
An exemplary implementation of the Ball Pivoting Algorithm (BPA) for surface reconstruction from oriented point clouds

BSL-1.0 License


Ball Pivoting Algorithm (BPA)

This is an exemplary C++ implementation of the ball pivoting algorithm for creating triangle meshes from point clouds. The implementation is intentionally kept simple and is based on:

The Ball-Pivoting Algorithm for Surface Reconstruction by Fausto Bernardini, Joshua Mittleman, Holly Rushmeier, Claudio Silva and Gabriel Taubin

The model of the bunny is provided by the Stanford University Computer Graphics Laboratory.


  1. Please install the following dependencies using your favourite dependency manager (I tried vcpkg):

    • glm
    • Catch2v3
  2. Generate build system using CMake

git clone https://github.com/bernhardmgruber/bpa.git
mkdir bpa/build
cd bpa/build
cmake ..
  1. Run make on Linux or open and build Visual Studio solution on Windows. Requires a compiler supporting C++20, but can probably be easily ported down to C++17 or C++14.

  2. (Optional) Run the tests by executing the tests executable in the build directory

  3. Play with the algorithm using the command line executable bpa <inputPointCloudFile> <radius> [<outputMeshFile>] in the build directory