
Desktop GUI Framework

MPL-2.0 License


Azul - Desktop GUI framework

Azul is a free, functional, reactive GUI framework for Rust, C and C++, built using the WebRender rendering engine and a CSS / HTML-like document object model for rapid development of beautiful, native desktop applications

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Azul uses webrender (the rendering engine behind Firefox) to render your UI, so it supports lots of common CSS features like:

  • gradients (linear, radial, conic)
  • box shadows
  • SVG filters
  • composition operators (multiply, darken, etc.)
  • border styling
  • border-radii
  • scrolling / automatic overflow
  • CSS transforms

See the list of supported CSS keys / values for more info.

On top of that, Azul features...

  • lots of built-in widgets (Button, TextInput, CheckBox, ColorInput, TextInput, NumberInput)
  • embedding OpenGL textures
  • simplified HTML-like relative/absolute layout system based on CSS flexbox
  • 60+ FPS animations via Animation API
  • cross-platform native dialogs
  • cross-platform text shaping and rendering
  • SVG parsing and rendering
  • shape tesselation for rendering large numbers of 2D lines, circles, rects, shapes, etc. in a single draw call
  • managing off-main-thread tasks for I/O
  • dynamic linking via shared library*
  • usable from Rust, C, C++ and Python via auto-generated API bindings**
  • HTML-to-Rust compilation for fast prototyping / hot reload

* static linking not yet available

** C++ bindings and Python are not yet stabilized and might not work depending on the branch you're using. They will be stabilized before the release.


Hello World


from azul import *

class DataModel:
    def __init__(self, counter):
        self.counter = counter

def render_dom(data, info):
    label = Dom.text("{}".format(data.counter))
    label.set_inline_style("font-size: 50px;")
    button = Button("Increment counter")
    button.set_on_click(data, increment_counter)

    dom = Dom.body()


def increment_counter(data, info):
    data.counter += 1;
    return Update.RefreshDom

app = App(DataModel(5), AppConfig(LayoutSolver.Default))


use azul::prelude::*;
use azul::widgets::{button::Button, label::Label};

struct DataModel {
    counter: usize,

extern "C" 
fn render_dom(data: &mut RefAny, _: &mut LayoutInfo) -> StyledDom {

    let data = data.downcast_ref::<DataModel>()?;

    let label = Dom::text(format!("{}", data.counter))
        .with_inline_style("font-size: 50px;");
    let button = Button::new("Increment counter")
        .onmouseup(increment_counter, data.clone());


extern "C" 
fn increment_counter(data: &mut RefAny, _: &mut CallbackInfo) -> Update {
    let mut data = data.downcast_mut::<DataModel>()?;
    data.counter += 1;
    Update::RefreshDom // call render_dom() again

fn main() {
    let initial_data = RefAny::new(DataModel { counter: 0 });
    let app = App::new(initial_data, AppConfig::default());;


#include "azul.h"

typedef struct {
    uint32_t counter;
} DataModel;

void DataModel_delete(DataModel* restrict A) { }
AZ_REFLECT(DataModel, DataModel_delete);

AzStyledDom render_dom(AzRefAny* data, AzLayoutInfo* info) {

    DataModelRef d = DataModelRef_create(data);
    if !(DataModel_downcastRef(data, &d)) {
        return AzStyledDom_empty();
    char buffer [20];
    int written = snprintf(buffer, 20, "%d", d->counter);
    AzString const labelstring = AzString_copyFromBytes(&buffer, 0, written);
    AzDom label = AzDom_text(labelstring);
    AzString const inline_css = AzString_fromConstStr("font-size: 50px;");
    AzDom_setInlineStyle(&label, inline_css);
    AzString const buttontext = AzString_fromConstStr("Increment counter");
    AzButton button = AzButton_new(buttontext, AzRefAny_clone(data));
    AzButton_setOnClick(&button, incrementCounter);

    AzDom body = Dom_body();
    AzDom_addChild(body, AzButton_dom(&button));
    AzDom_addChild(body, label);
    AzCss global_css = AzCss_empty();
    return AzDom_style(body, global_css);

Update incrementCounter(RefAny* data, CallbackInfo* event) {
    DataModelRefMut d = DataModelRefMut_create(data);
    if !(DataModel_downcastRefMut(data, &d)) {
        return Update_DoNothing;
    d->ptr.counter += 1;
    return Update_RefreshDom;

int main() {
    DataModel model = { .counter = 5 };
    AzApp app = AzApp_new(DataModel_upcast(model), AzAppConfig_default());
    AzApp_run(app, AzWindowCreateOptions_new(render_dom));
    return 0;


Azul is licensed under the MPL-2.0. Which means that yes, you can build proprietary applications using azul without having to publish your code: you only have to publish changes made to the library itself.

Copyright 2017 - current Felix Schütt

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