
This is an ESP32 port of the popular Chorus RF Laptimer

GPL-3.0 License



This is an ESP32 port of the popular Chorus RF laptimer ( Using an ESP32 provides much more processing power than AVR based Arduino boards and also has built in Wifi and Bluetooth networking simplifying connectivity options.

Compared to the original ChorusRF Lamptimer this ESP32 version only requires one RX module per pilot and a single ESP32 (nodemcu or similar) board. This allows you to connect your Lap timer wirelessly with no extra hardware required. However, due to ADC constraints, we are limited to 6 pilots per device.

Hardware construction is also simplified as both parts are 3.3v logic and there is no need for level shifting or resistors.

Click HERE for a video showing the full setup process to get Chorus32 running on your ESP32 using Arduino IDE..

Click Here for German version Part 1 Part 2.


Important Notice for Chorus32 users!!!:

As of last commit the default pinout has been changed to match that of the PCBs currently being tested.

For anyone that has built a Chorus32 with original schematics do not worry, your unit will continue working with future updates. However you must change #define BOARD BOARD_DEFAULT to #define BOARD BOARD_OLD in 'HardwareConfig.h' when compiling.

Added OLED and VBAT measurement support Auto RSSI threshold setup is also not implemented, just set thresholds manually for now.

Added inital webserver configuration portal

Application Support:

Chorus32 communicates using the Chorus RF Laptimer API, which is supported by LiveTime.

LiveTime is an incredibly powerful and feature-rich timing system which runs on Windows. It is, however, quite complex, and likely overkill for most users.

More information can be found here:

If you are looking for a simpler setup, you can also use the Chorus RF Lap Timer app available for:



Serial to UDP bridge.

To use this wirelessly with livetime you must use a third party application to a bridge vitural serial port with the UDP connection to the timer. The native ethernet TCP mode does not work at the moment. You can use this free application

Configure it like this:


Construction is easy and only requires some basic point to point wiring of each module to the ESP32 board.

See HardwareConfig.h for pin assignments, it is possible to change any pin assignments apart from ADC channels. Note that pin assignments are GPIO hardware pin numbers and not pin numbers specific to the particular ESP32 development board you may be using.

PCB designs are currently being tested


The Chorus32 Lap timer was compared to the $600USD ImmersionRC LapRF 8-Way at a local indoor event, arguably the worst conditions due to multipath and reflections. Results are presented below, you can see that the Chorus32 very closely matches the measured lap times of the LapRF.

Compiling the project using platformio



Compiling and uploading




To upload the code to your timer just run

pio run -e <your board> -t upload
pio run -e <your board> -t uploadfs

Insert the board you are using, which is probably BOARD_DEFAULT. To list all valid targets just insert some random string as the board (sorry, I have no idea on how to list them properly).

To update using the webpage, run the same commands (and ignore the errors about a failed connection). The path to the file you upload should now be <project dir>/.pio/build/<BOARD NAME>/firmware.bin.

Compiling the Project using the Arduino IDE (the old way):

Add esp32 to the Arduino IDE

Navigate to "File -> Preferences" and add "" to "Additional Boards Manager URLs". If there is already an entry, just separate them with a ",".

Now navigate to "Tools -> Board -> Boards Manager..." search for "esp32" and click install.

Data Upload

To upload the files for the webpage you'll need to download and extract it in "/tools/". So that you end up with a folder called "ESP32FS" which has a folder "tool" inside of it.


First head to "Sketch -> Include Library -> Manage Libraries" and search for "adafruit ina219" and "ssd1306 esp32" and install them both. Now head to and and click on "Clone or download -> Download ZIP". In the Arduino IDE nagivate to "Sketch -> Include Library -> Add .ZIP Library" and add them both.


Now hit the upload button (with an arrow to the right) to upload the code to the board. After that upload the webpage data by clicking on "Tools -> ESP32 Sketch Data Upload". This should be done on every update!

You can edit file "HardwareConfig.h" to specify your board type and for some advanced configuration.


For updates either follow the normal flashing procedure or use the web UI. To use the web UI updater open your Arduino IDE and click the verify button (the most left one). Depending on your operating system there is a folder named "arduino_build_<some numbers>" in:

  • Linux: /tmp
  • Windows: %AppData%
  • OSX: No idea, sorry

Inside that folder should be a file called "ESP32LapTimer.ino.bin", which can be uploaded in the web interface.

Library requirements:
