
Cross platform GLFW based port of Stan Melax's BunnyLOD Easy Mesh Simplification

MIT License


Original code: https://github.com/melax/sandbox/tree/master/bunnylod

More information & article link: http://www.melax.com/polychop

Polygon Reduction Demo
By Stan Melax (c) 1998

Mouse dragging spins the rabbit.

August 2014: code style upgraded to be more consistent with graphics/gamdev conventions

MIT Licensed as per https://github.com/melax/sandbox/blob/master/LICENSE

BunnyLOD Cross Platform Port

May 2020: Cross platform port using GLFW and CMake by Doug Binks

I have made sufficient and minimal changes to Stan Melax's code to get it running with GLFW on Windows, OSX and Linux.

The main interesting code is in progmesh.h and progmesh.cpp.

The code requires a C++14 compatible compiler. Visual Studio on Windows, Clang on OSX and GCC on Linux tested.

Getting the code

The easiest way to get hold of the starter code is to run the following command using a shell you can run git from:

git clone --recursive https://github.com/dougbinks/BunnyLOD

If you are on Windows you can download git from git-scm.com/download/win and use the right click menu in Windows File Explorer to "Git Bash here" and then run git commands.

This will create the directory GLFW-CMake-starter and get the latest source code, using the --recursive option to download the GLFW code which is included in the repository as a submodule. If you want to run further git commands from the command line you'll need to cd into the directory:

cd BunnyLOD

Alternatively you can use a git GUI program such as Fork to get the code. Most of these will automatically download the git submodules.

If you download the code from GitHub via the "Download ZIP" approach, you'll also need to download GLFW into the glfw folder. The correct version can be found by clicking on the glfw folder you see on the front page of the BunnyLOD GitHub repository.

Using CMake to create the project

From a command prompt in the BunnyLOD directory:

  1. mkdir build
  2. cd build
  3. cmake ..
  4. Either run make all or for Visual Studio open BunnyLOD.sln

Also see

BGFX example 42-bunnlod by cloudwu: https://bkaradzic.github.io/bgfx/examples.html#bunnylod BGFX example 42-bunnlod screenshot

This port to render with the BGFX GFX API also adds a Dear ImGui UI and the code is converted to C.