
Pŕacticas Informática Gráfica

GPL-3.0 License


Computer Graphics

Made for the subject 'Informtica Grfica', Universidad de Granada.


Files can be compiled by doing make inside srcs-prac A list of usable keys:

  • P: changes between all the practicax visualizations
  • O: changes object to visualize
  • M: changes mode of visualization
  • G: changes freedom degree (third assingment); changes between alpha and beta (fourth assignment)
  • <>: increases/decreases value of current freedom degree (third assingment); increases/decreases value of alpha/beta (fourth assignment)
  • C: changes camera in fifth assignment.
  • V: changes among examination and first person camera mode in fifth assignment.
  • +: moves curent camera closer in fifth assignment
  • -: moves away curent camera in fifth assignment
  • , , , : moves current camera in that direction in fifth assignment


  • g++
  • freeglut3-dev
  • libglew-dev
  • libjpeg-dev


GPL v3 licensed