache)      | 2252.000 |
| ZonedDateTime::forComponents(Basic_cached)       | 1254.000 |
| ZonedDateTime::forComponents(Extended_nocache)   |   -1.000 |
| ZonedDateTime::forComponents(Extended_cached)    |   -1.000 |
| ZonedDateTime::forComponents(Complete_nocache)   |   -1.000 |
| ZonedDateTime::forComponents(Complete_cached)    |   -1.000 |
| ZonedExtra::forEpochSeconds(Basic_nocache)       | 1386.000 |
| ZonedExtra::forEpochSeconds(Basic_cached)        |  378.000 |
| ZonedExtra::forEpochSeconds(Extended_nocache)    |   -1.000 |
| ZonedExtra::forEpochSeconds(Extended_cached)     |   -1.000 |
| ZonedExtra::forEpochSeconds(Complete_nocache)    |   -1.000 |
| ZonedExtra::forEpochSeconds(Complete_cached)     |   -1.000 |
| ZonedExtra::forComponents(Basic_nocache)         | 2276.000 |
| ZonedExtra::forComponents(Basic_cached)          | 1277.000 |
| ZonedExtra::forComponents(Extended_nocache)      |   -1.000 |
| ZonedExtra::forComponents(Extended_cached)       |   -1.000 |
| ZonedExtra::forComponents(Complete_nocache)      |   -1.000 |
| ZonedExtra::forComponents(Complete_cached)       |   -1.000 |
| BasicZoneRegistrar::findIndexForName(binary)     |  118.000 |
| BasicZoneRegistrar::findIndexForIdBinary()       |   47.000 |
| BasicZoneRegistrar::findIndexForIdLinear()       |  299.000 |
| ExtendedZoneRegistrar::findIndexForName(binary)  |   -1.000 |
| ExtendedZoneRegistrar::findIndexForIdBinary()    |   -1.000 |
| ExtendedZoneRegistrar::findIndexForIdLinear()    |   -1.000 |
| CompleteZoneRegistrar::findIndexForName(binary)  |   -1.000 |
| CompleteZoneRegistrar::findIndexForIdBinary()    |   -1.000 |
| CompleteZoneRegistrar::findIndexForIdLinear()    |   -1.000 |
Iterations_per_run: 1000


| Method                                           |   micros |
| EmptyLoop                                        |    4.500 |
| LocalDate::forEpochDays()                        |    7.500 |
| LocalDate::toEpochDays()                         |    4.000 |
| LocalDate::dayOfWeek()                           |    3.500 |
| OffsetDateTime::forEpochSeconds()                |   12.000 |
| OffsetDateTime::toEpochSeconds()                 |    7.000 |
| ZonedDateTime::toEpochSeconds()                  |    6.500 |
| ZonedDateTime::toEpochDays()                     |    5.500 |
| ZonedDateTime::forEpochSeconds(UTC)              |   13.500 |
| ZonedDateTime::forEpochSeconds(Basic_nocache)    |  141.500 |
| ZonedDateTime::forEpochSeconds(Basic_cached)     |   21.500 |
| ZonedDateTime::forEpochSeconds(Extended_nocache) |  354.500 |
| ZonedDateTime::forEpochSeconds(Extended_cached)  |   28.000 |
| ZonedDateTime::forEpochSeconds(Complete_nocache) |  407.000 |
| ZonedDateTime::forEpochSeconds(Complete_cached)  |   28.000 |
| ZonedDateTime::forComponents(Basic_nocache)      |  159.000 |
| ZonedDateTime::forComponents(Basic_cached)       |   46.000 |
| ZonedDateTime::forComponents(Extended_nocache)   |  241.500 |
| ZonedDateTime::forComponents(Extended_cached)    |    2.500 |
| ZonedDateTime::forComponents(Complete_nocache)   |  354.000 |
| ZonedDateTime::forComponents(Complete_cached)    |    2.500 |
| ZonedExtra::forEpochSeconds(Basic_nocache)       |  134.500 |
| ZonedExtra::forEpochSeconds(Basic_cached)        |   11.000 |
| ZonedExtra::forEpochSeconds(Extended_nocache)    |  308.000 |
| ZonedExtra::forEpochSeconds(Extended_cached)     |   18.000 |
| ZonedExtra::forEpochSeconds(Complete_nocache)    |  396.000 |
| ZonedExtra::forEpochSeconds(Complete_cached)     |   17.500 |
| ZonedExtra::forComponents(Basic_nocache)         |  184.500 |
| ZonedExtra::forComponents(Basic_cached)          |   48.500 |
| ZonedExtra::forComponents(Extended_nocache)      |  268.000 |
| ZonedExtra::forComponents(Extended_cached)       |   29.000 |
| ZonedExtra::forComponents(Complete_nocache)      |  332.500 |
| ZonedExtra::forComponents(Complete_cached)       |    5.000 |
| BasicZoneRegistrar::findIndexForName(binary)     |   18.000 |
| BasicZoneRegistrar::findIndexForIdBinary()       |    6.500 |
| BasicZoneRegistrar::findIndexForIdLinear()       |   43.000 |
| ExtendedZoneRegistrar::findIndexForName(binary)  |   24.500 |
| ExtendedZoneRegistrar::findIndexForIdBinary()    |    6.000 |
| ExtendedZoneRegistrar::findIndexForIdLinear()    |   50.500 |
| CompleteZoneRegistrar::findIndexForName(binary)  |   18.500 |
| CompleteZoneRegistrar::findIndexForIdBinary()    |    6.500 |
| CompleteZoneRegistrar::findIndexForIdLinear()    |   43.000 |
Iterations_per_run: 2000

System Requirements


Tier 1: Fully supported

These boards are tested on each release:

  • Arduino Nano (16 MHz ATmega328P)
  • SparkFun Pro Micro (16 MHz ATmega32U4)
  • Seeed Studio XIAO M0 (SAMD21, 48 MHz ARM Cortex-M0+)
  • STM32 Blue Pill (STM32F103C8, 72 MHz ARM Cortex-M3)
  • Adafruit ItsyBitsy M4 (SAMD51, 120 MHz ARM Cortex-M4)
  • NodeMCU 1.0 (ESP-12E module, 80 MHz ESP8266)
  • WeMos D1 Mini (ESP-12E module, 80 MHz ESP8266)
  • ESP32 dev board (ESP-WROOM-32 module, 240 MHz dual core Tensilica LX6)

Tier 2: Should work

These boards should work but I don't test them as often:

  • ATtiny85 (8 MHz ATtiny85)
  • Arduino Pro Mini (16 MHz ATmega328P)
  • Mini Mega 2560 (Arduino Mega 2560 compatible, 16 MHz ATmega2560)
  • Teensy LC (48 MHz ARM Cortex-M0+)
  • Teensy 3.2 (96 MHz ARM Cortex-M4)

Tier 3: May work, but not supported

  • Other SAMD21 based boards, e.g Arduino Zero
    • SAMD21 based boards are now split into 2 groups:
      • Those using the new ArduinoCore-API, usually Arduino-branded
        boards. These are explicitly blacklisted. See below.
      • Other 3rd party SAMD21 boards using the previous Arduino API.
    • The ones using the previous Arduino API may work but I have not
      explicitly tested any of them except for the Seeed Studio XIAO M0
      and Adafruit ItsyBitsy M4.

Tier Blacklisted

The following boards are not supported and are explicitly blacklisted to allow the compiler to print useful error messages instead of hundreds of lines of compiler errors:

  • Any platform using the
    ArduinoCore-API. For example:
    • Arduino Nano Every
    • Arduino Nano 33 IoT
    • Arduino MKRZero
    • Arduino UNO R4
    • Raspberry Pi Pico RP2040

Tool Chain

This library was developed and tested using:

This library is not compatible with:

It should work with PlatformIO but I have not tested it.

The library works on Linux or MacOS (using both g++ and clang++ compilers) using the EpoxyDuino ( emulation layer.

Operating System

I use Ubuntu 22.04 for the vast majority of my development. I expect that the library will work fine under MacOS and Windows, but I have not tested them.

Motivation and Design Considerations

In the beginning, I created a digital clock using an Arduino Nano board, a small OLED display, and a DS3231 RTC chip. Everything worked, it was great. Then I wanted the clock to figure out the Daylight Saving Time (DST) automatically. And I wanted to create a clock that could display multiple timezones. Thus began my journey down the rabbit hole of timezones.

In full-featured operating systems (e.g. Linux, MacOS, Windows) and languages with timezone library support (e.g. Java, Python, JavaScript, C#, Go), the user has the ability to specify the Daylight Saving time (DST) transitions using 2 ways:


    which encodes the DST transitions into a string (e.g.
    EST+5EDT,M3.2.0/2,M11.1.0/2) that can be parsed programmatically, or
  • a reference to a TZ Database entry
    (e.g. America/Los_Angeles or Europe/London) which identifies a set of time
    transition rules for the given timezone.

The problem with the POSIX format is that it is somewhat difficult for a human to understand, and the programmer must manually update this string when a timezone changes its DST transition rules. Also, there is no historical information in the POSIX string, so date and time written in the past cannot be accurately expressed. As far as I know, POSIX timezone strings can support only 2 DST transitions per year. However, there are a handful of timezones which have (or used to have) 4 timezone transitions in a single year, which cannot be represented by a POSIX string. Most Arduino timezone libraries use the POSIX format (e.g. ropg/ezTime or JChristensen/Timezone) for simplicity and smaller memory footprint.

The libraries that incorporate the full IANA TZ Database are often far too large to fit inside the resource constrained Arduino environments. The AceTime library has been optimized to reduce the flash memory size of the library as much as possible. The application can choose to load only of the smallest subset of the TZ Database that is required to support the selected timezones (1 to 4 have been extensively tested). Dynamic lookup of the time zone is possible using the ZoneManager, and the app develop can customize it with the list of zones that are compiled into the app. On microcontrollers with more than about 32kB of flash memory (e.g. ESP8266, ESP32, Teensy 3.2) and depending on the size of the rest of the application, it may be possible to load the entire IANA TZ database. This will allow the end-user to select the timezone dynamically, just like desktop-class machines.

When new versions of the database are released (several times a year), I can regenerate the zone files, recompile the application, and it will instantly use the new transition rules, without the developer needing to create a new POSIX string.

The AceTime library is inspired by and borrows from:

The names and API of AceTime classes are heavily borrowed from the Java JDK 11 java.time package. Some important differences come from the fact that in Java, most objects are reference objects and created on the heap. To allow AceTime to work on an Arduino chip with only 2kB of RAM and 32kB of flash, the AceTime C++ classes perform no heap allocations (i.e. no calls to operator new() or malloc()). Many of the smaller classes in the library are expected to be used as "value objects", in other words, created on the stack and copied by value. Fortunately, the C++ compilers are extremely good at optimizing away unnecessary copies of these small objects. It is not possible to remove all complex memory allocations when dealing with the TZ Database. In the AceTime library, I managed to move most of the complex memory handling logic into the ZoneProcessor class hierarchy. These are relatively large objects which are meant to be opaque to the application developer, created statically at start-up time of the application, and never deleted during the lifetime of the application.

The Arduino Time Library uses a set of C functions similar to the traditional C/Unix library methods (e.g makeTime() and breaktime()). It also uses the Unix epoch of 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z and a int32_t type as its time_t to track the number of seconds since the epoch. That means that the largest date it can handle is 2038-01-19T03:14:07Z. AceTime uses an epoch that starts on 2000-01-01T00:00:00Z using the same int32_t as its ace_time::acetime_t, which means that maximum date increases to 2068-01-19T03:14:07Z. AceTime is also quite a bit faster than the Arduino Time Library (although in most cases, performance of the Time Library is not an issue): AceTime is 2-5X faster on an ATmega328P, 3-5X faster on the ESP8266, 7-8X faster on the ESP32, and 7-8X faster on the Teensy ARM processor.

AceTime aims to be the smallest library that can run on the basic Arduino platform (e.g. Nano with 32kB flash and 2kB of RAM) that fully supports all timezones in the TZ Database at compile-time. Memory constraints of the smallest Arduino boards may limit the number of timezones supported by a single program at runtime to 1-3 timezones. The library also aims to be as portable as possible, and supports AVR microcontrollers, as well as ESP8266, ESP32 and Teensy microcontrollers.

Comparisons to Other Time Libraries

Arduino Time Library

The AceTime library can be substantially faster than the equivalent methods in the Arduino Time Library. The ComparisonBenchmark.ino program compares the CPU run time of LocalDateTime::forEpochSeconds() and LocalDateTime::toEpochSeconds() with the equivalent breakTime() and makeTime() functions of the Arduino Time Library. Details are given in the ComparisonBenchmark/ file. Two examples for the Arduino Nano and ESP8266 are shown below:


| Method                                 |   micros |
| EmptyLoop                              |    5.000 |
| LocalDateTime::forEpochSeconds()       |  270.000 |
| breakTime()                            |  594.500 |
| LocalDateTime::toEpochSeconds()        |   66.500 |
| makeTime()                             |  344.500 |


| Method                                 |   micros |
| EmptyLoop                              |    0.800 |
| LocalDateTime::forEpochSeconds()       |   13.100 |
| breakTime()                            |   42.600 |
| LocalDateTime::toEpochSeconds()        |    4.500 |
| makeTime()                             |   24.800 |

C Time Library (time.h)

Some version of the standard Unix/C library <time.h> is available in some Arduino platforms, but not others:

  • The AVR libc time
    • contains methods such as gmtime() to convert time_t integer into date
      time components struct tm,
    • and a non-standard mk_gmtime() to convert components into a time_t
    • the time_t integer is unsigned, and starts at 2000-01-01T00:00:00 UTC
    • no support for timezones
    • the time() value does not auto-increment. The system_tick() function
      must be manually called, probably in an ISR (interrupt service routine).
  • The SAMD21 and Teensy platforms do not seem to have a <time.h> library.
  • The ESP8266 and ESP32 have a <time.h> library.
    • The time() function automatically increments through the
      system_get_time() system call.
    • Provides an SNTP client that can synchronize with an NTP service
      and resynchronize the time() function.
    • Adds configTime() functions to configure the behavior of the
      SNTP service, including POSIX timezones.
    • ESP8266 TZ.h containing pre-calculated POSIX timezone strings.

These libraries are all based upon the traditional C/Unix library methods which can be difficult to understand.

ESP8266 and ESP32 TimeZones

The ESP8266 platform provides a cores/esp8266/TZ.h file which contains a list of pre-generated POSIX timezone strings. These can be passed into the configTime() function that initializes the SNTP service.

The ESP32 platform does not provide a TZ.h file as far as I can tell. I believe the same POSIX strings can be passed into its configTime() function. But POSIX timezone strings have limitations that I described in Motivation, and the C-style library functions are often confusing and hard to use.

Application developers can choose to use the built-in SNTP service and the time() function on the ESP8266 and ESP32 as the source of accurate clock, but take advantage of the versatility and power of the AceTime library for timezone conversions. AceTime v1.10 adds the forUnixSeconds64() and toUnixSeconds64() methods in various classes to make it far easier to interact with the 64-bit time_t integers returned by the time() function on these platforms.

See EspTime for an example of how to integrate AceTime with the built-in SNTP service and time() function on the ESP8266 and ESP32. See also the EspSntpClock class in the AceTimeClock project which provides a thin-wrapper around this service on the ESP platforms.


The ezTime is a library that seems to be composed of 2 parts: A client library that runs on the microcontroller and a server part that provides a translation from the timezone name to the POSIX DST transition string. Unfortunately, this means that the controller must have network access for this library to work. I wanted to create a library that was self-contained and could run on an Arduino Nano with just an RTC chip without a network shield.

Micro Time Zone

The Micro Time Zone is a pure-C library that can compile on the Arduino platform. It contains a limited subset of the TZ Database encoded as C structs and determines the DST transitions using the encoded structs. It supports roughly of 45 zones with just a 3kB tzinfo database. The initial versions of AceTime, particularly the BasicZoneProcessor class was directly inspired by this library. It would be interesting to run this library to the same set of "validation" unit tests that checks the AceTime logic and see how accurate this library is. One problem with Micro Time Zone library is that it loads the entire tzinfo database for all 45 time zones, even if only one zone is used. Therefore, the AceTime library will consume less flash memory for the database part if only a handful of zones are used. But the AceTime library contains more algorithmic code so will consume more flash memory. It is not entirely clear which library is smaller for 1-3 time zones. (This may be an interesting investigation the future.)

Java Time, Joda-Time, Noda Time

The names and functionality of most the date and time classes (LocalTime, LocalDate, LocalDateTime, OffsetDateTime, and ZonedDateTime) were inspired by the architecture of the Java 11 java.time package. However, there were many parts of the java.time package that were not appropriate for a microcontroller environment with small memory. Those were implemented in other ways. There were other parts that seemed better implemented by Joda-Time or Noda Time). I picked the ones that I liked.

Those other libraries (java.time, Joda-Time, and Noda Time) all provide substantially more fine-grained class hierarchies to provider better type-safety. For example, those libraries just mentioned provided an Instant class, a Duration class, an Interval class. The java.time package also provides other fine-grained classes such as OffsetTime, OffsetDate, Year, Month, MonthDay classes. For the AceTime library, I decided to avoid providing too many classes. The API of the library is already too large, I did not want to make them larger than necessary.

Howard Hinnant Date Library

The date package by Howard Hinnant is based upon the <chrono> standard library and consists of several libraries of which date.h and tz.h are comparable to AceTime. Modified versions of these libraries were voted into the C++20 standard.

Unfortunately these libraries are not suitable for an Arduino microcontroller environment because:

  • The libraries depend extensively on 64-bit integers which are
    impractical on 8-bit microcontrollers with only 32kB of flash memory.
  • The tz.h library has the option of downloading the TZ Database files over
    the network using libcurl to the OS filesystem then parsing the files, or
    using the native Zoneinfo entries on the host OS. Neither options are
    practical on small microcontrollers. The raw TZ Database files consume about
    1MB in gzip'ed format, which are not suitable for a 32kB Arduino
  • The libraries has dependencies on other libraries such as <iostream> and
    <chrono> which don't exist on most Arduino platforms.
  • The libraries are heavily templatized to provide maximum flexibility
    and type-safety. But this makes the libraries incredibly hard to understand
    and cumbersome to use for the simple use cases targeted by the AceTime

The Hinnant date libraries were invaluable for writing the HinnantBasicTest and HinnantExtendedTest validation tests which compare the AceTime algorithms to the Hinnant Date algorithms. For all times zones between the years 2000 until 2100, the AceTime date-time components (ZonedDateTime) and abbreviations (ZonedExtra) calculated from the given epochSeconds match the results from the Hinnant Date libraries.

Google cctz

The cctz library from Google is also based on the <chrono> library. I have not looked at this library closely because I assumed that it would not fit inside an Arduino controller. Hopefully I will get some time to take a closer look in the future.


MIT License

Feedback and Support

If you have any questions, comments, or feature requests for this library, please use the GitHub Discussions for this project. If you have bug reports, please file a ticket in GitHub Issues. Feature requests should go into Discussions first because they often have alternative solutions which are useful to remain visible, instead of disappearing from the default view of the Issue tracker after the ticket is closed.

Please refrain from emailing me directly unless the content is sensitive. The problem with email is that I cannot reference the email conversation when other people ask similar questions later.
