
C++ Gold Parser Engine

LGPL-2.1 License


C++ Gold Parser Engine (c) 2002-2010 Manuel Astudillo

This library is distributed under LGPL license. Please read file src/COPYING for more details about license terms. Read also WHATSNEW for the latest improvements for this version.

The latest version of this library can be donwload at: http://github.com/manast/cpp-gpengine. In the same adress it is possible to find some more documentation and news.

This gpengine is a free work not supported, nor involved in any way in the development of Devin Cook's Gold Parser Builder utility. For questions regarding the builder please use the Gold Parser forums at: http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/GOLDParser/

For questions, comments, bug reports or feature requests regarding cpp-gpengine please use the facilities available at sourceforge's webpage.