
Mirror of DjVu viewer djview git repo on sourceforge, with Debian packaging branches

GPL-2.0 License



1.1 - DJVIEW4

This package contains the djview4 viewer and browser plugin. This new viewer relies on the DjVulibre library and the Qt toolkit.


  • entirely based on the public djvulibre api.
  • entirely written in portable Qt4/Qt5.
  • works natively under Unix/X11, MS Windows, and MacOS X.
  • continuous scrolling of pages
  • side-by-side display of pages
  • ability to specify a url to the djview command
  • all plugin and cgi options available from the command line
  • all silly annotations implemented
  • display thumbnails as a grid
  • display outlines
  • page names supported (see djvused command set-page-title)
  • metadata dialog (see djvused command set-meta)
  • implemented as reusable Qt widgets


  • DjVuLibre >= 3.5.18
  • Qt >= 4.4


WARNING: USING DJVIEW AS A PLUGIN IN 2020 IS VERY DIFFICULT BECAUSE POPULAR BROWSERS EITHER DO NOT SUPPORT NETSCAPE PLUGINS (CHROME), OR REMOVED SUPPORT FOR NETSCAPE PLUGINS OTHER THAN FLASH (FIREFOX). We regret this decision because djview/nsdejavu is a perfect example of very well behaved plugin that would have been easy to support.

Under Unix/X11, djview4 can be used as a browser plugin by means of the small shared library named The djview3 distributed with djvulibre uses the same approach.

In fact both djview3 and djview4 communicate with with the same protocol. You can either install the file that comes with djview3 or the one that comes with djview4. The file uses the viewer specified with the environment variable NPX_DJVIEW or searches an executable viewer named djview, djview4 or djview3.



You need DjVuLibre (>= 3.5.18) See for the source code and for pointers to binary packages. Under debian type "apt-get install libdjvulibre-dev"

You need Qt4 (>= 4.4.0) or QT5 (tested with 5.2) See for the source code. Select the version of Qt adapted to your platform. Under debian type "apt-get install libqt4-dev qt4-dev-tools

Under Unix the configure script uses pkg-config to locate the DjVuLibre library and its ancillary files. See If you do not have pkg-config, you will have to specify which compilation options using the variabled DDJVUAPI_CFLAGS and DDJVUAPI_LIBS.


First run the script 'configure' (or '' as explained above) to generate the makefiles.

Note that there will be no configure file if you obtain the djvulibre source using git clone. Instead there is a script '' that uses automake to generate and call the actual configure script. Since all arguments will be passed to configure, you can simply treat as a replacement for configure.

Command 'configure --help' list options and environment variables that affect the generation of makefile. The most useful ones are:

--prefix= Indicate the base directory for installing djview. The default prefix is /usr/local. Binary packages are usually compiled with prefix /usr.

--mandir= Indicates where the man pages go. The default is ${prefix}/man but many systems prefer to install man pages in ${prefix}/share/man.

PKG_CONFIG_PATH= Indicates the path for search pkg-config description files. The default path is /usr/lib/pkgconfig:/usr/share/pkgconfig. If you have installed DjVuLibre with a prefix different from /usr, you probably want to add ${prefix}/lib/pkgconfig to this path.

DDJVUAPI_CFLAGS= Compiler flags for using the DjVuLibre api. This is useful when you do not have pkg-config or when pkg-config does not locate DjVuLibre.

DDJVUAPI_LIBS= Linker flags for using the DjVuLibre api. This is useful when you do not have pkg-config or when pkg-config does not locate DjVuLibre.

QMAKE= Indicate the location of the Qt4 qmake executable. This is useful when configure cannot locate Qt4.

Running configure creates all the required makefiles and executes command qmake in directory src.

You can then compile djview4 with command % make

Once the compilation is successful, install the binaries with % make install


In general you can compile the standalone viewer djview4 on non unix platforms. However the browser plugin capability is currently not working on non X11 systems.

We recommend the following procedure to compile on the Mac.

  1. Install the Qt 5.x SDK.

  2. Install Homebrew with the following packages $ brew install autoconf automake libtool pkg-config $ brew install jpeg libtiff git

  3. Install the djvulibre Homebrew package $ brew install djvulibre

    Advanced: If you want to compile a fresh version of djvulibre, you can use the instructions found in the djvulibre tarball. An interesting alternative is to install the current djvulibre development version using the Homebrew command, $ brew install --HEAD djvulibre but you might find that the brew recipe is out of date.

  4. Get the djview source from the git repository $ git clone git:// djvulibre-djview $ cd djvulibre-djview Configure with command $ ./ --enable-mac QMAKE= Then compile with command $ make

  5. Prepare the bundle and the dmg file $ cd mac $ ./ $ ./


In general you can compile the standalone viewer djview4 on non unix platforms. However the browser plugin capability is currently not working on non X11 systems. You will need to compile DjVuLibre. You will need the appropriate version of Qt.

There are also two ways to compile djview under Windows.

  • Using Visual C++

    • First you need to install Qt5 binaries compatible
      with your compiler. Sometimes this means
      compiling Qt yourself.
    • Type command
      $ qmake -win32 -tp vc
      to generate a MS Visual C++ project file.
    • Tweak the project file to properly link with
      the djvulibre library and the tiff library.
      One good way to do so is to open the file "djvulibre.sln"
      that comes with the cvs version of djvulibre. Then add the
      project "djview.vcproj" and insert the property sheets
      "dirs", "warnings", "libtiff" and "tools" found in the
      djvulibre-3.5/win32/djvulibre directory. You also need
      to add the references to libdjvulibre and libtiff.
      This works well despite requiring a lot of clicks.
  • Using the MINGW compiler (not recommended)

    • Install the binary version of Qt4.
    • Install the mingw version of zlib, libtiff, libjpeg.
    • Compile djvulibre using the configure method.
    • Go to directory djview4/src.
    • Type command
      $ qmake DEFINES+=HAVE_TIFF
      LIBS+="-L$HOME/djvulibre-3.5/libdjvu/.libs -ldjvulibre -ltiff"
      where you replace the paths by the actual djvulibre paths.
    • Then compile using
      $ mingw32-make SHELL=cmd.exe