
Deformation Loop Closure sample code to enable non-rigid alignment of point clouds


DeformationLoopClosure #Embedded Shape Deformation

Deformation Loop Closure sample code to enable non-rigid alignment of point clouds.


CVD TooN Eigen3 CSparse PCL


If you feel this code was useful please cite the following papers

SynthCam3D: Semantic Understanding With Synthetic Indoor Scenes Ankur Handa, Viorica Patraucean, Vijay Badrinarayanan, Simon Stent, Roberto Cipolla, arXiv:1505.00171

This work builds upon the ideas from

Embedded Deformation for Shape Manipulation: Robert W. Sumner, Johannes Schmid and Mark Pauly, SIGGRAPH 2007

ElasticFusion: Dense SLAM Without A Pose Graph: Thomas Whelan, Stefan Leutenegger, Renato F. Salas-Moreno, Ben Glocker, and Andrew J. Davison, RSS 2015

Various jacobians used in the code are derived in this document which might of some interest:

Primary Contact: [email protected]

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