🦙 MPI-parallelized C++ framework to simulate compressible multiphase flow physics

OTHER License



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ALPACA is a MPI-parallelized C++ code framework to simulate compressible multiphase flow physics. It allows for advanced high-resolution sharp-interface modeling empowered with efficient multiresolution compression. The modular code structure offers a broad flexibility to select among many most-recent numerical methods covering WENO/T-ENO, Riemann solvers (complete/incomplete), strong-stability preserving Runge-Kutta time integration schemes, level-set methods and many more.

⚠️ On macOS you have to increase the stack size by running ulimit -s 65532. This only mitigates the problem to a certain degree. If the new stack limit is reached ALPACA will still crash ⚠️



brew install tgymnich/tap/hdf5-mpich
brew install cmake
brew install paraview 

git clone --recurse-submodules -j8
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build .

ulimit -s 65532
mpirun -np 4 ./ALPACA ../inputfile.xml

Terms of usage

ALPACA is free software (GNU GPLv3), see the LICENSE file and/or sourcefile header in the repository. If you use ALPACA, please cite the following paper:

title = "A modular massively parallel computing strategy for three-dimensional multiresolution simulations of compressible flows",
journal = "tba",
volume = "tba",
pages = "tba",
year = "2020",
doi = "",
author = "Nils Hoppe and Stefan Adami and Nikolaus A. Adams",
keywords = "Multiresolution, Morton order, Compressible flow solver"

First steps

To get started with ALPACA, please obtain a copy of the repository.

Using GIT:

If not available - install GIT on your machine.

Next, navigate to the place where you would like to have the ALPACA folder.

We include the third party libraries used within ALPACA via git submodules. Thus, ALPACA has to be cloned with all its submodules. This can be realized with the following git command:

Via ssh

git clone --recursive [email protected]:nanoshock/ALPACA.git

Via https

git clone --recursive

Existing ALPACA

In case the submodules should be included in an already existing ALPACA git environment, all submodules can be updated using:

git submodule update --init --recursive

Without GIT (not recommended):

Alternatively, you can directly download and unpack a compressed source-code package (zip / tar.gz / tar.bz2 / tar) from the main project-page in gitlab. Note, for this option you need to provide the third-party libraries separately.

Compilation and first simulation

Now, follow the installation instructions to get your artiodactyla running. ALPACA is shipped with ready-to-use examples.


The source code of ALPACA is fully documented, please also see the respective journal articles for further details. Optionally, Doxygen can be used to generate a full documentation of the code. The configuration file "Doxyfile" is provided in the repository. To generate the documentation (assuming "doxygen" is installed on your system), please use the following command:

> doxygen Doxyfile

Note, we used doxygen-1.8.11 to write this guide.


ALPACA provides different levels of testing. Unit tests allow to test individual units of source code. Running the unit tests for ALPACA is fast and takes only about a minute. We also provide a Testsuite for more extensive tests. In the following, details on how to run the respective tests are given.

Unit Tests

To compile and run the unit tests the following steps are necessary:

  • Go to the ALPACA repository folder
cd /path/to/ALPACA
  • Create a build folder and run cmake
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
  • Create the unit test executable Paco
make Paco -j 4
  • Run the single- as well as two-core unit tests
mpiexec -n 1 ./Paco [1rank]
mpiexec -n 2 ./Paco [2rank]


The Testsuite serves to validate successful completion of several single- and two-phase cases, MPI parallelization, symmetry preserving techniques as well as correct physical behaviour. In order to run the Testsuite a python interpreter (Python >= 3.6) is required. Then, the following steps are necessary:

  • Go to the ALPACA repository folder
cd /path/to/ALPACA
  • Go to the folder where the file is located
cd Utilities/TestSuite
  • Run the Testsuite with a selected configuration
python ../Inputfiles/TestSuiteConfiguration/AerConfig.xml

The Testsuite takes several hours to complete and requires non-negligible computational resources (several cores). For testing during development we recommend to adjust the extent of the considered tests via the configuration file (see Utilities/Inputfiles/TestSuiteConfiguration/AerConfig.xml).

Running the Testsuite on the Linux cluster of the LRZ is done in two steps. The first step is to compile all relevant executables:

  • Go to the ALPACA repository folder
cd /path/to/ALPACA
  • Go to the Testsuite folder
cd Utilities/TestSuite
  • Run (nohup can be used to detach the process from the terminal)

After this step is completed (takes several hours) submit a job to run the Testsuite:

  • Go to the ALPACA repository folder
cd /path/to/ALPACA
  • Go to the Testsuite folder
cd Utilities/TestSuite
  • Adapt the testsuite.job Slurm job file according to your needs and submit the job
sbatch testsuite.job

After the job has finished (again takes several hours) check the output file of the Slurm job for successful completion of the Testsuite.


The wiki pages contain introductory information on installation instructions and first examples to try out ALPACA. There is also some more background information on the numerics together with a developer's corner for experts.


We are highly interested in fruitful collaborations and hope to provide a useful tool to other research groups and interested scientists. If you are working with ALPACA, we highly appreciate your comments and experiences to improve the code. If you work on new features, please feel free to contact us to avoid redundant developments.


If you encounter any problems with ALPACA regarding e.g. compilation or performing your simulations, please don't hesitate to contact the developers via

  1. Gitlab's 'Issue tracking system' (recommended) or
  2. get in touch with us by mail

Peer-reviewed publications using Alpaca

Winter, J. M., Kaiser, J. W. J., Adami, S., & Adams, N. A. (2019). Numerical investigation of 3D drop-breakup mechanisms using a sharp interface level-set method. Proceedings of the 11th Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, Southampton, United Kingdom.

Kaiser, J. W. J., Adami, S., & Adams, N. A. (2019). Three-dimensional direct numerical simulation of shock-induced bubble collapse near gelatin. Proceedings of the 11th Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, Southampton, United Kingdom.

Kaiser, J. W. J., Hoppe, N., Adami, S., & Adams, N. A. (2019). An adaptive local time-stepping scheme for multiresolution simulations of hyperbolic conservation laws. Journal of Computational Physics: X, 4, 100038.

Fleischmann, N., Adami, S. & Adams, N. A. (2019). Numerical symmetry-preserving techniques for low-dissipation shock-capturing schemes. Computers & Fluids, 189, 94-107.

Fleischmann, N., Adami, S. & Adams, N. A. (2020). A low dissipation method to cure the grid-aligned shock instability. Journal of Computational Physics, 401, 109004.

Kaiser, J. W. J., Adami, S., Akhatov, I. S. & Adams, N. A. (2020). A semi-implicit conservative sharp-interface method for liquid-solid phase transition. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 155, 119800.

Bibtex keys for publications

author = " Winter, J.M., Kaiser, J.W.J., Adami, S. and Adams, N.A.", 
title = "Numerical investigation of 3D drop-breakup mechanisms using a sharp interface level-set method",
booktitle = "11th International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, TSFP 2019",
address = "Southampton; United Kingdom",
year = "2019",
url = ""

@inproceedings{Kaiser2019 ,
author = " Kaiser, J.W.J., Adami, S. and Adams, N.A.", 
title = "Three-dimensional direct numerical simulation of shock-induced bubble collapse near gelatin",
booktitle = "11th International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, TSFP 2019",
address = "Southampton; United Kingdom",
year = "2019",
url =""

author = " Kaiser, J.W.J., Hoppe, N., Adami, S. and Adams, N.A.", 
title = "An adaptive local time-stepping scheme for multiresolution simulations of hyperbolic conservation laws",
journal = "Journal of Computational Physics: X",
volume = "4",
pages = "100038",
year = "2019",
issn = "2590-0552",
doi = "",
url = ""

author = "Fleischmann, N., Adami, S. and Adams, N.A.",
title = "Numerical symmetry-preserving techniques for low-dissipation shock-capturing schemes",
journal = "Computers & Fluids",
volume = "189",
pages = "94 - 107",
year = "2019",
issn = "0045-7930",
doi = "",
url = "",

author = "Fleischmann, N., Adami, S. and Adams, N.A.",
title = "A low dissipation method to cure the grid-aligned shock instability",
journal = "Journal of Computational Physics",
volume = "401",
pages = "109004",
year = "2020",
issn = "0021-9991",
doi = ""

author = "Kaiser, J.W.J., Adami, S., Akhatov, I.S. and Adams, N.A.",
title = "A semi-implicit conservative sharp-interface method for liquid-solid phase transition",
journal = "International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer",
volume = "155",
pages = "119800",
year = "2020",
issn = "0017-9310",
doi = "",
url = ""


ALPACA was fed and grown thanks to several supporter:

  • This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program: ERC Advanced Grant No. 667483, Prof. Dr. Nikolaus A. Adams, "NANOSHOCK - Manufacturing Shock Interactions for Innovative Nanoscale Processes"
  • This project has received computing time on the GCS Supercomputer SuperMUC at Leibniz Supercomputing Centre ( from the Gauss Centre for Supercomputing e.V. (
  • This project has received funding from the Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts through the Competence Network for Scientific High Performance Computing in Bavaria (KONWIHR).
  • This project has received funding from German Research Foundation (DFG).