BASS_VST allows the usage of VST plugins in the BASS audio library.

LGPL-3.0 License



BASS_VST allows the usage of VST plugins in BASS. BASS_VST was written to work with Silverjuke(R). Any other usage is for your own risk - but you're welcome and I'm sure it will work :-)


  • - this file
  • LICENSE - BASS_VST license information (BASS_VST ist released under LGPL)
  • bass_vst.h - BASS_VST C/C++ header file and documentation
  • bass_vst.dll - binary BASS_VST module
  • bass_vst.lib - binary BASS_VST import library to access bass_vst.dll easily
  • source - the source files are placed in this directory

If the binary files are missing, you can find them at or you can build them from the source directory by creating a simple DLL project using your favorite IDE. In tihs case you'll need some more files not included in this package:

Usage in a glance


#include <bass.h>
#include <bass_vst.h>

// create a normal BASS stream
DWORD ch = BASS_StreamCreateFile(false, "c:\\sth.mp3", 0, 0, 0);

// assign a VST plugin DLL to the channel -- the returned handle can be used
// with all BASS_VST_*() functions
DWORD dsp = BASS_VST_ChannelSetDSP(ch, "c:\\equalizer.dll", 0, 0);

// that's all
BASS_ChannelPlay(ch, false);

// ... wait for finish ...

// delete the stream - this will also delete the VST effect

That's all for using VST effects, which will probably the most common usage. However, you can also use VST instruments (VSTi plugins) with BASS_VST:

// create a VST instrument stream -- the returned handle can be used with
// all BASS_Channel*() and all BASS_VST_*() functions
DWORD ch = BASS_VST_ChannelCreate(44100, 2, "c:\\instr.dll", 0);

// the returned handle can be used like any other BASS channel handle -
// eg. you can add a VST effect and start the stream
BASS_VST_ChannelSetDSP(ch, "c:\\equalizer.dll", 0, 0);

// ... wait for finish ... trigger notes using BASS_VST_ProcessEvent() ...

// when done, delete the VST instrument stream

Further information

For all functions and parameter descriptions, please refer to bass_vst.h - another documentation is not available at the moment (and probably will never be). Also note the version history and the disclaimer in this file.

(C) Bjoern Petersen Software Design and Development VST PlugIn Interface Technology by Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH

Contact: [email protected] -

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