
Scalable Probabilistic Programming Library

GPL-3.0 License


CPProb: Scalable Probabilistic Programming Build Status


CPProb is a probabilistic programming library specially designed to perform fast black-box Bayesian inference on probabilistic models written in arbitrary C++14.

CPProb provides with an easy way to perform Bayesian inference on pre-existing C++ codebases, making no restrictions on the features that can be used at a language level. One of the main problems of modern probabilistic programming is the means by which it has to be performed. Either one can choose to perform it using domain specific languages (DSL), or python-based variational libraries. In both cases, one has to rewrite their model in the DSL of choice, or in Python. This is not a satisfactory solution when the model that one has in hand is longer than a few thousand lines of code.

The main goals of CPProb are

  1. Efficiency: You don't pay for what you don't use
  2. Scalability: It should be easy to use in existing C++ models
  3. Flexibility: You should be able to extend it according to your needs.

A model in CPProb is nothing but a C++ function that takes the observations as arguments and simulates the model via the use of sample and observe statements. CPProb provides a third basic statement, predict, which is used to determine the latent variables from which one wants to compute their posterior marginal distribution.

As a "hello world" in Bayesian inference, we provide here a conjugate-Gaussian model given by the equations

and we are interested in computing the posterior distribution

These ideas are translated into the following model:

// File: "models/gaussian.cpp"
#include <boost/random/normal_distribution.hpp>
#include "cpprob/cpprob.hpp"

namespace models {
void gaussian_unknown_mean(const double x1, const double x2)
    constexpr double mu0 = 1, sigma0 = 1.5, sigma = 2;      // Hyperparameters

    boost::normal_distribution<> prior {mu0, sigma0};
    const double mu = cpprob::sample(prior, true);
    boost::normal_distribution<> likelihood {mu, sigma};

    cpprob::observe(likelihood, x1);
    cpprob::observe(likelihood, x2);
    cpprob::predict(mu, "Mean");

As an example of the ease of integration of CPProb, here we are using the custom distributions present in the Boost libraries as the sampling and observation distributions. Extending the library in order to use user-defined distributions doesn't take more than a few lines of code.

Building CPProb

In order to build CPProb you will need CMake and a C++14 compiler. It is being tested with the following compilers:

Compiler Version
GCC >= 6
Clang >= 3.8

CPProb depends on the following libraries:

Optionally, in order to perform Inference Compilation, we will also need

The Flatbuffers and ZeroMQ dependencies are handled automatically and can be installed locally. To do so just run

(cd dependencies && ./install.sh)

To set-up and build the project, the process is standard:

mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="${PWD}/../dependencies/install"   # Configure the project
cmake --build .                                                 # Build

Probabilistic models

As we saw in the introduction, a probabilistic model is nothing but a callable object such that takes the observations as parameters and uses the statements sample, observe and predict. The only requirement for the model is that the model (or at least the entry-point in the case that there it is composed by several functions) it has to be in the namespace models.

Examples of models can be found in the file include/models/models.hpp with some all-time classics like a Hidden Markov Models (HMM) or Gaussian Linear Models.

Performing Sequential Importance Sampling (SIS)

The most simple inference algorithm to set up is importance sampling. This algorithm is most suitable for small models that could be approximated with a few million particles. If the model is not very computationally expensive, Importance Sampling can be used to generate lots of particles and get very quick approximate results.

Let's explain how to set-up a simple SIS inference engine on the model that we presented in the introduction. Suppose that we want to do inference on this model with the values x1 = 3, x2 = 4 with '10.000' particles.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include "models/gaussian.hpp"
#include "cpprob/cpprob.hpp"
#include "cpprob/postprocess/stats_printer.hpp"

int main () {
    const auto observes = std::make_tuple(3., 4.);
    const auto samples = 10'000;
    const std::string outfile = "posterior_sis";
    cpprob::inference(cpprob::StateType::sis, &models::gaussian_unknown_mean, observes, samples, outfile);
    std::cout << cpprob::StatsPrinter{outfile} << std::endl;

After execution, this script outputs on the console an estimation of the mean and the variance of the posterior distribution for Mu. In this example the true posterior has mean 2.32353 and variance 1.05882. The post-processing module helps us parsing and computing the estimators, but we also have access to the generated particles ourselves which, in this case, have be been saved in the file posterior_sis. This file has the format ([(address, value)] log_weight). The file posterior_sis.ids contains the different ids of the different addresses. In this case we just have one address (address 0) with id "Mu".

Performing Inference Compilation (CSIS)

This inference algorithm aims to provide escalable inference in large-scale models, like those where the prior distribution is given by a large simulator. Compilation is slow, given that it has to train a neural network, but after that we have a compiled neural network that can be used to perform fast inference on these models.

Inference Compilation is composed of two steps, as the name says, Inference and Compilation, although not in that order.

The first one, Compilation, consists on training a neural network, in order to perform fast inference afterwards.

To set-up everything up we need to make use of the neural network provided in the folder infcomp. This neural network, writen in pytorch, depends on ZeroMQ and Flatbuffers to communicate with CPProb. We will build it with Docker using the provided Dockerfile. To build it we just have to execute

docker build -t neuralnet .

Now, with a similar script as the first one, we are ready to train the neural network on our Gaussian model

// File: main_csis.cpp
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include "models/gaussian.hpp"
#include "cpprob/cpprob.hpp"
#include "cpprob/postprocess/stats_printer.hpp"

int main (int argc, char* argv[]) {
    if (argc != 2) { std::cout << "No arguments provided.\n"; return 1; }
    if (argv[1] == std::string("compile")) {
    else if (argv[1] == std::string("infer")) {
        const auto observes = std::make_tuple(3., 4.);
        const auto samples  = 100;
        const auto outfile  = std::string("posterior_csis");
        cpprob::inference(cpprob::StateType::csis, &models::gaussian_unknown_mean, observes, samples, outfile);
        std::cout << cpprob::StatsPrinter{outfile} << std::endl;

We are just missing a folder, to save the trained neural network, suppose that it's called workspace, then we can start execute the neural net for compilation and inference respectively with

mkdir workspace
// Compilation. run first CPProb
./main_csis compile
docker run --rm -it -v $PWD/workspace:/workspace --net=host neuralnet python3 -m main --mode compile --dir /workspace

// Inference. Run first the Neural Network
docker run --rm -it -v $PWD/workspace:/workspace --net=host neuralnet python3 -m main --mode infer --dir /workspace
./main_csis infer

Note: The neural network can be executed in one or several GPUs using nvidia-docker.

Note: Since we have not specified on the CPProb side the number of traces that we want to use for training, the way to finish the training is just by killing the neuralnet job. It is of course possible to specify the number of training examples to use as an optional argument passed to cpprob::compile.

Automatic Model Testing

Writing our own main file whenever we want to test a model might be instructive the first few times, but it becomes tedious rather quickly. For this reason, re provide a console interface in (./src/main.cpp) that helps automatising the process of using the diferent inference algorithms on different models.

The only requisites to use it are to include our model in the main.cpp file, link against our model using the CMakeLists.txt file, adding the option with a name and a pointer to our model into the models variable in the main() function and adding the corresponding if/else switch below.

After this, we will have access to many different configuration options by default. For example, compiling and executing CSIS on the CPProb side (the neural net still needs to be executed manually) is as easy as calling

./main --compile --model my_model
./main --sis --csis --estimate --model my_model --n_samples 100 --observes "3 4"

where we are executing both SIS and CSIS inference with 100 particles each and observations x1 = 3 and x2 = 4.


An in-depth explanation of CPProb's design can be found here:

    author    = "Mario Lezcano Casado",
    title     = "Compiled Inference with Probabilistic Programming for Large-Scale Scientific Simulations",
    school    = "University of Oxford",
    year      = "2017"

A large-scale application of CPProb:

  title={Improvements to Inference Compilation for Probabilistic Programming in Large-Scale Scientific Simulators},
  author={Lezcano Casado, Mario and Baydin, Atilim Gunes and Mart{\'\i}nez Rubio, David and Le, Tuan Anh and Wood, Frank and Heinrich, Lukas and Louppe, Gilles and Cranmer, Kyle and Ng, Karen and Bhimji, Wahid and Prabhat},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1712.07901},


Please see LICENSE.