
A C++ header-only for data transfer between linear algebra libraries (Eigen, Armadillo, OpenCV, ArrayFire, LibTorch).

MIT License


Data Transfer Tools for C++ Linear Algebra Libraries.

DTT is a header-only library that provides data transfer tools between C++ linear algebra libraries. Currently, it supports data transfer between the following libraries:

  • Eigen (>=3.3.x)
  • Armadillo (>=9.x)
  • OpenCV (cv::Mat) (2.x, 3.x, 4.x)
  • ArrayFire (>=3.x)
  • LibTorch (PyTorch C++) (>=1.x)

Current status:

Last page update: 25/08/2019

From/To Eigen Armadillo OpenCV ArrayFire LibTorch
Eigen - X X X X
Armadillo X - X X X
OpenCV X X - X X
ArrayFire X X X - X
LibTorch X X X X -

Tested on:

  • MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2017)
  • Mac OS X Mojave (10.14.5), Clang 10 (clang-1000.11.45.5), Xcode 10.1 with the following libraries:
    • OpenCV 4.1.1 (stable, built from source)
    • Eigen 3.3.7 (stable)
    • Armadillo 9.600.5 (stable)
    • ArrayFire 3.6.4 (stable)
    • LibTorch (1.3.0.dev20190820)

Install dependencies:

brew install eigen
brew install armadillo
# download and install ArrayFire: https://arrayfire.com/download/
# download and install LibTorch: https://pytorch.org/get-started/locally/
# download adn install OpenCV: https://opencv.org/releases/

How to compile and run:

git clone https://github.com/andrewssobral/dtt.git
cd dtt && mkdir build && cd build

How to use:

#include <dtt.h>
using namespace dtt;
// that's all!

List of available functions:

  • From Eigen:

    • eigen2arma
    • eigen2cv
    • eigen2af
    • eigen2libtorch
  • From Armadillo:

    • arma2eigen
    • arma2cv
    • arma2af
    • arma2libtorch
  • From OpenCV:

    • cv2eigen
    • cv2arma
    • cv2af
    • cv2libtorch
  • From ArrayFire:

    • af2eigen
    • af2arma
    • af2cv
    • af2libtorch
  • From LibTorch:

    • libtorch2eigen
    • libtorch2arma
    • libtorch2cv
    • libtorch2af

See test/dtt_test.h and test/dtt_test.cpp for usage examples.

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