
Library for using the twitter api directly on an esp8266 using the Arduino IDE

GPL-2.0 License


DEPRACATED in favor of new library I am working on


A wrapper for the Twitter API for Arduino (works on ESP8266)

In the api FAQ twitter mentions that they do not expire bearer tokens, so once you do not generate a new one with the same Credentials it should continue working

Getting API Key & Secret

  • Go to the following URL - sign in if you havent already.
  • Fill in the fields, For website you can enter any webpage (e.g., and create your app
  • Then click on the Keys & Tokens tab. Your Consumer Key and Consumer Secret will be there.

Getting Bearer Token

I am hoping to make this a little more simple going forward, as we should be able to do this on the board directly, but here they are for now :)

  • Get curl on your machine (Windows: try this it shoud already be installed on mac and linux)
  • Make the following request using the key and token from the above section
curl -u "CONSUMER_KEY:CONSUMER_SECRET" --data 'grant_type=client_credentials' ''
  • The response will contain a bearer token (it is the big long one!), use this with the setBearerToken as shown in the example.