
A C++ based audio graph with JUCE frontend



A C++ based graph for manipulating and connecting various audio node processors to generate audio output. Built with the JUCE framework.

The project aims to create a modular synthesis environment to allow rapid prototyping of ideas.


  • Extensive DSP library, possibly incorporate 3rd party libs or audio languages? Csound?
  • An elegant solution to supplying and manipulating control data
    • Possibly include a form of timeline component
    • Extensive use of macro control to manipulate multiple parameters
  • Graph needs to deal well with many visual components i.e not a rats nest of connections
  • Possibly have a grid based graph instead of free roaming, lock connections to tracks instead of direct lines
  • Split the graph into audio and control data routing. Multilayered graph?
  • Allow mixed time and frequency domain processing
  • Possibly have a sub graph when moving to the frequency domain
  • Graph must cope with audio latency well