
C++ Project manager

MIT License



CPP Project Manager

master (master) devel (devel)

cpppm is a C/C++ build-system/package manager (through conan) that focus on flexibility.

While (most of) other build systems are jailing you into a re-invented scripting language, cpppm is nothing else but a python module that provides you some facilities to build your software. Thus, you can do everything you are able to do with python.

The cpppm API semantics is close to CMake (eg.: link_libraries, compile_options, etc...).

A basic example

Consider following code:

  • main.cpp:
#include <doctest/doctest.h>
#include <fmt/format.h>

TEST_CASE("cpppm loves conan") {
    CHECK(fmt::format("{1} loves {0} !!!", "conan", "cpppm") == "cpppm loves conan !!!");
  • project.py:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from cpppm import Project, main

project = Project('conan_requires')
project.requires = 'fmt/6.1.2', 'doctest/2.3.6'
exe = project.main_executable()
exe.sources = 'src/main.cpp'
exe.link_libraries = 'fmt', 'doctest'

if __name__ == '__main__':

At this point you'll be able to run:

$ ./project.py run conan_requires

# Build output ommitted...

[doctest] doctest version is "2.3.6"
[doctest] run with "--help" for options
[doctest] test cases:      1 |      1 passed |      0 failed |      0 skipped
[doctest] assertions:      1 |      1 passed |      0 failed |
[doctest] Status: SUCCESS!

Check out the examples folder for more use cases.


  • By cloning this repository:
git clone https://github.com/Garcia6l20/cpppm.git
cd cpppm
python setup.py install --user
  • Available on PyPi:
pip install --user cpppm


Default commands can be listed with a regular help request:

$ ./project.py -h
Usage: project.py [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  -v, --verbose             Let me talk about me.
  -o, --out-directory TEXT  Build directory, generated files should go there.
  -d, --debug               Print extra debug information.
  -c, --clean               Remove all stuff before processing the following

  -C, --config TEXT         Config name to use.
  -h, --help                Show this message and exit.

  build        Builds the project.
  config       Project configuration command group.
  install      Installs targets to destination.
  interactive  Interactive python console with loaded project.
  run          Runs the given TARGET with given ARGS.
  shell        Interactive shell (cli commands in shell mode).
  sync         Synchronize conan package recipe (conanfile.py).
  test         Runs the unit tests.
  toolchain    Toolchain command group.

Conan biding

cpppm is tidally coupled to conan and can be used as is to create packages.

When you add requirements to your project a conanfile.py appears side by side with you project.py. It is used to install your dependencies or to allow conan to interact with your project.

The generated conanfile.py might not be edited or it should be automatically re-generated.

So, regular conan process applies directly to your project.

cd examples
conan create .
conan upload cpppm-examples -r my_repo

User of your generated package should be able to use it with all build-systems handled by conan and obviously with cpppm (see test_package).


An interactive shell mode is provided with click-shell. To enable interactive shell, install cpppm interactive mode:

$ python -m pip install cpppm[interactive]

Then enter interactive shell:

$ ./project.py shell
Entering cpppm-examples shell...
cpppm-examples $ help
Documented commands (type help <topic>):
build   install               interactive  shell  test     
config  install-requirements  run          sync   toolchain

Undocumented commands:
exit  help  quit

cpppm-examples $ build
[... some output omitted ...]
INFO:cpppm.UnixCompiler(gcc-11-x86_64):building Executable[events]
INFO:cpppm.UnixCompiler(gcc-11-x86_64):compiling main.o (Executable[events])
INFO:cpppm.UnixCompiler(gcc-11-x86_64):linking events
cpppm-examples $ run hello-cpppm
Source directory: /home/sylvain/projects/cpppm/examples
Build directory: /home/sylvain/projects/cpppm/examples/build/gcc-11-x86_64-Release
Project: cpppm-examples
INFO:cpppm.UnixCompiler(gcc-11-x86_64):using ccache
INFO:cpppm.UnixCompiler(gcc-11-x86_64):building Executable[hello-cpppm]
INFO:cpppm.UnixCompiler(gcc-11-x86_64):object /home/sylvain/projects/cpppm/examples/build/gcc-11-x86_64-Release/hello_cpppm/main.o is up-to-date
INFO:cpppm.UnixCompiler(gcc-11-x86_64):using ccache
INFO:cpppm.UnixCompiler(gcc-11-x86_64):building Executable[hello-cpppm]
INFO:cpppm.UnixCompiler(gcc-11-x86_64):object /home/sylvain/projects/cpppm/examples/build/gcc-11-x86_64-Release/hello_cpppm/main.o is up-to-date
Hello cpppm
cpppm-examples $ quit

Interactive console

An interactive console mode is provided with IPython, but not installed automatically. To enable interactive console, install cpppm interactive mode:

$ python -m pip install cpppm[interactive]

Then enter interactive console:

$ ./project.py interactive
Python 3.8.5 (default, Jul 28 2020, 12:59:40) 
Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information
IPython 7.19.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.

In [1]: await project.get_target('hello-cpppm').run('world')
INFO:cpppm.UnixCompiler(gcc-11-x86_64):using ccache
INFO:cpppm.UnixCompiler(gcc-11-x86_64):building Executable[hello-cpppm]
INFO:cpppm.UnixCompiler(gcc-11-x86_64):object /home/sylvain/projects/cpppm/examples/build/gcc-11-x86_64-Release/hello_cpppm/main.o is up-to-date
Hello world
Out[1]: (0, None, b'')

In [2]:


  • CMakeLists.txt generation (no more using CMake)
  • Project compilation
  • Build events (useless), generators (will probably be moved into generic Targets)
  • Conan package dependencies management
  • Executables invocation (automatically added to cli interface)
  • Customizable (you can do anything you can do with python)
  • Cli customization (cou can add any @cpppm.cli.command that you want to add, see click)
  • Unit testing (basic support)
  • Conan package generation


Would be appreciated, no contribution guide, just PEP-8 codding style and smart codding, fork/PR.

Package Rankings
Top 31.5% on Pypi.org