
Commander Genius - Commander Keen compatible clone -- main repo here:

         Commander Genius                
(c)2008-2011            Gerstrong       
(c)2009-2011            Albert          
(c)2009-2011            Pizza2004       
(c)2009-2011            Pickle          
(c)2009-2011            Tulip           
(c)2009-2011            DaVince         
(c)2010-2011            FCTW            
(c)2010-2011            Furan           
       Released under GNU/GPL           
       Release v${CG_VERSION} 
       Build: ${BUILD_TYPE}                                       

NOTE: Updaters since! The savegames are still there but will be stored in special directories so you don't get messed up with mods. If you have your game at directory "games/keen1", than the savegames will be loaded and saved under "save/games/keen1". If you never had saved games, don't worry about that message.

Thanks for downloading Commander Genius!

Commander Genius is an open-source clone of Commander Keen, which allows you to play the original three games, and a majority of the mods made for it. All of the original data files are required to do so, however, we convienently include Episode 1 and 4 for your enjoyment.

Commander Genius runs on Linux/X11, Windows, MacOS X, Wiz, GP2X and the iPhone, with plans to release on other platforms in the future. If you think you would like to port it, please send us a message and we will do our best to help you understand the code.

The main goal of Commander Genius is to copy the original gameplay feeling as much as possible, although there're also a number of improvements like:

  • MMX Support
  • Mod Support
  • OpenGL Acceleration
  • Better graphical Effects
  • Multiplayer Support
  • High Quality Packs which make the game look better and
    provide better sounds and even music you might never have heard
    in this game before
  • Ingame Menu
  • Named Save Slots
  • Unrestricted Joystick Support
  • and more!

Before it was called CloneKeenPlus, but some major rewrites in the code had to be done. We now call it Commander Genius! After all this coding, we have retained only a very small portion of the original CloneKeen code, but it was its base that allowed it to happen. Due that fact we still honor Caitlin Shaw and all that effort she put onto that engine in the past.

The Commander Genius source code may be freely distributed and modified as per the GPL, just please remember to give credit to the original authors. We worked very hard on it!

Setting up the data of the game:

  • Copy the directory of the games to the "games" subdirectory of CG.
    If you own the registered versions, you can play all episodes,
    otherwise download the shareware version and copy them there.
    You also can use mods. If you have a bundled version,
    you already should be able to play episode 1, as it is in that directory.
  • If you want to use some patched mods just copy them as separate games.
  • Go into the root directory and start the interpreter. If you have downloaded
    the binary version of Commander Genius (for Windows, Linux32/64), then you
    will find the executable in the root directory of the extracted game.
    Under Linux it is called "CGenius", under Windows "CGenius.exe".
  • If you want better sounds and music, please download the high quality pack (HQP).
    Read that readme of HQP for more information in how to use those resources.
    Also try out our new tilesets. They are awesome!
    Using HQP you might have to copy some resources to the specific game directory so
    CG would detect it. For example you might want to copy ck1tiles.bmp to ./games/keen1/
  • If your monitor and graphic card support a special resolution, you can add it by
    modifying "resolutions.cfg" with your favorite text-editor. It can be found in the
    "./data" directory and you simply have to add in resolutions as "width"x"height"x"depth"
    (depth should always be 32 in the case of a normal computer. Embedded System can use 16
    for better performance).

Howto use Commander Genius (If you didn't compile it):

  • Go to the game directory.
  • Under Windows you start "CGenius.exe", under Linux "./CGenius"

Howto compile it under Ubuntu (testet on Lucid):

  • This is based on the source code that we provide on our website
  • As we know which packages are needed, because we use Ubuntu, here is an extra guide.
  • Install through Synaptic or "sudo apt-get install" following packages:
    • build-essential
    • libvorbis-dev
    • libsdl1.2-dev
    • libgl1-mesa-dev
  • extract my source code into "CGenius".
  • cd into the source directory "CGenius"
  • Run "cmake -DBUILD_TYPE=LINUX32" or "cmake -DBUILD_TYPE=LINUX64" depending on what
    system you have.
  • Run "make".
  • Then, you can run "CGenius". Copy the files, wherever you want them together
    with the data directory. "make install" does not work though.

Compiling CG on any Linux/UNIX (other than Ubuntu):

  • If you want to compile the game, you need to have all the standard
    development libraries and GNU C Compiler (at least version 4) installed
    on your system.
  • You need to install the "vorbis", "SDL" and "Mesa/OpenGL" development libraries to get
    it successfully compiled.
  • extract my source code to "cgenius".
  • cd into the "cgenius" subdirectory.
  • Run "cmake -DBUILD_TYPE=LINUX32" or "cmake -DBUILD_TYPE=LINUX64"
  • Run "make".
  • Then, you can run "CGenius". Copy the files,
    wherever you want them together with the data directory.
    "make install" does not work though.

We also provide CMake for wiz. If you want to compile it for embedded systems. We had support for Linux and Win32, but since there is a bug when build, for different Linux build (32-bit or 64-bit) we only use it for embedded systems. Also check out the CMakeLists.txt for more information.

    Being cross-platform, there are many methods to detect different resolutions on a system.

Generally it is not necessary, because many resolutions are already supported, but if you want to support other resolutions that you don't find in the options list just modify the "resolutions.cfg" file by hand. CG always reads this file and checks whether your card and monitor support it.

CAUTION: This is recommended for advanced users who know what they do. The team won't take any responsibility if you use a wrong configuration. If you want to see other resolutions to in future versions of CG, mail us ;-).

  • GAME PLAY - Before you play the game, you should take a look at the controls. Normally LAlt, Ctrl, Space and Enter are the action keys. You can also assign joystick buttons and axes to those actions.

  • HOT KEYS - F2 for soundmenu F3 for controls menu F5 for save menu

  • CHEAT CODES - There are a full assortment of cheat codes available. Some cheats must first be enabled with -cheat or through the options->game menu. C+T+SPACE and G+O+D will always work.

KEY ACTION DESCRIPTION G+O+D godmode In god mode you are invincible! C+T+SPACE All Items Gives all items, similar to the original. F+I+X Restore Restores the settings as they were in the first time. Use this if CG doesn't display anything

  • SAVE/LOAD GAME - The game can be saved by pressing F3 at any point during the game or using the menu. The game will be saved in the exact position it was left (unlike the original which only allowed save at the map).

  • DEMO - This feature is disabled for now, but we hope to reenable it soon!

  • FAQ - Q: Commander Genius is slow? Please help! A: You can decrease the fps under settings->video what is very recommended for any system. OpenGL may also help on some systems with ScaleX disabled. Try to lower the resolution, a lower filter, or decrease some stuff in the sound section. Stereo sound requires additional calculations than mono sound. There are many things you can do, to speed up the program. Also HQP requieres more resources take that into mind.

Q: When can I play Keen 4, 5 and 6 on CG? A: That is a good question! We currently are working on the support and piece by piece more functionalities of those great games will be there. Just get every update we release and more stuff for those games will be starting to work. ;-)

  • BUG! -
    So you really found one or more bugs? Please report me those per e-mail ([email protected]) or at
    the SourceForge.Net Trac system we offer and they will be checked by all of us.
    Depending on the priority, we are going to fix them as soon as possible.
    Sending us the "CGLog.html" or "stdout.txt" file might help tracking the error.
    Also remember to test the version from the testing repo we sometimes provide.
    Your error might have been already fixed there. If there is no testing version after the release,
    just report it. ;-)

    Many thanks to people who has helped me so far in this project with their

Sciz CT Lemm DSL (Nice icon contribution) Motorfingers Chrisfischtopher Commander Spleen Dreams Napalm (More Keen Data Structure Information) Malvineous Hans de Goede Levellass (Keen EXE-Information) ZidaneA (For his music tracks!) Iv4n

Also many special thanks to Martin Hauber (Tulip) who has been supporting me all the time in testing the Windows version of CKP and giving me access to new information. Without you it wouldn't be so great now!

And also special thanks to Chad Ian Anderson (Pizza2004) in helping us in many points of the game. Even in difficult times he always supported us.

Furthermore special thanks to Scott (Pickle) and Albert Zeyer for his changes. They helped out a lot on the quality of the code and performance incrate.

I'm sure, there were more people who helped us and we forgot to mention, but many thanks to them also.

Also lots of thanks to all of you, the project has become so great, and will be a nice port for Commander Keen games!

And yes, it's no rumor, we are working on Keen 4 support! Stay tuned!

For questions, comments, or updates to the source tree please contact: [email protected] or go thru SourceForge at