
A CLI tool written in Go used to generate C++ projects



cppinit is a CLI utility written in Go that generates empty C++ projects for my particular configuration and tastes.

It requires the following:

Download Boost via brew, pacman or vcpkg. Because Ubuntu is usually so behind, simply download and build the source.

For cppinit itself:

  1. Download and install the Go toolkit (1.10 was used at time of writing)
  2. go get github.com/LeonineKing1199/cppinit
  3. cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/LeonineKing1199/cppinit
  4. go build
  5. Take the compiled binary and add it to a dedicated folder on your system's PATH

To use:

Build an empty project with:

mkdir my-new-project
cd my-new-project
./cppinit -name=my-new-project

=> creates



To purge the current directory,

./cppinit -clean

Note: Inovking cppinit -clean will delete anything in the include/ and test/ directories which means one can lose quite a bit of work. Always make sure cppinit -clean is invoked with caution. And always have backups of anything you care about.

For C++ Beginners

It's a goal of this project to make using C++ for newcomers simple and straight-forward. cppinit's main strength is that it gives users a project with some useful include paths already configured so they can begin coding without mucking about.


Boost installation steps vary wildly from system to system but in most cases, one can simply download the compressed source, decompress it and then use the documentation to build Boost with b2, making sure that one uses the prefix option to create an easy-to-use Boost root folder. Otherwise, the include and library directories will both need to be specified.

Creating Your CMake Toolchain File

One may notice in the above example that a my-new-project.cmake file is generated by cppinit. This is intended to be an empty CMake toolchain file. Toolchain files are easy ways to feed system-specific variables into CMake without polluting the root CMakeLists.txt file which should only be used for system-agnostic requirements of the project.

Sample toolchain file:

# Sample file for Windows users

set(BOOST_ROOT "/Users/cmaza/source/boosts/boost_1_67_0_b1")

# directory that contains our catch.hpp file

Here one can see that we define the BOOST_ROOT to be the directory where we told b2 to install Boost. We also wish to use only the static libraries and then we help CMake find our installation of Catch which was done via vcpkg.

Building and testing your project:

cd my-new-project
mkdir build_Debug
cd build_Debug
cmake \
-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../my-new-project.cmake \
-G Ninja ..
cmake --build .

cppinit ultimately gives the programmer a CMakeLists.txt file that they can now edit and maintain themselves.

The core project is pulled into a "core" lib that is then linked to by the testing binary. It defaults to an INTERFACE library. This needs to be changed if the core library itself becomes non-header-only.

Using the empty project by writing your first test

As a good example of what to do with cppinit, considering building the sample demo files:


#include <numeric>
#include <type_traits>

// we choose to write a constrained templated function
// that will only add integral types
template <
  typename T,
  typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<T>::value>
auto integral_add(T const& a, T const& b) -> T
  return a + b;


#include <vector>
#include <numeric>
#include <boost/hof/lift.hpp>
#include "my-new-project/test/integral_add.hpp"

#include <catch.hpp>

// we want to use our constrained adding function
// but we want to make sure we can also use it in
// higher-order functions
TEST_CASE("do u even lift?")
  // 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 => 3 + 3 + 4 + 5 => 6 + 9 => 15
  auto const input = std::vector<int>{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
  auto const sum   = std::accumulate(
    input.begin(), input.end(),

  REQUIRE(sum == 15);

Then in the CMakeLists.txt file, simply do:



  # all we're doing is simply adding this line to the existing file

Now, assuming we've run CMake once before with the proper toolchain file, all we should need to do now is invoke:

cmake --build .
ctest .

from the command line and this will both build all the tests and then run them.

Expected output:

Test project .../build_debug
    Start 1: my-new-project_tests:do u even lift?
1/1 Test #1: my-new-project_tests:do u even lift? .....   Passed    0.03 sec

100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 1

Label Time Summary:
my-new-project_tests    =   0.03 sec*proc (1 test)

Total Test time (real) =   0.07 sec

For Windows/msvc users, you'll have to do all this from a Developer Command Prompt. Use vcvarsall to configure your specific environment.

In the above example we chose to put the file under our testing directory. This isn't strictly necessary. cppinit sets default include paths that let you include anything from Boost, ./include/ and ./test/include/. We also add a default directory test/include/my-new-project/test/ so that one can also write a coupled set of tests with their library itself. This more done out of convenience than anything else.