
My own text editor


#My own text editor

This is just a little project of mine to create a terminal text editor, somewhat like the widely known Vim.

It's still a work-in-progress, but at the moment it is, at least in principle, already capable of all basic editing tasks.

##Currently supported commands

Warning: list might be outdated.

  • : evaluate editor command (:quit, :write, :wq, :qall, :tab[npN], :edit, and some more)
  • h go left
  • l go right
  • j go down
  • k go up
  • { go one paragraph back
  • } go one paragraph forward
  • w move to next beginning of a word
  • b move to previous beginning of a word
  • gg move to top of file
  • G move to end of file
  • 0 move all the way to the left
  • ^ move all the way to the left, but staying right of indentation
  • + go forwards a line
  • _ go forwards repcount-1 lines
  • - go backwards a line
  • % go to repcount% in the file (see below)
  • $ end of line
  • i insert mode
  • a append insert mode
  • I equivalent to ^ i
  • A equivalent to $ a
  • o insert mode on new line after current line
  • O insert mode on new line before current line
  • f find the next character you type in the line
  • F f, but then backwards
  • t f, but then end right before that char
  • T t, but then backwards
  • C change till end of line
  • D delete till end of line

Often, when you type a number before a command, that command will be executed so many times. This number is called the repcount.